Dynap-SE2 simulation core implementation.
Use this module converting a hardware configuration to a simulation setting
* Non User facing *
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Tuple
from dataclasses import dataclass, replace
import logging
import numpy as np
from rockpool.devices.dynapse.parameters import param_to_analog, analog_to_param
from rockpool.devices.dynapse.lookup import (
from rockpool.devices.dynapse.samna_alias import Dynapse2Core
from rockpool.typehints import FloatVector
from .low_level import DynapSimCurrents, DynapSimLayout, DynapSimWeightBits
from .high_level import DynapSimTime, DynapSimGain
from .high_level.high import DynapSimCoreHigh
__all__ = ["DynapSimCore"]
class DynapSimCore(DynapSimCurrents, DynapSimLayout, DynapSimWeightBits):
DynapSimCore stores the simulation currents and manages the conversion from configuration objects.
It also provides easy update mechanisms using coarse&fine values, high-level parameter representations and etc.
.. code-block:: python
:caption: Device -> Simulation current (pseudo-code)
simcore = DynapSimCore.from_Dynapse2Core(config.chips[0].cores[0])
Itau_ampa = simcore.Itau_ampa
[docs] @classmethod
def from_specification(
Idc: FloatVector = default_currents["Idc"],
If_nmda: FloatVector = default_currents["If_nmda"],
r_gain_ahp: FloatVector = default_gain_ratios["r_gain_ahp"],
r_gain_ampa: FloatVector = default_gain_ratios["r_gain_ampa"],
r_gain_gaba: FloatVector = default_gain_ratios["r_gain_gaba"],
r_gain_nmda: FloatVector = default_gain_ratios["r_gain_nmda"],
r_gain_shunt: FloatVector = default_gain_ratios["r_gain_shunt"],
r_gain_mem: FloatVector = default_gain_ratios["r_gain_mem"],
t_pulse_ahp: FloatVector = default_time_constants["t_pulse_ahp"],
t_pulse: FloatVector = default_time_constants["t_pulse"],
t_ref: FloatVector = default_time_constants["t_ref"],
Ispkthr: FloatVector = default_currents["Ispkthr"],
tau_ahp: FloatVector = default_time_constants["tau_ahp"],
tau_ampa: FloatVector = default_time_constants["tau_ampa"],
tau_gaba: FloatVector = default_time_constants["tau_gaba"],
tau_nmda: FloatVector = default_time_constants["tau_nmda"],
tau_shunt: FloatVector = default_time_constants["tau_shunt"],
tau_mem: FloatVector = default_time_constants["tau_mem"],
Iw_0: FloatVector = default_weights["Iw_0"],
Iw_1: FloatVector = default_weights["Iw_1"],
Iw_2: FloatVector = default_weights["Iw_2"],
Iw_3: FloatVector = default_weights["Iw_3"],
Iw_ahp: FloatVector = default_currents["Iw_ahp"],
C_ahp: FloatVector = default_layout["C_ahp"],
C_ampa: FloatVector = default_layout["C_ampa"],
C_gaba: FloatVector = default_layout["C_gaba"],
C_nmda: FloatVector = default_layout["C_nmda"],
C_pulse_ahp: FloatVector = default_layout["C_pulse_ahp"],
C_pulse: FloatVector = default_layout["C_pulse"],
C_ref: FloatVector = default_layout["C_ref"],
C_shunt: FloatVector = default_layout["C_shunt"],
C_mem: FloatVector = default_layout["C_mem"],
Io: FloatVector = default_layout["Io"],
kappa_n: FloatVector = default_layout["kappa_n"],
kappa_p: FloatVector = default_layout["kappa_p"],
Ut: FloatVector = default_layout["Ut"],
Vth: FloatVector = default_layout["Vth"],
) -> DynapSimCore:
from_specification is a class factory method helping DynapSimCore object construction
using higher level representaitons of the currents like gain ratio or time constant whenever applicable.
:param Idc: Constant DC current injected to membrane in Amperes, defaults to default_currents["Idc"]
:type Idc: FloatVector, optional
:param If_nmda: NMDA gate soft cut-off current setting the NMDA gating voltage in Amperes, defaults to default_currents["If_nmda"]
:type If_nmda: FloatVector, optional
:param r_gain_ahp: spike frequency adaptation block gain ratio, defaults to default_gain_ratios["r_gain_ahp"]
:type r_gain_ahp: FloatVector, optional
:param r_gain_ampa: xcitatory AMPA synpse gain ratio, defaults to default_gain_ratios["r_gain_ampa"]
:type r_gain_ampa: FloatVector, optional
:param r_gain_gaba: inhibitory GABA synpse gain ratio, defaults to default_gain_ratios["r_gain_gaba"]
:type r_gain_gaba: FloatVector, optional
:param r_gain_nmda: excitatory NMDA synpse gain ratio, defaults to default_gain_ratios["r_gain_nmda"]
:type r_gain_nmda: FloatVector, optional
:param r_gain_shunt: inhibitory SHUNT synpse gain ratio, defaults to default_gain_ratios["r_gain_shunt"]
:type r_gain_shunt: FloatVector, optional
:param r_gain_mem: neuron membrane gain ratio, defaults to default_gain_ratios["r_gain_mem"]
:type r_gain_mem: FloatVector, optional
:param t_pulse_ahp: the spike pulse width for spike frequency adaptation circuit in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants["t_pulse_ahp"]
:type t_pulse_ahp: FloatVector, optional
:param t_pulse: the spike pulse width for neuron membrane in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants["t_pulse"]
:type t_pulse: FloatVector, optional
:param t_ref: refractory period of the neurons in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants["t_ref"]
:type t_ref: FloatVector, optional
:param Ispkthr: spiking threshold current, neuron spikes if :math:`I_{mem} > I_{spkthr}` in Amperes, defaults to default_currents["Ispkthr"]
:type Ispkthr: FloatVector, optional
:param tau_ahp: Spike frequency leakage time constant in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants["tau_ahp"]
:type tau_ahp: FloatVector, optional
:param tau_ampa: AMPA synapse leakage time constant in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants["tau_ampa"]
:type tau_ampa: FloatVector, optional
:param tau_gaba: GABA synapse leakage time constant in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants["tau_gaba"]
:type tau_gaba: FloatVector, optional
:param tau_nmda: NMDA synapse leakage time constant in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants["tau_nmda"]
:type tau_nmda: FloatVector, optional
:param tau_shunt: SHUNT synapse leakage time constant in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants["tau_shunt"]
:type tau_shunt: FloatVector, optional
:param tau_mem: Neuron membrane leakage time constant in seconds, defaults to default_time_constants["tau_mem"]
:type tau_mem: FloatVector, optional
:param Iw_0: weight bit 0 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes, defaults to default_weights["Iw_0"]
:type Iw_0: FloatVector, optional
:param Iw_1: weight bit 1 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes, defaults to default_weights["Iw_1"]
:type Iw_1: FloatVector, optional
:param Iw_2: weight bit 2 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes, defaults to default_weights["Iw_2"]
:type Iw_2: FloatVector, optional
:param Iw_3: weight bit 3 current of the neurons of the core in Amperes, defaults to default_weights["Iw_3"]
:type Iw_3: FloatVector, optional
:param Iw_ahp: spike frequency adaptation weight current of the neurons of the core in Amperes, defaults to default_currents["Iw_ahp"]
:type Iw_ahp: FloatVector, optional
:param C_ahp: AHP synapse capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout["C_ahp"]
:type C_ahp: FloatVector, optional
:param C_ampa: AMPA synapse capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout["C_ampa"]
:type C_ampa: FloatVector, optional
:param C_gaba: GABA synapse capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout["C_gaba"]
:type C_gaba: FloatVector, optional
:param C_nmda: NMDA synapse capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout["C_nmda"]
:type C_nmda: FloatVector, optional
:param C_pulse_ahp: spike frequency adaptation circuit pulse-width creation sub-circuit capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout["C_pulse_ahp"]
:type C_pulse_ahp: FloatVector, optional
:param C_pulse: pulse-width creation sub-circuit capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout["C_pulse"]
:type C_pulse: FloatVector, optional
:param C_ref: refractory period sub-circuit capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout["C_ref"]
:type C_ref: FloatVector, optional
:param C_shunt: SHUNT synapse capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout["C_shunt"]
:type C_shunt: FloatVector, optional
:param C_mem: neuron membrane capacitance in Farads, defaults to default_layout["C_mem"]
:type C_mem: FloatVector, optional
:param Io: Dark current in Amperes that flows through the transistors even at the idle state, defaults to default_layout["Io"]
:type Io: FloatVector, optional
:param kappa_n: Subthreshold slope factor (n-type transistor), defaults to default_layout["kappa_n"]
:type kappa_n: FloatVector, optional
:param kappa_p: Subthreshold slope factor (p-type transistor), defaults to default_layout["kappa_p"]
:type kappa_p: FloatVector, optional
:param Ut: Thermal voltage in Volts, defaults to default_layout["Ut"]
:type Ut: FloatVector, optional
:param Vth: The cut-off Vgs potential of the transistors in Volts (not type specific), defaults to default_layout["Vth"]
:type Vth: FloatVector, optional
:return: DynapSimCore object instance
:rtype: DynapSimCore
# Depended default parameter initialization
Idc = Io if Idc is None else Idc
If_nmda = Io if If_nmda is None else If_nmda
# Construct the core with compulsory low level current parameters
_core = cls(
# Set the Itau currents
_time = DynapSimTime(
_core = _time.update_DynapSimCore(_core)
# Set Igain currents depending on the ratio between related Itau currents
_gain = DynapSimGain(
_core = _gain.update_DynapSimCore(_core)
return _core
[docs] @classmethod
def from_Dynapse2Core(cls, core: Dynapse2Core) -> DynapSimCore:
from_Dynapse2Core is a class factory method which uses samna configuration objects to extract the simulation currents
:return: a dynapse core simulation object whose parameters are imported from a samna configuration object
:rtype: DynapSimCore
_current = lambda name: param_to_analog(name, core.parameters[name])
_dict = {sim: _current(param) for sim, param in sim2device_se2.items()}
_mod = cls(**_dict)
return _mod
[docs] def export_Dynapse2Parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[np.uint8, np.uint8]]:
export_Dynapse2Parameters converts all current values to their coarse-fine value representations for device configuration
:return: a dictionary of mapping between parameter names and respective coarse-fine values
:rtype: Dict[str, Tuple[np.uint8, np.uint8]]
converter = lambda sim, param: analog_to_param(
param, self.__getattribute__(sim)
param_dict = {
param: converter(sim, param) for sim, param in sim2device_se2.items()
return param_dict
[docs] def update(self, attr: str, value: Any) -> DynapSimCore:
update_current updates an attribute and returns a new object, does not change the original object.
:param attr: any attribute that belongs to DynapSimCore object
:type attr: str
:param value: the new value to set
:type value: Any
:return: updated DynapSimCore object
:rtype: DynapSimCore
if attr in list(self.__dict__.keys()):
_updated = replace(self)
_updated.__setattr__(attr, value)
self.compare(self, _updated)
return _updated
def __update_high_level(
obj: DynapSimCoreHigh,
attr_getter: Callable[[str], Any],
attr: str,
value: Any,
) -> DynapSimCore:
__update_high_level updates high level representations of the current values like time constants and gain ratios.
The current values are updated accordingly without changing the original object.
:param obj: the high level object that stores the projections of the current values
:type obj: DynapSimCoreHigh
:param attr_getter: a function to get the high level attribute from the high level object
:type attr_getter: Callable[[str], Any]
:param attr: any attribute that belongs to any DynapSimCoreHigh object
:type attr: str
:param value: the new value to set
:type value: Any
:return: updated DynapSimCore object
:rtype: DynapSimCore
if attr in list(obj.__dict__.keys()):
obj.__setattr__(attr, value)
_updated = obj.update_DynapSimCore(self)
f" {attr} value changed from {attr_getter(attr)} to {obj.__getattribute__(attr)}"
self.compare(self, _updated)
return _updated
[docs] def update_time_constant(self, attr: str, value: Any) -> DynapSimCore:
update_time_constant updates currents setting time constant attributes
:param attr: any attribute that belongs to any DynapSimTime object
:type attr: str
:param value: the new value to set
:type value: Any
:return: updated DynapSimCore object
:rtype: DynapSimCore
return self.__update_high_level(
attr_getter=lambda name: self.time.__getattribute__(name),
[docs] def update_gain_ratio(self, attr: str, value: Any) -> DynapSimCore:
update_gain_ratio updates currents setting gain ratio (Igain/Itau) attributes
:param attr: any attribute that belongs to any DynapSimGain object
:type attr: str
:param value: the new value to set
:type value: Any
:return: updated DynapSimCore object
:rtype: DynapSimCore
return self.__update_high_level(
attr_getter=lambda name: self.gain.__getattribute__(name),
[docs] @staticmethod
def compare(core1: DynapSimCore, core2: DynapSimCore) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Any]]:
compare compares two DynapSimCore objects detects the different values set
:param core1: the first core object
:type core1: DynapSimCore
:param core2: the second core object to compare against the first one
:type core2: DynapSimCore
:return: a dictionary of changed values
:rtype: Dict[str, Tuple[Any]]
changed = {}
for key in core1.__dict__:
val1 = core1.__getattribute__(key)
val2 = core2.__getattribute__(key)
if val1 != val2:
changed[key] = (val1, val2)
logging.info(f" {key} value changed from {val1} to {val2}")
return changed
def layout(self) -> DynapSimLayout:
"""layout returns a subset of object which belongs to DynapSimLayout"""
__dict = dict.fromkeys(DynapSimLayout.__annotations__.keys())
for key in __dict:
__dict[key] = self.__getattribute__(key)
return DynapSimLayout(**__dict)
def currents(self) -> DynapSimCurrents:
"""currents returns a subset of object which belongs to DynapSimCurrents"""
__dict = dict.fromkeys(DynapSimCurrents.__annotations__.keys())
for key in __dict:
__dict[key] = self.__getattribute__(key)
return DynapSimCurrents(**__dict)
def weight_bits(self) -> DynapSimWeightBits:
"""weight_bits returns a subset of object which belongs to DynapSimWeightBits"""
__dict = dict.fromkeys(DynapSimWeightBits.__annotations__.keys())
for key in __dict:
__dict[key] = self.__getattribute__(key)
return DynapSimWeightBits(**__dict)
def time(self) -> DynapSimTime:
"""time creates the high level time constants set by currents Ipulse_ahp, Ipulse, Iref, Itau_ahp, Itau_ampa, Itau_gaba, Itau_nmda, Itau_shunt, Itau_mem"""
return DynapSimTime.from_DynapSimCore(self)
def gain(self) -> DynapSimGain:
"""gain creates the high level gain ratios set by currents : Igain_ahp, Igain_ampa, Igain_gaba, Igain_nmda, Igain_shunt, Igain_mem"""
return DynapSimGain.from_DynapSimCore(self)