
devices.xylo.syns65302.est_clock_freq(config: XyloConfiguration | XyloConfiguration, dt: float, margin: float = 0.2)[source]

Estimate the required master clock frequency, to run a network in real-time

This function will perform a worst-case analysis, assuming that every input channel, every hidden neuron and every output neuron fire an event on each dt. An additional margin is included (Default: 20%), to guarantee that the model will run in real time at the suggested master clock frequency.

  • config (Union[XyloIMUConfig, XyloA3Config]) – A Xylo configuration for which to estimate the required clock frequency

  • dt (float) – The required network dt, in seconds

  • margin (float) – The additional overhead safety margin to add to the estimation, as a fraction. Default: 0.2 (20%)