Simulation of an analog audio filtering front-end
Defines the :py:class:`.AFESim` module, with an empirically-validated simulation of the audio front-end on XyloAudio 2 (SYNS61201).
See Also:
For example usage of the :py:class:`.AFESim` Module, see :ref:`/devices/analog-frontend-example.ipynb`
# - Rockpool imports
from rockpool.nn.modules.module import Module
from rockpool.nn.modules.native.filter_bank import ButterFilter
from rockpool.timeseries import TSEvent, TSContinuous
from rockpool.parameters import State, SimulationParameter
# - Other imports
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter
from scipy import signal, fftpack
import enum
from typing import Tuple
from rockpool.typehints import P_int, P_float, P_bool, P_ndarray
from .afe_spike_generation import _encode_spikes
# Define exports
__all__ = ["AFESim"]
[docs]class AFESim(Module):
A :py:class:`.Module` that simulates analog hardware for preprocessing audio and converting into spike features.
This module simulates the XyloAudio 2 front-end stage. This is a signal-to-event core that consists of a number of band-pass filters, followed by rectifying event production
simulating a spiking LIF neuron. The event rate in each channel is roughly correlated to the energy in each filter band.
.. warning::
- The AFE contains frequency tripling internally. **For accurate simulation, the sampling frequency must be at least 6 times higher than the highest frequency component in the filtering chain.** This would be the centre frequency of the highest filter, plus half the BW of that signal.
- **To prevent signal aliasing, you should apply a low-pass filter to restrict the bandwidth of the input, to ensure you don't exceed this target highest frequency.**
- Input to the module is in Volts. **Input amplitude should be scaled to a maximum of 112mV RMS.**
.. note::
- By default, the module simulates HW mismatch in the analog encoding block. This is controlled on instantiation with the ``add_noise``, ``add_offset`` and ``add_mismatch`` arguments on initialisation and the corresponding simulation parameters.
- Mismatch can be re-sampled by calling the :py:meth:`~.AFESim.generate_mismatch` method.
See Also:
For example usage of the :py:class:`.AFESim` Module, see :ref:`/devices/analog-frontend-example.ipynb`
[docs] def __init__(
fs: int,
raster_period: float = 0.01,
max_spike_per_raster_period: int = 15,
add_noise: bool = True,
add_offset: bool = True,
add_mismatch: bool = True,
seed: int = np.random.randint(2**32 - 1, dtype=np.uint32),
num_workers: int = 1,
fs: int
The sampling frequency of the input, in Hz
(i) AFE contains frequency tripling in LNA and also in microphone. So the maximum representable frequency is ``fs/6``.
(ii) If this frequency is different than the sampling frequency of the audio, the frequencies are proportionally shifted and extracted spikes features will be wrong.
raster_period (float): this is the period to which the spikes are rastered and counted. Default 10ms.
max_spike_per_raster_period (int): maximum number of spikes in each rastering period. This is equal to 15 spikes in Xylo-A2.
add_noise: bool
Enables / disables the simulated noise generated by the AFE. Default: ``True``, include noise
add_offset: bool
If ``True`` (default), add mismatch offset to each filter
add_mismatch: bool
If ``True`` (default), add simualted mismatch to each filter
seed: int
The AFE is subject to mismatch, this can be seeded by providing an integer seed. Default: random seed. Provide ``None`` to prevent seeding.
num_workers: int
Number of cpu units used to speed up filter computation. Default: 1.
###### Check shape argument and Initialize the superclass ######
shape = (1, 16)
super().__init__(shape=shape, spiking_output=True, *args, **kwargs)
## Provide pRNG seed
self.seed: P_int = SimulationParameter(seed, shape=(), init_func=lambda _: None)
if self.seed is not None:
##### Set the rastering parameters for the produced spike #####
self.raster_period = raster_period
self.max_spike_per_raster_period = max_spike_per_raster_period
###### Power supply features and maximum voltage of the chip ######
# Maximum bipolar amplitude that can be supported by the the chip without being clipped
# NOTE: in the chip, we have a voltage supply in the range [0, 1.1] volts where the refernce voltages of LNA and filters is
# shifted to the middle value of 0.55 volts.
# So, in terms of signal processing, we can always assume that the input signal is a bipolar one in the range [-0.55, 0.55] with clipping
# if the amplitude goes beyond this range
self.VCC: P_float = SimulationParameter(1.1) # in volts
self.INPUT_MAX_AMPLITUDE: P_float = SimulationParameter(
self.VCC / 2.0
) # in volts
###### microphone fetaures ######
# NOTE: microphone has severe THD for sound level above 120 dBL SPL, which is 20 Pa pressure.
# Microphone has a sensitivity of around -40 dB in units of Volt/Pa which will be 10 mV/Pa.
# For maximum 20 Pa pressure, this yields a maximum amplitude of 200 mV.
self.MIC_DISTORTION: P_float = SimulationParameter(0.01)
self.INPUT_MIC_MAX_AMPLITUDE: P_float = SimulationParameter(200e-3) # 200mV
""" float: Maximum amplitude of sound that can be produced with microphone without having sever THD (above 1%)"""
###### from microphone to LNA ######
self.MAX_INPUT_OFFSET: P_float = SimulationParameter(0.0) # from microphone
""" float: Maxmimum input offset from microphone (Default 0.) """
# Corner frequency of the AC coupling between the microphone and LNA
self.F_CORNER_HIGHPASS: P_float = SimulationParameter(20)
""" float: High pass corner frequency due to AC Coupling from BPF to FWR in Hz. (Default 20 Hz)"""
###### LNA features ######
# the linear regime of LNA with a given nonlinearity threshold
# NOTE: in Xylo-A2 the microphone has a very low sensitivity and the maximum voltage it can produce is 200 mV where beyond that
# THD is very large.
# For this reson, the LNA distortion would be almost negiligible compared with that of the microphone.
self.LNA_DISTORTION: P_float = SimulationParameter(0.01)
self.INPUT_LNA_MAX_AMPLITUDE: P_float = SimulationParameter(
""" float: LNA Distortion parameter when the amplitude goes beyond its linear regime. Default 0.01 """
# LNA gain
# possible gains in LNA: it is possible to adjust LNA by to have an amplification of order 2 or 4
class LNA_GAIN(enum.Enum):
G0dB = 0.0 # in dB
G6dB = 6.0 # in dB
G12dB = 12.0 # in dB
self.lna_gain_db: P_float = SimulationParameter(LNA_GAIN.G0dB.value) # in dB
""" float: Low-noise amplifer gain in dB (Default 0.) """
self.MAX_LNA_OFFSET: P_float = SimulationParameter(5.0e-3) # +/-5mV random
""" float: Maxmimum low-noise amplifier offset in mV (Default 5mV) """
###### filterbank features ######
# - Parameters for BPF
self.Q: P_int = SimulationParameter(4)
""" int: Quality parameter for band-pass filters """
self.Qs: np.ndarray = self.Q * np.ones(self.size_out)
""" np.ndarray: Q factors for each filter """
# - sampling frequency of the incoming audio signal
self.Fs: P_float = SimulationParameter(fs)
""" float: Sample frequency of input data """
# - nominal/design values of the filters center frequencies and bandwidths
self.design_fcs: P_ndarray = SimulationParameter(
""" np.ndarray: Centre frequency of each band-pass filter in Hz """
self.fcs: np.ndarray = self.design_fcs
""" np.ndarray: Actual centre frequencies of each band-pass filter in Hz """
self.bws: np.ndarray = self.fcs / self.Qs
""" np.ndarray: Actual bandwidth for each filter """
# - Check the filters w.r.t the sampling frequency
if self.Fs < (6 * np.max(self.design_fcs)):
raise ValueError(
f"""Sampling frequency ({self.Fs}) must be at least 6 times the highest BPF centre freq. (i.e. >{6 * np.max(self.design_fcs)} Hz)
The main reason is that the microphone produces THD (third-order distortion) which may fallback into the wrong frequency
if the sampling frequency is not large enough.
# - nominal/design Bandwidths of the filters
self.design_bws: P_ndarray = SimulationParameter(self.design_fcs / self.Q)
""" np.ndarray: Bandwidths of each filter in Hz """
# - order of the Butterworth BPF used in the filterbank
self.ORDER_BPF: P_int = SimulationParameter(2)
""" int: Band-pass filter order (Default 2)"""
self.MAX_BPF_OFFSET: P_float = SimulationParameter(5.0e-3) # +/-5mV random
""" float: Maxmum band-pass filter offset in mV (Default 5mV)"""
self.BPF_FC_SHIFT: P_float = SimulationParameter(
) # 5 for +5% -5 for -5% NOTE: 16 channels center freq shift in the same direction
""" float: Centre frequency band-pass filter shift in % (Default -5%) """
self.Q_MIS_MATCH: P_float = SimulationParameter(10e-2) # +/-10% random
""" float: Mismatch in Q in % (Default 10%) """
self.FC_MIS_MATCH: P_float = SimulationParameter(5e-2) # +/-5% random
""" float: Mismatch in centre freq. in % (Default 5%)"""
###### spike generation features ######
# capacitor in LIF circuit used for integration and spike generation
self.C_IAF: P_float = SimulationParameter(5e-12) # 5 pF
""" float: Integrator Capacitance for IAF (Default 5e-12)"""
# V2I module gain: how the input voltage is converted to current for integration and spike generation
# this is set to be I=2e-8 for a max voltage of V=60mv
self.V2I_GIAN: P_float = SimulationParameter(0.333e-6)
self.LEAKAGE: P_float = SimulationParameter(1e-9)
""" float: Leakage conductance for LIF neuron producing the spikes. Default: 1.0e-9 : 1.0 nA for a cpacitor at volatage 1.0V """
self.DIGITAL_COUNTER: P_int = SimulationParameter(4)
""" int: Digital counter factor to reduce output spikes by. Default 4 (by a factor 4) """
# Threshold for spike generation using IAF (essentially LIF) neuron
self.THR_UP: P_float = SimulationParameter(
) # 0.1-0.9 V to be in the linear regime of system.
""" float: Threshold for delta modulation in V (0.1--0.9) (Default 0.5V)"""
##### Other settings for simulation #####
self.add_noise: P_bool = SimulationParameter(add_noise)
""" bool: Flag indicating that noise should be simulated during operation. Default `True` """
self.add_offset: P_bool = SimulationParameter(add_offset)
""" bool: Flag indicating that offset should be simulated during operation. Default `True` """
self.add_mismatch: P_bool = SimulationParameter(add_mismatch)
""" bool: Flag indicating that mismatch in the parameters should be simulated during operation. Default `True` """
self.num_workers: P_int = SimulationParameter(num_workers)
""" int: number of independent CPU units used for simulating the filters in the filterbank. Default 1"""
### Macro definitions related to noise ###
self.VRMS_SQHZ_LNA: P_float = SimulationParameter(70e-9)
self.F_KNEE_LNA: P_float = SimulationParameter(70e3)
self.F_ALPHA_LNA: P_float = SimulationParameter(1)
self.VRMS_SQHZ_BPF: P_float = SimulationParameter(1e-9)
self.F_KNEE_BPF: P_float = SimulationParameter(100e3)
self.F_ALPHA_BPF: P_float = SimulationParameter(1)
self.VRMS_SQHZ_FWR: P_float = SimulationParameter(700e-9)
self.F_KNEE_FWR: P_float = SimulationParameter(158)
self.F_ALPHA_FWR: P_float = SimulationParameter(1)
### Initialise mismatch parameters
self.input_offset: P_float = SimulationParameter(0.0)
""" float: Mismatch offset in the signal comming from microphone -- typically 0 due to AC coupling """
self.lna_offset: P_float = SimulationParameter(0.0)
""" float: Mismatch offset in low-noise amplifier """
self.bpf_offset: P_ndarray = SimulationParameter(np.zeros(self.size_out))
""" float: Mismatch offset in band-pass filters """
self.Q_mismatch: P_ndarray = SimulationParameter(np.zeros(self.size_out))
""" float: Mismatch in Q over band-pass filters """
self.fc_mismatch: P_ndarray = SimulationParameter(np.zeros(self.size_out))
""" float: Mismatch in centre frequency for band-pass filters """
self.bpf_fc_shift: P_float = SimulationParameter(0.0)
""" float: Common shift in center frequencies due to temperature, etc. """
# - Event generation state
self.lif_state: P_ndarray = State(np.zeros(self.size_out))
""" (np.ndarray) Internal state of the LIF neurons used to generate events """
# Initialize chip parameters, generate mismatch if required
[docs] def generate_mismatch(self):
This function generates mismatch for the parameters of AFESim, based on analog non-idealities.
It may be called:
(i) once for all inputs simulated if we are interested in a single chip for all simulations.
(ii) once for each input if we would like some sort of augmentation w.r.t. chip non-idealities.
self.input_offset = (
self.MAX_INPUT_OFFSET * (2 * np.random.rand(1).item() - 1.0)
if self.add_offset
else 0.0
self.lna_offset = (
self.MAX_LNA_OFFSET * (2 * np.random.rand(1).item() - 1.0)
if self.add_offset
else 0.0
self.bpf_offset = (
self.MAX_BPF_OFFSET * (2 * np.random.rand(self.size_out) - 1.0)
if self.add_offset
else np.zeros(self.size_out)
self.Q_mismatch = (
self.Q_MIS_MATCH * (2 * np.random.rand(self.size_out) - 1.0)
if self.add_mismatch
else np.zeros(self.size_out)
self.fc_mismatch = (
self.FC_MIS_MATCH * (2 * np.random.rand(self.size_out) - 1.0)
if self.add_mismatch
else np.zeros(self.size_out)
self.bpf_fc_shift = (
self.BPF_FC_SHIFT * (2 * np.random.rand(1).item() - 1.0)
if self.add_mismatch
else 0.0
# Shift center frequencies and bandwidths based on mismatch parameters
self.fcs = np.asarray(
freq * (1.0 + mismatch)
for (freq, mismatch) in zip(self.design_fcs, self.fc_mismatch)
# Shift the center frequencies together by mismatch factor
self.fcs = np.asarray([freq * (1.0 + self.bpf_fc_shift) for freq in self.fcs])
# Produce Q for the filters
self.Qs = np.asarray(
[self.Q * (1.0 + mismatch) for mismatch in self.Q_mismatch]
# Produce bandwidths
# self.bws = np.asarray([freq / Q for (freq, Q) in zip(self.fcs, self.Qs)])
self.bws = self.fcs / self.Qs
# - Re-generate the filterbank module
self._butter_filterbank = ButterFilter(
# - High-pass filter parameters (for AC coupling between microphone and LNA)
self._HP_filt = self._butter_highpass(self.F_CORNER_HIGHPASS, self.Fs, order=1)
""" High-pass filter on input """
# - Reset internal neuron state
self.lif_state: P_ndarray = State(np.zeros(self.size_out))
""" (np.ndarray) Internal state of the LIF neurons used to generate events """
##### Utility functions: filters #####
[docs] def _butter_bandpass(
self, lowcut: float, highcut: float, fs: float, order: int = 2
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Build a Butterworth bandpass filter from specification
lowcut (float): Low-cut frequency in Hz
highcut (float): High-cut frequency in Hz
fs (float): Sampling frequecy in Hz
order (int): Order of the filter
Returns: (float, float): b, a
Parameters for the bandpass filter
nyq = 0.5 * fs
low = lowcut / nyq
high = highcut / nyq
b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype="band", output="ba")
return b, a
[docs] def _butter_bandpass_filter(
self, data: np.ndarray, lowcut: float, highcut: float, fs: float, order: int = 2
) -> np.ndarray:
Filter data with a bandpass Butterworth filter, according to specifications
data (np.ndarray): Input data with shape ``(T, N)``
lowcut (float): Low-cut frequency in Hz
highcut (float): High-cut frequency in Hz
fs (float): Sampling frequency in Hz
order (int): Order of the filter
Returns: np.ndarray: Filtered data with shape ``(T, N)``
b, a = self._butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
y = lfilter(b, a, data)
return y
[docs] def _butter_highpass(
self, cutoff: float, fs: float, order: int = 1
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Build a Butterworth high-pass filter from specifications
cutoff (float): High-pass cutoff frequency in Hz
fs (float): Sampling rate in Hz
order (int): Order of the filter
Returns: (float, float): b, a
Parameters for the high-pass filter
nyq = 0.5 * fs
normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq
b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype="high", analog=False)
return b, a
[docs] def _butter_highpass_filter(
self, data: np.ndarray, cutoff: float, fs: float, order: int = 1
) -> np.ndarray:
Filter some data with a Butterworth high-pass filter from specifications
data (np.ndarray): Array of input data to filter, with shape ``(T, N)``
cutoff (float): Cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter, in Hz
fs (float): Sampling frequency of ``data``, in Hz
order (int): Order of the Butterwoth filter
Returns: np.ndarray: Filtered output data with shape ``(T, N)``
b, a = self._butter_highpass(cutoff, fs, order=order)
y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data)
return y
#### Utility functions: noise ####
[docs] def _generateNoise(
Fs: float = 16e3,
VRMS_SQHZ: float = 1e-6,
F_KNEE: float = 1e3,
F_ALPHA: float = 1.4,
) -> np.ndarray:
Generate band-limited noise, for use in simulating the AFE architecture
x (np.ndarray): Input signal defining desired shape of noise ``(T,)``
Fs (float): Sampling frequency in Hz
VRMS_SQHZ (float):
F_KNEE (float):
F_ALPHA (float):
Returns: np.ndarray: Generated noise with shape ``(T,)``
def one_over_f(f: np.ndarray, knee: float, alpha: float) -> np.ndarray:
d = np.ones_like(f)
f = np.clip(f, 1e-12, np.inf)
d[f < knee] = np.abs(((knee / f[f < knee]) ** (alpha)))
d[0] = 1
return d
W_NOISE_SIGMA = VRMS_SQHZ * np.sqrt(Fs / 2) # Noise in the bandwidth 0 - Fs/2
wn = np.random.normal(0, W_NOISE_SIGMA, T)
s = fftpack.rfft(wn)
f = fftpack.rfftfreq(len(s)) * Fs
ff = s * one_over_f(f, F_KNEE, F_ALPHA)
x_t = fftpack.irfft(ff)
return x_t
#### Utility functions: spike generation #####
[docs] def _sampling_spikes(self, spikes: np.ndarray, count: int) -> np.ndarray:
Down-sample events in a signal, by passing one in every ``N`` events
spikes (np.ndarray): Raster ``(T, N)`` of events
count (int): Number of events to ignore before passing one event
Returns: np.ndarray: Raster ``(T, N)`` of down-sampled events
return (np.cumsum(spikes, axis=0) % count * spikes) == (count - 1)
#### Utility functions: modelling the distortion #####
[docs] def _MIC_evolve(
self, sig_in: np.ndarray, v_corner: float, THD_level, max_output: float
"""this function incorporates the effect of third-order distortion in the input audio signal.
sig_in (np.ndarray): 1-dim input signal.
v_corner (float): voltage level at which THD is equal to THD_level.
THD_level (float, optional): level of third-order distortion.
max_output (float): maximum signal amplitude in the whole chip.
# we use the simple formula sin(3 th) = 3 sin(th) - 4 sin^3(th) for simulating THD
distortion = (
* v_corner
* (3 * sig_in / v_corner - 4 * (sig_in / v_corner) ** 3)
sig_out = sig_in + distortion
sig_out[sig_out > max_output] = max_output
sig_out[sig_out < -max_output] = -max_output
return sig_out
[docs] def _LNA_evolve(
sig_in: np.ndarray,
v_corner: float,
lna_distortion_level: float,
max_output: float,
"""this function takes the nonlinearity due to LNA into account.
sig_in (np.ndarray): input signal received from the microphone.
v_corner (float): the maximum linear range of the LNA.
lna_distortion_level (float): the nonlinear distortion level added by LNA.
max_output (float): maximum signal amplitude in the whole chip.
# input signal is amplified by LNA
lna_gain = 2 ** (self.lna_gain_db / 6.0)
sig_out = lna_gain * (sig_in + self.lna_offset)
# for a symmetric LNA, the main contribution of distortion is due to 3rd order nonlinearity
lna_out = v_corner * (
sig_out / v_corner - lna_distortion_level * (sig_out / v_corner) ** 3
# truncate the amplitude when the LNA goes into the saturation regime
lna_out[lna_out > max_output] = max_output
lna_out[lna_out < -max_output] = -max_output
return lna_out
#### Utility functions: state representation #####
def dt(self) -> float:
Simulation time-step in seconds
float: Simulation time-step
return 1 / self.Fs
[docs] def _wrap_recorded_state(self, state_dict: dict, t_start: float = 0.0) -> dict:
args = {"dt": self.dt, "t_start": t_start}
return {
"LNA_out": TSContinuous.from_clocked(
state_dict["LNA_out"], name="LNA", **args
"BPF": TSContinuous.from_clocked(state_dict["BPF"], name="BPF", **args),
"rect": TSContinuous.from_clocked(state_dict["rect"], name="Rect", **args),
"spks_out": TSEvent.from_raster(
[docs] def evolve(
input: np.ndarray,
record: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, dict, dict]:
"""Evolve AFESim and return the generated spikes
input (np.ndarray, optional): input audio signal.
record (bool, optional): Record the internal state of AFESim during evolution. Defaults to ``False``.
ValueError: If the input data is not 1D
np.ndarray: Output events (T, 16), where each bin contains the count of events in that bin.
dict: Internal state of the module at the end of evolution
dict: Recording dictionary if requested, otherwise an empty dictionary
input, _ = self._auto_batch(input)
Nb, Nt, Nc = input.shape
# - Make sure input is 1D
if Nb > 1 or Nc > 1:
raise ValueError("the input signal should be 1-dim.")
input = input[0, :, 0]
# -- Revert and repeat the input signal in the beginning to avoid boundary effects
l = np.shape(input)[0]
__input_rev = np.flip(input, axis=0)
input = np.concatenate((__input_rev, input), axis=0)
#### Microphone model ####
mic_out = self._MIC_evolve(
if self.add_offset:
mic_out += self.input_offset
#### LNA - Gain ####
lna_out = self._LNA_evolve(
if self.add_offset:
lna_out += self.lna_offset
#### Add Noise #####
if self.add_noise:
noise = self._generateNoise(
lna_out += noise
#### filterbank processing ####
# - Expand lna_output dimensions and add offset
filter_in = np.tile(np.atleast_2d(lna_out).T, (1, self.size_out))
if self.add_offset:
filter_in += self.bpf_offset
# - Perform the filtering
filtered, _, _ = self._butter_filterbank(filter_in)
# add noise
if self.add_noise:
for i in range(self.size_out):
filtered[:, i] += self._generateNoise(
# - HP filt, additional noise, rectify
# NOTE: HP filter should be essentially at the input where the AC coupling between microphone and LNA lies.
# However, we can also do it at the output together with rectifier
rectified = np.zeros_like(filtered)
for i in range(self.size_out):
rectified[:, i] = abs(
signal.filtfilt(*self._HP_filt, filtered[:, i])
# rectified[:, i]
+ self._generateNoise(
# removing the part of the signal coresponding to __input_rev (which was added to avoid sharo boundary effects)
rectified = rectified[l:, :]
filtered = filtered[l:, :]
# Encoding to spike by integrating the FWR output for positive going(UP)
spikes, new_state = _encode_spikes(
# - Keep a record of the LIF neuron states
self.lif_state = new_state
if self.DIGITAL_COUNTER > 1:
spikes = self._sampling_spikes(spikes, self.DIGITAL_COUNTER)
recording = (
"LNA_out": lna_out,
"BPF": filtered,
"rect": rectified,
"spks_out": spikes,
if record
else {}
return spikes, self.state(), recording
[docs] def raster(self, spikes: np.ndarray):
Rasterise the produced spikes within the rastering period
spikes (np.ndarray): input spikes of dimension `T x F` where `F`: number of filters.
# convert spikes into numpy: this is due to having jax.numpy array when jax is active
spikes = np.asarray(spikes)
# number of clocks within a rastering period
num_clk_per_period = self.raster_period / self.dt
# faster method
if num_clk_per_period == int(num_clk_per_period):
# sum of spikes during several clocks
spike_sum = np.cumsum(spikes, axis=0)[:: int(num_clk_per_period), :]
# number of spikes colected in rastering periods
spike_sum[1:, :] -= spike_sum[:-1, :]
# truncate the number of spikes
spike_sum > self.max_spike_per_raster_period
] = self.max_spike_per_raster_period
return spike_sum
# use rockpool rastering: slower
spike_sum = TSEvent.from_raster(spikes, dt=self.dt).raster(
dt=self.raster_period, add_events=True
spike_sum > self.max_spike_per_raster_period
] = self.max_spike_per_raster_period
return spike_sum