About Rockpool


Rockpool is an open source project released by SynSense.

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Citing Rockpool

If you use Rockpool in your academic work, we would appreciate a citation! You can cite us as

DR Muir, F Bauer & P Weidel. (2019). Rockpool Documentaton. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3773845

Or using the bibtex block:

  author       = {Muir, Dylan R. and
                  Bauer, Felix and
                  Weidel, Philipp},
  title        = {Rockpool Documentaton},
  month        = sep,
  year         = 2019,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3773845},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3773845}

About SynSense


SynSense is a Neuromorphic computing hardware and solutions startup, based in Zurich Switzerland. The company specializes in developing mixed-signal neuromorphic silicon hardware for neural simulation and signal processing; it develops software for interfacing with and configuring neuromorphic hardware; and develops solutions to analyse and process bio-signals. SynSense is a commercial spin-off from the Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI), University of Zurich (UZH) and ETH Zurich (ETHZ).

About Noodle


Noodle is the mascot of Rockpool. Noodle is a Nudibranch, Glaucus marginatus. Nudibranches are a group of amazing sea snails that shed their shells after the larval stage, to display an incredible array of forms, patterns and colours. Glaucus marginatus is a species found in the Pacific ocean, and often seen at beaches and in rock pools of the eastern Australian coast.

Photograph of Noodle is CC BY 2.0 Taro Taylor