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Using XyloSamna and XyloMonitor to deploy a model on XyloAudio 3 HDK

In this tutorial, we go through an example of deploying an audio classification model (trained in Rockpool) into XyloAudio 3 SNN core in two modes:

Accelerated time mode is recommended for a quick check of the trained model’s validity. Before running the pipeline in real-time, the user can test the model by bypassing the microphone in Accelerated time mode and feeding pre-recorded spike trains. The trained model will be quantized and mapped to the Xylo SNN core as it will be done in Real-time mode.

The steps for deploying a model are as follows:

  1. Load, map, and quantize the trained checkpoint with tools and transforms from Rockpool

  2. Build the configuration object for the SNN core

For Accelerated time mode:

  1. Instantiate a XyloSamna by passing the configuration object and the connected Xylo HDK device

  2. Feed the input (pre-generated spike train)

  3. Analyze the output of the SNN core

For Real-time mode:

  1. Instantiate a XyloMonitor by passing the configuration object and the connected Xylo HDK device

  2. Play the audio files and record the output of SNN Core

Common steps for both Accelerated and Real-time mode

Loading the trained model

In this example, we use a trained model for a binary classification task: detecting a baby’s cry. The model is composed of 16 input channels, three layers of LIF (Leak Integrate & Fire) neurons, and one single output neuron.

from rockpool.nn.networks import SynNet
from rockpool.nn.modules import LIFTorch
import warnings

ckpt = 'model_sample/to_deploy_inXylo.json'

#  trained model architecture parameters
arch_params = {'n_classes': 1,
'n_channels': 16,
'size_hidden_layers':[63, 63, 63],
'tau_syn_base': 0.02,
'tau_mem': 0.02,
'tau_syn_out': 0.02,
'neuron_model': LIFTorch,
'dt': 0.00994,
'output': 'vmem'}

# instantiating the model backbone and loading trained checkpoint
model = SynNet(** arch_params)
WARNING    /home/vleite/SynSense/rockpool/rockpool/nn/networks/ UserWarning: This module needs to be ported to the v2 API.
WARNING    /home/vleite/SynSense/rockpool/rockpool/nn/networks/ UserWarning: This module needs to be ported to the v2 API.

Mapping, quantizing and building the configuration object for XyloAudio 3 HDK

from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns65302 import config_from_specification, mapper
import rockpool.transform.quantize_methods as q

# getting the model specifications using the mapper function
spec = mapper(model.as_graph(), weight_dtype='float', threshold_dtype='float', dash_dtype='float')
# quantizing the model

xylo_conf, is_valid, msg = config_from_specification(**spec)

Using XyloSamna in Accelerated time mode

In Accelerated time mode we can give a specific input to XyloAudio that will be processed as quickly as possible, while allowing the monitoring of the internal network state. This mode is ideal for benchmarking and validating models.

In Accelerated time, the input has to be a list of spike events ordered by timestep.

Creating XyloSamna: API to interact with HDK in Accelerated time mode

Note: We need an AudioXylo 3 connected to run this step

from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns65302 import xa3_devkit_utils as hdu
from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns65302 import XyloSamna
import samna

# getting the connected devices and choosing xyloa3 board
xylo_nodes = hdu.find_xylo_a3_boards()
xa3 = xylo_nodes[0]
# changing the default operation mode
xylo_conf.operation_mode = samna.xyloAudio3.OperationMode.AcceleratedTime
# instantiating XyloSamna, make sure your dt corresponds to the dt of your input data
Xmod = XyloSamna(device=xa3, config=xylo_conf, dt = 0.01, record = True)

Feeding the test sample to XyloSamna

  • Please see this tutorial as an example on how to convert audio signals into spike trains.

import numpy as np

test_sample = np.load('afesim_sample/AFESimExternalSample.npy', allow_pickle=True)
out, _, rec = Xmod(test_sample)
print(f'cry detected: {np.sum(out)>0}')

cry detected: True

Analyzing recorded states

In XyloSamna, by setting record = True at instantiation, we can record spikes and internal states for the output and hidden neurons of the model. This feature can be helpful for debugging. Here, we plot the membrane potential (Vmem) of the output neuron, output spikes, and hidden neuron spikes.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.subplot(131); plt.plot(rec['Vmem_out'], 'b'); plt.grid(True); plt.xlabel('Time (10ms)'); plt.ylabel('output Vmem');
plt.subplot(132); plt.plot(out, 'g');plt.grid(True); plt.xlabel('Time (10ms)'); plt.title('output spikes');
plt.subplot(133); plt.imshow(rec['Spikes'].T, aspect='auto'); plt.xlabel('Time (10ms)'); plt.ylabel('hidden neuron index'); plt.title('hidden neuron spikes');


Using XyloMonitor in Real Time mode

In Real-time mode, XyloAudio 3 continuously processes events as they are received. Events are received directly from one of the onboard microphones instead of event-based input.

In this mode, the chip operates autonomously, collecting inputs and processing them. Once the processing is done, XyloAudio 3 outputs all generated spike events. It is not possible to interact with the chip during this period. Thus, the collection of internal neuron states is not permitted.

Creating XyloMonitor: API to interact with HDK in Real-time mode

XyloMonitor uses the XyloAudio 3 embedded microphone to feed input to the SNN Core. We will use the previously created configuration object to instantiate XyloMonitor and test it by playing an audio file.

Note: We need an AudioXylo 3 connected to run this step

import samna
from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns65302 import xa3_devkit_utils as hdu
from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns65302 import XyloMonitor

# getting the connected devices and choosing xyloa3 board
xylo_nodes = hdu.find_xylo_a3_boards()
xa3 = xylo_nodes[0]

# changing operation mode
xylo_conf.operation_mode = samna.xyloAudio3.OperationMode.RealTime
xylo_monitor  = XyloMonitor(device=xa3, config=xylo_conf, dt = 0.01, output_mode='Spike', dn_enable = True, digital_microphone=True)
from import wavfile
!pip install simpleaudio
import simpleaudio as sa
import numpy as np

def get_wave_object(test_file):
    sample_rate, data =

    duration = int(len(data)/sample_rate) # in seconds
    n = data.ndim

    if data.dtype == np.int8:
        bytes_per_sample = 1
    elif data.dtype == np.int16:
        bytes_per_sample = 2
    elif data.dtype == np.float32:
        bytes_per_sample = 4
        raise ValueError("recorded audio should have 1 or 2 bytes per sample!")

    wave_obj = sa.WaveObject(
        audio_data= data,

    return duration,wave_obj
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Requirement already satisfied: simpleaudio in /home/vleite/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (1.0.4)
test_audio = 'audio_sample/cry_sample_3sec.wav'
duration, wave_obj = get_wave_object(test_audio)

play_obj =
out, state, rec = xylo_monitor.evolve(read_timeout=duration)

print(f'cry detected: {np.sum(out)>0}')

cry detected: True