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🐝⚡️ Quick start with Xylo™Audio 3

NOTE: XyloAudio 3 requires samna==0.39.6 or higher

This tutorial will review the steps and tools required to build and train audio applications for deployment on XyloAudio 3. A typical pipeline to build and deploy an audio application for XyloAudio 3 contains the following steps:

  • preprocessing: converting audio signals to spike trains

  • designing and training an SNN model with spike-encoded audio data

  • deploying the trained model in XyloAudio 3 HDK

The following diagram illustrates these steps along with the required tools from Rockpool, highlighted in green:

  • AFESimPDM and AFESimExternal are tools in Rockpool that simulates the Audio Front End (AFE) of XyloAudio 3, used as a preprocessing step to convert audio signals to spike trains.

  • XyloSamna and XyloMonitor are Rockpool APIs that interface the user and XyloAudio 3 HDK. These APIs are designed with user-friendliness in mind, making the interaction with XyloAudio 3 a seamless experience.

Please see devicesxylo-a3AFESim3_as_transform.ipynb where we elaborated on using AFESim3 as an audio transform to generate spike-encoded samples.

In the In Depth section of the Rockpool documentation at left, you can also see more details about the process of designing and training a model in Rockpool.

Overview of training and deployment flow for Xylo™Audio 3

from IPython.display import Image


Operation types of XyloAudio 3

XyloAudio 3 HDK has two different operation modes:

  • Accelerated time

  • Real-time

Two different deployments can be performed depending on the operation mode. Both require mapping the model’s configuration into the Xylo SNN core and reading the output spikes.

  1. Deployment with live audio from microphone: Trained models can be tested with live audio played to the microphone. This type of deployment runs in Real-time mode.

  2. Deployment by bypassing the microphone path: Trained models can be tested with pre-generated spike-encoded audios. This type of deployment runs in Accelerated time mode.

We use Rockpool’s XyloSamna and XyloMonitor APIs to manage the deployment pipelines in deployment types 1 and 2, respectively..

For more details and an example of each deployment, please see the tutorial Using XyloSamna and XyloMonitor to deploy a model on XyloAudio 3 HDK