
class devices.dynapse.DynapSimCore(Iw_0: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1e-09, Iw_1: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2e-09, Iw_2: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 4e-09, Iw_3: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8e-09, C_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 4e-11, C_ampa: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.45e-11, C_gaba: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.5e-11, C_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.5e-11, C_pulse_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, C_pulse: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, C_ref: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1.5e-12, C_shunt: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.45e-11, C_mem: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 3e-12, Io: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, kappa_n: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.75, kappa_p: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.66, Ut: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.025, Vth: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.7, Idc: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, If_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, Igain_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.8368794326241126e-11, Igain_ampa: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.687943262411346e-09, Igain_gaba: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.865248226950353e-09, Igain_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.865248226950353e-09, Igain_shunt: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.687943262411346e-09, Igain_mem: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.1276595744680848e-11, Ipulse_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 3.5e-07, Ipulse: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 3.4999999999999996e-08, Iref: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1.0499999999999999e-09, Ispkthr: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1e-07, Itau_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.8368794326241126e-11, Itau_ampa: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.687943262411346e-11, Itau_gaba: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.865248226950353e-11, Itau_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.865248226950353e-11, Itau_shunt: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.687943262411346e-11, Itau_mem: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5.319148936170212e-12, Iw_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13)[source]

Bases: DynapSimCurrents, DynapSimLayout, DynapSimWeightBits

DynapSimCore stores the simulation currents and manages the conversion from configuration objects. It also provides easy update mechanisms using coarse&fine values, high-level parameter representations and etc.

Device -> Simulation current (pseudo-code)
simcore = DynapSimCore.from_Dynapse2Core(config.chips[0].cores[0])
Itau_ampa = simcore.Itau_ampa

Attributes overview


AHP synapse capacitance in Farads


AMPA synapse capacitance in Farads


GABA synapse capacitance in Farads


neuron membrane capacitance in Farads


NMDA synapse capacitance in Farads


pulse-width creation sub-circuit capacitance in Farads


spike frequency adaptation circuit pulse-width creation sub-circuit capacitance in Farads


refractory period sub-circuit capacitance in Farads


SHUNT synapse capacitance in Farads


Constant DC current injected to membrane in Amperes


NMDA gate soft cut-off current setting the NMDA gating voltage in Amperes


gain bias current of the spike frequency adaptation block in Amperes


gain bias current of excitatory AMPA synapse in Amperes


gain bias current of inhibitory GABA synapse in Amperes


gain bias current for neuron membrane in Amperes


gain bias current of excitatory NMDA synapse in Amperes


gain bias current of the inhibitory SHUNT synapse in Amperes


Dark current in Amperes that flows through the transistors even at the idle state


bias current setting the pulse width for neuron membrane t_pulse in Amperes


bias current setting the pulse width for spike frequency adaptation block t_pulse_ahp in Amperes


bias current setting the refractory period t_ref in Amperes


spiking threshold current, neuron spikes if \(I_{mem} > I_{spkthr}\) in Amperes


Spike frequency adaptation leakage current setting the time constant tau_ahp in Amperes


AMPA synapse leakage current setting the time constant tau_ampa in Amperes


GABA synapse leakage current setting the time constant tau_gaba in Amperes


Neuron membrane leakage current setting the time constant tau_mem in Amperes


NMDA synapse leakage current setting the time constant tau_nmda in Amperes


SHUNT synapse leakage current setting the time constant tau_shunt in Amperes


Weight bits stacked together


weight bit 0 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes


weight bit 1 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes


weight bit 2 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes


weight bit 3 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes


spike frequency adaptation weight current of the neurons of the core in Amperes


Thermal voltage in Volts


The cut-off Vgs potential of the transistors in Volts (not type specific)


currents returns a subset of object which belongs to DynapSimCurrents


Igain_ahp, Igain_ampa, Igain_gaba, Igain_nmda, Igain_shunt, Igain_mem


Subthreshold slope factor (n-type transistor)


Subthreshold slope factor (p-type transistor)


layout returns a subset of object which belongs to DynapSimLayout


time creates the high level time constants set by currents Ipulse_ahp, Ipulse, Iref, Itau_ahp, Itau_ampa, Itau_gaba, Itau_nmda, Itau_shunt, Itau_mem


weight_bits returns a subset of object which belongs to DynapSimWeightBits

Methods overview

__init__([Iw_0, Iw_1, Iw_2, Iw_3, C_ahp, ...])

compare(core1, core2)

compare compares two DynapSimCore objects detects the different values set


export_Dynapse2Parameters converts all current values to their coarse-fine value representations for device configuration


from_Dynapse2Core is a class factory method which uses samna configuration objects to extract the simulation currents

from_specification([Idc, If_nmda, ...])

from_specification is a class factory method helping DynapSimCore object construction using higher level representaitons of the currents like gain ratio or time constant whenever applicable.


get_full creates a dictionary with respect to the object, with arrays of current values

update(attr, value)

update_current updates an attribute and returns a new object, does not change the original object.

update_gain_ratio(attr, value)

update_gain_ratio updates currents setting gain ratio (Igain/Itau) attributes

update_time_constant(attr, value)

update_time_constant updates currents setting time constant attributes

C_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 4e-11

AHP synapse capacitance in Farads

C_ampa: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.45e-11

AMPA synapse capacitance in Farads

C_gaba: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.5e-11

GABA synapse capacitance in Farads

C_mem: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 3e-12

neuron membrane capacitance in Farads

C_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.5e-11

NMDA synapse capacitance in Farads

C_pulse: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13

pulse-width creation sub-circuit capacitance in Farads

C_pulse_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13

spike frequency adaptation circuit pulse-width creation sub-circuit capacitance in Farads

C_ref: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1.5e-12

refractory period sub-circuit capacitance in Farads

C_shunt: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.45e-11

SHUNT synapse capacitance in Farads

Idc: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13

Constant DC current injected to membrane in Amperes

If_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13

NMDA gate soft cut-off current setting the NMDA gating voltage in Amperes

Igain_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.8368794326241126e-11

gain bias current of the spike frequency adaptation block in Amperes

Igain_ampa: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.687943262411346e-09

gain bias current of excitatory AMPA synapse in Amperes

Igain_gaba: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.865248226950353e-09

gain bias current of inhibitory GABA synapse in Amperes

Igain_mem: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.1276595744680848e-11

gain bias current for neuron membrane in Amperes

Igain_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.865248226950353e-09

gain bias current of excitatory NMDA synapse in Amperes

Igain_shunt: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.687943262411346e-09

gain bias current of the inhibitory SHUNT synapse in Amperes

Io: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13

Dark current in Amperes that flows through the transistors even at the idle state

Ipulse: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 3.4999999999999996e-08

bias current setting the pulse width for neuron membrane t_pulse in Amperes

Ipulse_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 3.5e-07

bias current setting the pulse width for spike frequency adaptation block t_pulse_ahp in Amperes

Iref: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1.0499999999999999e-09

bias current setting the refractory period t_ref in Amperes

Ispkthr: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1e-07

spiking threshold current, neuron spikes if \(I_{mem} > I_{spkthr}\) in Amperes

Itau_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.8368794326241126e-11

Spike frequency adaptation leakage current setting the time constant tau_ahp in Amperes

Itau_ampa: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.687943262411346e-11

AMPA synapse leakage current setting the time constant tau_ampa in Amperes

Itau_gaba: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.865248226950353e-11

GABA synapse leakage current setting the time constant tau_gaba in Amperes

Itau_mem: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5.319148936170212e-12

Neuron membrane leakage current setting the time constant tau_mem in Amperes

Itau_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.865248226950353e-11

NMDA synapse leakage current setting the time constant tau_nmda in Amperes

Itau_shunt: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.687943262411346e-11

SHUNT synapse leakage current setting the time constant tau_shunt in Amperes

property Iw: ndarray

Weight bits stacked together

Iw_0: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1e-09

weight bit 0 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes

Iw_1: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2e-09

weight bit 1 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes

Iw_2: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 4e-09

weight bit 2 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes

Iw_3: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8e-09

weight bit 3 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes

Iw_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13

spike frequency adaptation weight current of the neurons of the core in Amperes

Ut: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.025

Thermal voltage in Volts

Vth: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.7

The cut-off Vgs potential of the transistors in Volts (not type specific)

__init__(Iw_0: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1e-09, Iw_1: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2e-09, Iw_2: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 4e-09, Iw_3: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8e-09, C_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 4e-11, C_ampa: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.45e-11, C_gaba: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.5e-11, C_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.5e-11, C_pulse_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, C_pulse: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, C_ref: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1.5e-12, C_shunt: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.45e-11, C_mem: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 3e-12, Io: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, kappa_n: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.75, kappa_p: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.66, Ut: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.025, Vth: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.7, Idc: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, If_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, Igain_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.8368794326241126e-11, Igain_ampa: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.687943262411346e-09, Igain_gaba: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.865248226950353e-09, Igain_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.865248226950353e-09, Igain_shunt: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.687943262411346e-09, Igain_mem: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.1276595744680848e-11, Ipulse_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 3.5e-07, Ipulse: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 3.4999999999999996e-08, Iref: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1.0499999999999999e-09, Ispkthr: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1e-07, Itau_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.8368794326241126e-11, Itau_ampa: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.687943262411346e-11, Itau_gaba: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.865248226950353e-11, Itau_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.865248226950353e-11, Itau_shunt: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8.687943262411346e-11, Itau_mem: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5.319148936170212e-12, Iw_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13) None
__update_high_level(obj: DynapSimCoreHigh, attr_getter: Callable[[str], Any], attr: str, value: Any) DynapSimCore

__update_high_level updates high level representations of the current values like time constants and gain ratios. The current values are updated accordingly without changing the original object.

  • obj (DynapSimCoreHigh) – the high level object that stores the projections of the current values

  • attr_getter (Callable[[str], Any]) – a function to get the high level attribute from the high level object

  • attr (str) – any attribute that belongs to any DynapSimCoreHigh object

  • value (Any) – the new value to set


updated DynapSimCore object

Return type:


static compare(core1: DynapSimCore, core2: DynapSimCore) Dict[str, Tuple[Any]][source]

compare compares two DynapSimCore objects detects the different values set

  • core1 (DynapSimCore) – the first core object

  • core2 (DynapSimCore) – the second core object to compare against the first one


a dictionary of changed values

Return type:

Dict[str, Tuple[Any]]

property currents: DynapSimCurrents

currents returns a subset of object which belongs to DynapSimCurrents

export_Dynapse2Parameters() Dict[str, Tuple[uint8, uint8]][source]

export_Dynapse2Parameters converts all current values to their coarse-fine value representations for device configuration


a dictionary of mapping between parameter names and respective coarse-fine values

Return type:

Dict[str, Tuple[np.uint8, np.uint8]]

classmethod from_Dynapse2Core(core: Dynapse2Core) DynapSimCore[source]

from_Dynapse2Core is a class factory method which uses samna configuration objects to extract the simulation currents


a dynapse core simulation object whose parameters are imported from a samna configuration object

Return type:


classmethod from_specification(Idc: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, If_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, r_gain_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1, r_gain_ampa: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 100, r_gain_gaba: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 100, r_gain_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 100, r_gain_shunt: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 100, r_gain_mem: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 4, t_pulse_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1e-06, t_pulse: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1e-05, t_ref: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.001, Ispkthr: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1e-07, tau_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.05, tau_ampa: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.01, tau_gaba: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.01, tau_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.01, tau_shunt: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.01, tau_mem: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.02, Iw_0: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1e-09, Iw_1: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2e-09, Iw_2: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 4e-09, Iw_3: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 8e-09, Iw_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, C_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 4e-11, C_ampa: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.45e-11, C_gaba: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.5e-11, C_nmda: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.5e-11, C_pulse_ahp: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, C_pulse: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, C_ref: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 1.5e-12, C_shunt: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 2.45e-11, C_mem: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 3e-12, Io: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 5e-13, kappa_n: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.75, kappa_p: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.66, Ut: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.025, Vth: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.7) DynapSimCore[source]

from_specification is a class factory method helping DynapSimCore object construction using higher level representaitons of the currents like gain ratio or time constant whenever applicable.

  • Idc (FloatVector, optional) – Constant DC current injected to membrane in Amperes, defaults to default_currents[“Idc”]

  • If_nmda (FloatVector, optional) – NMDA gate soft cut-off current setting the NMDA gating voltage in Amperes, defaults to default_currents[“If_nmda”]

  • r_gain_ahp (FloatVector, optional) – spike frequency adaptation block gain ratio, defaults to default_gain_ratios[“r_gain_ahp”]

  • r_gain_ampa (FloatVector, optional) – xcitatory AMPA synpse gain ratio, defaults to default_gain_ratios[“r_gain_ampa”]

  • r_gain_gaba (FloatVector, optional) – inhibitory GABA synpse gain ratio, defaults to default_gain_ratios[“r_gain_gaba”]

  • r_gain_nmda (FloatVector, optional) – excitatory NMDA synpse gain ratio, defaults to default_gain_ratios[“r_gain_nmda”]

  • r_gain_shunt (FloatVector, optional) – inhibitory SHUNT synpse gain ratio, defaults to default_gain_ratios[“r_gain_shunt”]

  • r_gain_mem (FloatVector, optional) – neuron membrane gain ratio, defaults to default_gain_ratios[“r_gain_mem”]

  • t_pulse_ahp (FloatVector, optional) – the spike pulse width for spike frequency adaptation circuit in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants[“t_pulse_ahp”]

  • t_pulse (FloatVector, optional) – the spike pulse width for neuron membrane in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants[“t_pulse”]

  • t_ref (FloatVector, optional) – refractory period of the neurons in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants[“t_ref”]

  • Ispkthr (FloatVector, optional) – spiking threshold current, neuron spikes if \(I_{mem} > I_{spkthr}\) in Amperes, defaults to default_currents[“Ispkthr”]

  • tau_ahp (FloatVector, optional) – Spike frequency leakage time constant in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants[“tau_ahp”]

  • tau_ampa (FloatVector, optional) – AMPA synapse leakage time constant in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants[“tau_ampa”]

  • tau_gaba (FloatVector, optional) – GABA synapse leakage time constant in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants[“tau_gaba”]

  • tau_nmda (FloatVector, optional) – NMDA synapse leakage time constant in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants[“tau_nmda”]

  • tau_shunt (FloatVector, optional) – SHUNT synapse leakage time constant in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants[“tau_shunt”]

  • tau_mem (FloatVector, optional) – Neuron membrane leakage time constant in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants[“tau_mem”]

  • Iw_0 (FloatVector, optional) – weight bit 0 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes, defaults to default_weights[“Iw_0”]

  • Iw_1 (FloatVector, optional) – weight bit 1 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes, defaults to default_weights[“Iw_1”]

  • Iw_2 (FloatVector, optional) – weight bit 2 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes, defaults to default_weights[“Iw_2”]

  • Iw_3 (FloatVector, optional) – weight bit 3 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes, defaults to default_weights[“Iw_3”]

  • Iw_ahp (FloatVector, optional) – spike frequency adaptation weight current of the neurons of the core in Amperes, defaults to default_currents[“Iw_ahp”]

  • C_ahp (FloatVector, optional) – AHP synapse capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout[“C_ahp”]

  • C_ampa (FloatVector, optional) – AMPA synapse capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout[“C_ampa”]

  • C_gaba (FloatVector, optional) – GABA synapse capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout[“C_gaba”]

  • C_nmda (FloatVector, optional) – NMDA synapse capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout[“C_nmda”]

  • C_pulse_ahp (FloatVector, optional) – spike frequency adaptation circuit pulse-width creation sub-circuit capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout[“C_pulse_ahp”]

  • C_pulse (FloatVector, optional) – pulse-width creation sub-circuit capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout[“C_pulse”]

  • C_ref (FloatVector, optional) – refractory period sub-circuit capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout[“C_ref”]

  • C_shunt (FloatVector, optional) – SHUNT synapse capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout[“C_shunt”]

  • C_mem (FloatVector, optional) – neuron membrane capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout[“C_mem”]

  • Io (FloatVector, optional) – Dark current in Amperes that flows through the transistors even at the idle state, defaults to default_layout[“Io”]

  • kappa_n (FloatVector, optional) – Subthreshold slope factor (n-type transistor), defaults to default_layout[“kappa_n”]

  • kappa_p (FloatVector, optional) – Subthreshold slope factor (p-type transistor), defaults to default_layout[“kappa_p”]

  • Ut (FloatVector, optional) – Thermal voltage in Volts, defaults to default_layout[“Ut”]

  • Vth (FloatVector, optional) – The cut-off Vgs potential of the transistors in Volts (not type specific), defaults to default_layout[“Vth”]


DynapSimCore object instance

Return type:


property gain: DynapSimGain

Igain_ahp, Igain_ampa, Igain_gaba, Igain_nmda, Igain_shunt, Igain_mem


gain creates the high level gain ratios set by currents

get_full(size: int) Dict[str, ndarray]

get_full creates a dictionary with respect to the object, with arrays of current values


size (int) – the lengths of the current arrays


the object dictionary with current arrays given the size

Return type:

Dict[str, np.ndarray]

kappa_n: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.75

Subthreshold slope factor (n-type transistor)

kappa_p: float | ndarray | Tensor | array = 0.66

Subthreshold slope factor (p-type transistor)

property layout: DynapSimLayout

layout returns a subset of object which belongs to DynapSimLayout

property time: DynapSimTime

time creates the high level time constants set by currents Ipulse_ahp, Ipulse, Iref, Itau_ahp, Itau_ampa, Itau_gaba, Itau_nmda, Itau_shunt, Itau_mem

update(attr: str, value: Any) DynapSimCore[source]

update_current updates an attribute and returns a new object, does not change the original object.

  • attr (str) – any attribute that belongs to DynapSimCore object

  • value (Any) – the new value to set


updated DynapSimCore object

Return type:


update_gain_ratio(attr: str, value: Any) DynapSimCore[source]

update_gain_ratio updates currents setting gain ratio (Igain/Itau) attributes

  • attr (str) – any attribute that belongs to any DynapSimGain object

  • value (Any) – the new value to set


updated DynapSimCore object

Return type:


update_time_constant(attr: str, value: Any) DynapSimCore[source]

update_time_constant updates currents setting time constant attributes

  • attr (str) – any attribute that belongs to any DynapSimTime object

  • value (Any) – the new value to set


updated DynapSimCore object

Return type:


property weight_bits: DynapSimWeightBits

weight_bits returns a subset of object which belongs to DynapSimWeightBits