
Basic computational modules for graph definition in Rockpool

Defines LinearWeights, GenericNeurons, AliasConnection and LIFNeuronRealValue.


AliasConnection(input_nodes, output_nodes, ...)

A GraphModule that encapsulates a set of alias connections

GenericNeurons(input_nodes, output_nodes, ...)

A GraphModule than encapsulates a set of generic neurons

LIFNeuronWithSynsRealValue(input_nodes, ...)

A GraphModule that encapsulates a set of LIF spiking neurons with synaptic and membrane dynamics, and with real-valued parameters

LinearWeights(input_nodes, output_nodes, ...)

A GraphModule that encapsulates a single set of linear weights

RateNeuronWithSynsRealValue(input_nodes, ...)

A GraphModule that encapsulates a set of rate neurons, with synapses, and with real-valued parameters