
class timeseries.TSEvent(times: ndarray | List | Tuple | None = None, channels: ndarray | List | Tuple | int | None = None, periodic: bool = False, t_start: float | None = None, t_stop: float | None = None, name: str | None = None, num_channels: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: TimeSeries

Represents a discrete time series, composed of binary events (present or absent). This class is primarily used to represent spike trains or event trains to communicate with spiking neuron layers, or to communicate with event-based computing systems. See Working with time series data for further explanation and examples.

TSEvent supports multiple channels of event time series encapsulated by a single object, as well as periodic time series.


Build a series of several random event times

>>> times = numpy.cumsum(numpy.random.rand(10))
>>> ts = TSEvent(times)

Attributes overview


(ArrayLike[int]) Event channel indices.


(float) Duration of TimeSeries



(int) The maximum number of channels represented by this TSEvent


(str) Current plotting backend


(float) Start time of time series


(float) Stop time of time series (final sample)


(ArrayLike[float]) Array of sample times

Methods overview

__init__([times, channels, periodic, ...])

Represent discrete events in time

append_c(other_series[, inplace])

Append another time series to self along the channels axis

append_t(other_series[, offset, ...])

Append another time series to this one along the time axis

clip([t_start, t_stop, channels, ...])

Return a TSEvent which is restricted to given time limits and only contains events of selected channels

concatenate_t(series[, offset])

Append multiple TimeSeries objects in time to a new series


Does the time series contain the time range specified in the given time trace? Always true for periodic series


Return a deep copy of this time series

delay(offset[, inplace])

Return a copy of self that is delayed by an offset

from_raster(raster[, dt, t_start, t_stop, ...])

Create a TSEvent object from a raster array


Test if this TimeSeries object is empty

load(path[, expected_type])

Load TimeSeries object from file.

merge(other_series[, delay, ...])

Merge another TSEvent into this one so that they may overlap in time

plot([time_limits, target, channels])

Visualise this time series on a scatter plot

print([full, num_first, num_last, limit_shorten])

Print an overview of the time series and its values

raster(dt[, t_start, t_stop, num_timesteps, ...])

Return a rasterized version of the time series data, where each data point represents a time step

remap_channels(channel_map[, inplace])

Renumber channels in the TSEvent

save(path[, verbose, dtype_times, ...])

Save this TSEvent as an npz file using np.savez()

set_plotting_backend(backend[, verbose])

Set which plotting backend to use with the plot method

start_at(t_start[, inplace])

Convenience function that calls the delay method such that self.t_start falls at t_start.


Convenience function that calls the delay method such that self.t_start falls at 0.

to_dict([dtype_times, dtype_channels])

Store data and attributes of this TSEvent in a Dict.

xraster(dt[, t_start, t_stop, ...])

Generator which yield s a rasterized time series data, where each data point represents a time step

__init__(times: ndarray | List | Tuple | None = None, channels: ndarray | List | Tuple | int | None = None, periodic: bool = False, t_start: float | None = None, t_stop: float | None = None, name: str | None = None, num_channels: int | None = None)[source]

Represent discrete events in time

  • times (Optional[ArrayLike[float]]) – Tx1 vector of event times

  • channels (Optional[ArrayLike[int]]) – Tx1 vector of event channels (Default: all events are in channel 0)

  • periodic (bool) – Is this a periodic TimeSeries (Default: False; non-periodic)

  • t_start (float) – Explicitly specify the start time of this series. If None, then times[0] is taken to be the start time

  • t_stop (float) – Explicitly specify the stop time of this series. If None, then times[-1] is taken to be the stop time

  • name (Optional[str]) – Name of the time series (Default: None)

  • num_channels (Optional[int]) – Total number of channels in the data source. If None, the total channel number is taken to be max(channels)

_matching_channels(channels: ndarray | List | Tuple | int | None = None, event_channels: ndarray | List | Tuple | int | None = None) ndarray[source]

Return boolean array of which events match a given channel selection


channels (ArrayLike[int]) – Channels of which events are to be indicated True. Default: None, use all channels

Params ArrayLike[int] event_channels:

Channel IDs for each event. If not provided (Default: None), then use self._channels

Return ArrayLike[bool]:

A matrix TxC indicating which events match the requested channels

_modulo_period(times: ndarray | List | Tuple | float | int) ndarray | List | Tuple | float | int

_modulo_period - Calculate provided times modulo self.duration

append_c(other_series: TSEvent, inplace: bool = False) TSEvent[source]

Append another time series to self along the channels axis

The channel IDs in other_series are shifted by self.num_channels. Event times remain the same.

  • other_series (TSEvent) – TSEvent or list of TSEvent that will be appended to self.

  • inplace (bool) – Conduct operation in-place (Default: False; create a copy)

Return TSEvent:

TSEvent containing data in self, with other TS appended along the channels axis

append_t(other_series: TimeSeries | Iterable[TimeSeries], offset: float | Iterable[float | None] | None = None, remove_duplicates: bool = False, inplace: bool = False) TSEvent[source]

Append another time series to this one along the time axis

t_start from other_series is shifted to self.t_stop + offset.

  • other_series (TSEvent) – TSEvent or list of TSEvent that will be appended to self along the time axis

  • offset (Optional[float]) – Scalar or iterable with at least the same number of elements as other_series. If scalar, use same value for all timeseries. Event times from other_series will be shifted by self.t_stop + offset. Default: 0

  • remove_duplicates (bool) – If True, duplicate events will be removed from the resulting timeseries. Duplicates can occur if offset is negative. Default: False, do not remove duplicate events.

  • inplace (bool) – If True, conduct operation in-place (Default: False; return a copy)

Return TSEvent:

TSEvent containing events from self, with other TS appended in time

property channels

(ArrayLike[int]) Event channel indices. A Tx1 vector, where each element t corresponds to the event time in self.times[t].

clip(t_start: float | None = None, t_stop: float | None = None, channels: ndarray | List | Tuple | int | None = None, remap_channels: bool = False, inplace: bool = False) TSEvent[source]

Return a TSEvent which is restricted to given time limits and only contains events of selected channels

If time limits are provided, t_start and t_stop attributes of the new time series will correspond to those. If remap_channels is True, channels IDs will be mapped to a continuous sequence of integers starting from 0 (e.g. [1, 3, 6]->[0, 1, 2]). In this case num_channels will be set to the number of different channels in channels. Otherwise num_channels will keep its original values, which is also the case for all other attributes. If inplace is True, modify self accordingly.

  • t_start (Optional[float]) – Time from which on events are returned. Default: t_start

  • t_stop (Optional[float]) – Time until which events are returned. Default: t_stop

  • channels (Optional[ArrayLike[int]]) – Channels of which events are returned. Default: All channels

  • remap_channels (bool) – Map channel IDs to continuous sequence starting from 0. Set num_channels to largest new ID + 1. Default: False, do not remap channels

  • inplace (bool) – Iff True, the operation is performed in place (Default: False)

Return TSEventTSEvent:

TSEvent containing events from the requested channels

classmethod concatenate_t(series: Iterable[TS], offset: float | Iterable[float | None] | None = None) TS

Append multiple TimeSeries objects in time to a new series

  • series (Iterable) – Time series to be tacked at the end of each other. These series must have the same number of channels.

  • offset (Union[None, float, Iterable]) – Offset to be introduced between time traces. First value corresponds to delay of first time series.

Return TimeSeries:

Time series with data from series in series

contains(times: int | float | ndarray | List | Tuple) bool

Does the time series contain the time range specified in the given time trace? Always true for periodic series


times (ArrayLike) – Array-like containing time points

Return bool:

True iff all specified time points are contained within this time series

copy() TS

Return a deep copy of this time series

Return TimeSeries:

copy of self

delay(offset: int | float, inplace: bool = False) TS

Return a copy of self that is delayed by an offset

For delaying self, use the inplace argument, or .times += ... instead.

  • Offset (float) – Time by which to offset this time series

  • inplace (bool) – If True, conduct operation in-place (Default: False; create a copy)

Return TimeSeries:

New TimeSeries, delayed

property duration: float

(float) Duration of TimeSeries

static from_raster(raster: ndarray, dt: float = 1.0, t_start: float = 0.0, t_stop: float | None = None, name: str | None = None, periodic: bool = False, num_channels: int | None = None, spikes_at_bin_start: bool = False) TSEvent[source]

Create a TSEvent object from a raster array

Given a rasterised event time series, with dimensions [TxC], from_raster will generate a event time series as a TSEvent object.


The following code will generate a Poisson event train with 200 time steps of 1ms each, and 20 channels, with a spiking probability of 10% per time bin:

T = 200
C = 20
dt = 1e-3
spike_prob = 0.1

raster = np.random.rand((T, C)) > spike_prob
spikes_ts = TSEvent.from_raster(raster, dt)
  • raster (np.ndarray) – An array of events (T, C). Each row corresponds to a clocked time step of dt duration. Each bin contains the number of spikes present in that bin

  • dt (float) – Duration of each time bin in seconds

  • t_start (float) – The start time of the first bin in raster. Default: 0.

  • t_stop (float) – The stop time of the time series. Default: the total duration of the provided raster

  • name (Optional[str]) – The name of the returned time series. Default: None

  • periodic (bool) – The periodic flag passed to the new time series

  • num_channels (Optional[int]) – The num_channels argument passed to the new time series. Default: None, use the number of channels C in raster

  • spikes_at_bin_start (bool) – Iff True, then spikes in raster are considered to occur at the start of the time bin. If False, then spikes occur half-way through each time bin. Default: False, spikes occur half-way through each time bin.

Return TSEvent:

A new TSEvent containing the events in raster

isempty() bool

Test if this TimeSeries object is empty

Return bool:

True iff the TimeSeries object contains no samples

classmethod load(path: str | Path, expected_type: str | None = None) TS

Load TimeSeries object from file. If called from a subclass of :py:class’TimeSeries`, the type of the stored object must match that of the method class.

  • path (Union[str, Path]) – Path to load from.

  • expected_type (Optional[str]) – Specify expected type of timeseires (TSContinuous or py:class:TSEvent). Can only be set if method is called from py:class:TimeSeries class. Default: None, use whichever type is loaded.

Return TimeSeries:

Loaded time series object

  • TypeError – Unsupported or unexpected type

  • TypeError – Argument expected_type is defined if class is not TimeSeries.

merge(other_series: TimeSeries | Iterable[TimeSeries], delay: float | Iterable[float] = 0, remove_duplicates: bool = False, inplace: bool = False) TSEvent[source]

Merge another TSEvent into this one so that they may overlap in time

  • other_series (TSEvent) – TSEvent or list of TSEvent to merge into self

  • delay (Union[float, Iterable[float]]) – Scalar or iterable with at least the number of elements as other_series. If scalar, use same value for all timeseries. Delay other_series series by this value before merging.

  • remove_duplicates (bool) – If True, remove duplicate events in resulting timeseries. Default: False, do not remove duplicates.

  • inplace (bool) – If True, operation will be performed in place (Default: False, return a copy)

Return TSEvent:

self with new samples included

property name: str
property num_channels

(int) The maximum number of channels represented by this TSEvent

plot(time_limits: Tuple[float | None, float | None] | None = None, target: mpl.axes.Axes | hv.Scatter | hv.Overlay | None = None, channels: ndarray | List | Tuple | int | None = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Visualise this time series on a scatter plot

  • time_limits (Optional[float, float]) – Tuple with times between which to plot. Default: plot all times

  • target (Optional[axis]) – Object to which plot will be added. Default: new plot

  • channels (ArrayLike[int]) – Channels that are to be plotted. Default: plot all channels

  • kwargs (args,) – Optional arguments to pass to plotting function


Plot object. Either holoviews Layout, or matplotlib plot

property plotting_backend

(str) Current plotting backend

print(full: bool = False, num_first: int = 4, num_last: int = 4, limit_shorten: int = 10)[source]

Print an overview of the time series and its values

  • full (bool) – Print all samples of self, no matter how long it is. Default: False

  • limit_shorten (int) – Print shortened version of self if it comprises more than limit_shorten time points and full is False. Default: 4

  • num_first (int) – Shortened version of printout contains samples at first num_first points in self.times. Default: 4

  • num_last (int) – Shortened version of printout contains samples at last num_last points in self.times. Default: 4

raster(dt: float, t_start: float | None = None, t_stop: float | None = None, num_timesteps: int | None = None, channels: ndarray | None = None, add_events: bool = False) ndarray[source]

Return a rasterized version of the time series data, where each data point represents a time step

Events are represented in a boolean matrix, where the first axis corresponds to time, the second axis to the channel. Events that happen between time steps are projected to the preceding step. If two events happen during one time step within a single channel, they are counted as one, unless add_events is True.

Time bins for the raster extend [t, t+dt), that is explicitly excluding events that occur at t+dt. Such events would be included in the following time bin.

To generate a time trace that corresponds to the raster, you can use numpy.arange() as follows:

num_timesteps = np.ceil((t_stop - t_start) / dt)
bin_starts = np.arange(num_timesteps) * dt + t_start
bin_stops = bin_starts + dt
bin_mid = bin_starts + dt/2

Note that the modulo computation is numerically unstable as expressed above. Internally we use a numerically more stable version, with:

def mod(num, div):
    return (num - div * np.floor(num/div))

num_timesteps = int(np.ceil((t_stop - t_start) / dt)
  • dt (float) – Duration of single time step in raster

  • t_start (Optional[float]) – Time where to start raster. Default: None (use self.t_start)

  • t_stop (Optional[float]) – Time where to stop raster. This time point is not included in the raster. Default: None (use self.t_stop. If num_timesteps is provided, t_stop is ignored.

  • num_timesteps (Optional[int]) – Specify number of time steps directly, instead of providing t_stop. Default: None (use t_start, t_stop and dt to determine raster size)

  • channels (Optional[ArrayLike[int]]) – Channels from which data is to be used. Default: None (use all channels)

  • add_events (bool) – If True, return an integer raster containing number of events for each time step and channel. Default: False, merge simultaneous events in a single channel, and return a boolean raster

  • endpoint (bool) – If True, an extra time bin is added to the raster after t_stop, to ensure that any events occurring at t_stop are included in the raster. Default: False, do not include events occurring at t_stop.

Return ArrayLike:

event_raster Boolean matrix with True indicating presence of events for each time step and channel. If add_events == True, the raster consists of integers indicating the number of events per time step and channel. First axis corresponds to time, second axis to channel.

remap_channels(channel_map: ndarray | List | Tuple, inplace: bool = False) TSEvent[source]

Renumber channels in the TSEvent

Maps channels 0..``self.num_channels-1`` to the channels in channel_map.

  • channel_map (ArrayLike[int]) – List of channels that existing channels should be mapped to, in order. Must be of size self.num_channels.

  • inplace (bool) – Specify whether operation should be performed in place (Default: False, a copy is returned)

save(path: str | Path, verbose: bool = False, dtype_times: None | str | type | dtype = None, dtype_channels: None | str | type | dtype = None)[source]

Save this TSEvent as an npz file using np.savez()

  • path (str) – Path to save file

  • verbose (bool) – Print path information after successfully saving.

  • dtype_times (Union[None, str, type, np.dtype]) – Data type in which times are to be stored, for example to save space.

  • dtype_channels (Union[None, str, type, np.dtype]) – Data type in which channels are to be stored, for example to save space.

set_plotting_backend(backend: str | None, verbose: bool = True)

Set which plotting backend to use with the plot method

  • backend (str) – Specify a backend to use. Supported: {“holoviews”, “matplotlib”}

  • verbose (bool) – If True, print feedback about which backend has been set

start_at(t_start: float, inplace: bool = False) TS

Convenience function that calls the delay method such that self.t_start falls at t_start.

  • t_start (float) – Time to which self.t_start should be shifted;

  • inplace (bool) – If True, conduct operation in-place (Default: False; create a copy)

Return TimeSeries:

New TimeSeries, delayed

start_at_zero(inplace: bool = False) TS

Convenience function that calls the delay method such that self.t_start falls at 0.

Return TimeSeries:

New TimeSeries, with t_start at 0

property t_start: float

(float) Start time of time series

property t_stop: float

(float) Stop time of time series (final sample)

property times

(ArrayLike[float]) Array of sample times

to_dict(dtype_times: None | str | type | dtype = None, dtype_channels: None | str | type | dtype = None) Dict[source]

Store data and attributes of this TSEvent in a Dict.

  • dtype_times (Union[None, str, type, np.dtype]) – Data type in which times are to be returned, for example to save space.

  • dtype_channels (Union[None, str, type, np.dtype]) – Data type in which channels are to be returned, for example to save space.


Dict with data and attributes of this TSEvent.

xraster(dt: float, t_start: float | None = None, t_stop: float | None = None, num_timesteps: int | None = None, channels: ndarray | None = None, add_events: bool | None = None, endpoint: bool | None = None) ndarray[source]

Generator which yield s a rasterized time series data, where each data point represents a time step

Events are represented in a boolean matrix, where the first axis corresponds to time, the second axis to the channel. Events that happen between time steps are projected to the preceding one. If two events happen during one time step within a single channel, they are counted as one.

  • dt (float) – Duration of single time step in raster

  • t_start (Optional[float]) – Time where to start raster. Default: None (use self.t_start)

  • t_stop (Optional[float]) – Time where to stop raster. This time point is not included in the raster. Default: None (use self.t_stop. If num_timesteps is provided, t_stop is ignored.

  • num_timesteps (Optional[int]) – Specify number of time steps directly, instead of providing t_stop. Default: None (use t_start, t_stop and dt to determine raster size.

  • channels (Optional[ArrayLike[int]]) – Channels from which data is to be used. Default: None (use all channels)

  • add_events (Optional[bool]) – If True, return an integer raster containing number of events for each time step and channel. Default: False, merge simultaneous events in a single channel, and return a boolean raster

  • endpoint (Optional[bool]) – If True, an extra time bin is added to the raster after t_stop, to ensure that any events occurring at t_stop are included in the raster. Default: False, do not include events occurring at t_stop.

Yields ArrayLike:

event_raster - Boolean matrix with True indicating presence of events for each time step and channel. If add_events == True, the raster consists of integers indicating the number of events per time step and channel. First axis corresponds to time, second axis to channel.