Source code for rockpool.devices.xylo.syns61300.xylo_sim

XyloSim-backed module compatible with Xylo. Requires XyloSim

# - Rockpool imports
from rockpool.nn.modules.module import Module
from rockpool.parameters import Parameter, State, SimulationParameter
from rockpool import TSContinuous, TSEvent
from rockpool.utilities.backend_management import backend_available

from xylosim.v1 import XyloLayer

# - Numpy
import numpy as np

# - Typing
from typing import Optional, Union, Any, Dict

XyloConfiguration = Union[Dict, Any]

# - Define exports
__all__ = ["XyloSim"]

class XyloSim(Module):
    A :py:class:`.Module` simulating a digital SNN on Xylo, using XyloSim as a back-end.

    You should use the factory methods `.from_config` and `.from_specification` to build a concrete `.XyloSim` module.

    See Also:

        See the tutorials :ref:`/devices/xylo-overview.ipynb` and :ref:`/devices/torch-training-spiking-for-xylo.ipynb` for a high-level overview of building and deploying networks for Xylo.

    __create_key = object()
    output_mode = "Spike"

    """ Private key to ensure factory creation """

[docs] def __init__( self, create_key, config: XyloConfiguration, shape: tuple = (16, 1000, 8), dt: float = 1e-3, output_mode: str = "Spike", *args, **kwargs, ): """ Private constructor for :py:class:`.XyloSim` Warnings: Use the factory methods :py:meth:`.XyloSim.from_config` and :py:meth:`XyloSim.from_specfication` to construct a :py:class:`.XyloSim` module. """ # - Check that we are creating the object using a factory function if create_key is not XyloSim.__create_key: raise NotImplementedError( "XyloSim may only be instantiated using factory methods `from_config` or `from_specification`." ) # - Initialise the superclass super().__init__( shape=shape, spiking_input=True, spiking_output=True, *args, **kwargs, ) # - Store the configuration self.config: Union[XyloConfiguration, Parameter] = Parameter( shape=(), init_func=lambda _: config ) """ (XyloConfiguration) Configuration of the Xylo module """ # - Store the dt self.dt: Union[float, SimulationParameter] = SimulationParameter(dt) """ (float) Simulation time-step for this module """ # - Empty attribute for the Xylo layer self._xylo_layer: Optional[XyloLayer] = None """ (XyloLayer) Handle to a XyloSim object """ # - Readout mode assert output_mode in [ "Isyn", "Vmem", "Spike", ], f"{output_mode} is not supported." self.output_mode = output_mode
@classmethod def from_config( cls, config: XyloConfiguration, dt: float = 1e-3, output_mode: str = "Spike" ): """ Creata a XyloSim based layer to simulate the Xylo hardware, from a configuration Parameters: dt: float Timestep for simulation, in seconds. Default: 1ms config: XyloConfiguration ``samna.xylo.XyloConfiguration`` object to specify all parameters. See samna documentation for details. """ cls.output_mode = output_mode # - Import XyloSim from xylosim.v1 import XyloSynapse, XyloLayer # - Instantiate the class mod = cls( create_key=cls.__create_key, config=config, dt=dt, output_mode=cls.output_mode, ) # - Make a storage object for the extracted configuration class _(object): pass _xylo_sim_params = _() # - Convert input weights to XyloSynapse objects _xylo_sim_params.synapses_in = [] for pre, w_pre in enumerate(config.input.weights): tmp = [] for post in np.where(w_pre)[0]: tmp.append(XyloSynapse(post, 0, w_pre[post])) if config.synapse2_enable: w2_pre = config.input.syn2_weights[pre] for post in np.where(w2_pre)[0]: tmp.append(XyloSynapse(post, 1, w2_pre[post])) _xylo_sim_params.synapses_in.append(tmp) # - Convert recurrent weights to XyloSynapse objects _xylo_sim_params.synapses_rec = [] for pre, w_pre in enumerate(config.reservoir.weights): tmp = [] for post in np.where(w_pre)[0]: tmp.append(XyloSynapse(post, 0, w_pre[post])) if config.synapse2_enable: w2_pre = config.reservoir.syn2_weights[pre] for post in np.where(w2_pre)[0]: tmp.append(XyloSynapse(post, 1, w2_pre[post])) _xylo_sim_params.synapses_rec.append(tmp) # - Convert output weights to XyloSynapse objects _xylo_sim_params.synapses_out = [] for pre, w_pre in enumerate(config.readout.weights): tmp = [] for post in np.where(w_pre)[0]: tmp.append(XyloSynapse(post, 0, w_pre[post])) _xylo_sim_params.synapses_out.append(tmp) # - Configure reservoir neurons _xylo_sim_params.threshold = [] _xylo_sim_params.dash_syn = [] _xylo_sim_params.dash_mem = [] _xylo_sim_params.aliases = [] for neuron in config.reservoir.neurons: if neuron.alias_target: _xylo_sim_params.aliases.append([neuron.alias_target]) else: _xylo_sim_params.aliases.append([]) _xylo_sim_params.threshold.append(neuron.threshold) _xylo_sim_params.dash_mem.append(neuron.v_mem_decay) _xylo_sim_params.dash_syn.append([neuron.i_syn_decay, neuron.i_syn2_decay]) # - Configure readout neurons _xylo_sim_params.threshold_out = [] _xylo_sim_params.dash_syn_out = [] _xylo_sim_params.dash_mem_out = [] for neuron in config.readout.neurons: _xylo_sim_params.threshold_out.append(neuron.threshold) _xylo_sim_params.dash_mem_out.append(neuron.v_mem_decay) _xylo_sim_params.dash_syn_out.append([neuron.i_syn_decay]) _xylo_sim_params.weight_shift_inp = config.input.weight_bit_shift _xylo_sim_params.weight_shift_rec = config.reservoir.weight_bit_shift _xylo_sim_params.weight_shift_out = config.readout.weight_bit_shift # - Instantiate a Xylo Simulation layer mod._xylo_layer = XyloLayer( synapses_in=_xylo_sim_params.synapses_in, synapses_rec=_xylo_sim_params.synapses_rec, synapses_out=_xylo_sim_params.synapses_out, aliases=_xylo_sim_params.aliases, threshold=_xylo_sim_params.threshold, threshold_out=_xylo_sim_params.threshold_out, weight_shift_inp=_xylo_sim_params.weight_shift_inp, weight_shift_rec=_xylo_sim_params.weight_shift_rec, weight_shift_out=_xylo_sim_params.weight_shift_out, dash_mem=_xylo_sim_params.dash_mem, dash_mem_out=_xylo_sim_params.dash_mem_out, dash_syns=_xylo_sim_params.dash_syn, dash_syns_out=_xylo_sim_params.dash_syn_out, name="XyloSim_XyloLayer", ) # - Store parameters and return mod._xylo_sim_params = _xylo_sim_params return mod @classmethod def from_specification( cls, weights_in: np.ndarray, weights_out: np.ndarray, weights_rec: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, dash_mem: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, dash_mem_out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, dash_syn: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, dash_syn_2: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, dash_syn_out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, threshold: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, threshold_out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, weight_shift_in: int = 0, weight_shift_rec: int = 0, weight_shift_out: int = 0, aliases: Optional[list] = None, dt: float = 1e-3, verify_config: bool = True, output_mode: str = "Spike", ) -> "XyloSim": """ Instantiate a :py:class:`.XyloSim` module from a full set of parameters Args: weights_in (np.ndarray): An int8 matrix ``(Nin, Nhidden, 2)``, specifying input to hidden neuron connections. The final dimension specifies the inputs to the two available synapses of the hidden neurons. weights_out (np.ndarray): An int8 matrix ``(Nhidden, Nout)``, specifying hidden to output connections. weights_rec (Optional[np.ndarray]): An int8 matrix ``(Nhidden, Nhidden, 2)``, specifying recurrent connections within the hidden population. The final dimension specifies the input to the two available synapses on each hidden neuron. Default: ``0``, no recurrent connections. dash_mem (Optional[np.ndarray]): An int8 matrix ``(Nhidden)``, specifying the bitshift decay value for each hidden neuron membrane potential. Default: ``1``. dash_mem_out (Optional[np.ndarray]): An int8 matrix ``(Nout)``, specifying the bitshift decay value for each output neuron membrane potential. Default: ``1``. dash_syn (Optional[np.ndarray]): An int8 matrix ``(Nhidden)``, specifying the bitshift decay value for each hidden neuron synaptic current number 1. Default: ``1``. dash_syn_2 (Optional[np.ndarray]): An int8 matrix ``(Nhidden)``, specifying the bitshift decay value for each hidden neuron synaptic current number 2. Default: ``1``. dash_syn_out (Optional[np.ndarray]): An int8 matrix ``(Nout)``, specifying the bitshift decay value for each output neuron synaptic current. Default: ``1``. threshold (Optional[np.ndarray]): An int8 matrix ``(Nhidden)``, specifying the firing threshold for each hidden neuron. Default: ``0``. threshold_out (Optional[np.ndarray]): An int8 matrix ``(Nhidden)``, specifying the firing threshold for each output neuron. Default: ``0``. weight_shift_in (int): An integer number of bits to left-shift the input weight matrix weight_shift_rec (int): An integer number of bits to left-shift the hidden weight matrix weight_shift_out (int): An integer number of bits to left-shift the output weight matrix aliases (Optional[list]): dt (float): Simulation time step in seconds. Default: 1 ms verify_config (bool): Check for a valid configuraiton before applying it. Default ``True``. Returns: :py:class:`.XyloSim`: A :py:class:`.Module` that emulates the Xylo hardware. Raises: ValueError: If ``verify_config`` is ``True`` and the configuration is not valid. """ if not backend_available("samna"): raise ModuleNotFoundError( "`samna` not installed. `samna` is required to generate and validate a HW configuration for Xylo." ) cls.output_mode = output_mode from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns61300 import config_from_specification # - Convert specification to xylo configuration config, is_valid, status = config_from_specification( weights_in=weights_in, weights_rec=weights_rec, weights_out=weights_out, dash_mem=dash_mem, dash_mem_out=dash_mem_out, dash_syn=dash_syn, dash_syn_2=dash_syn_2, dash_syn_out=dash_syn_out, threshold=threshold, threshold_out=threshold_out, weight_shift_in=weight_shift_in, weight_shift_rec=weight_shift_rec, weight_shift_out=weight_shift_out, aliases=aliases, ) if verify_config and not is_valid: raise ValueError("Xylo configuration is not valid: " + status) # - Instantiate module from config return cls.from_config(config, dt=dt, output_mode=cls.output_mode) def evolve( self, input_raster: np.ndarray = None, record: bool = False, *args, **kwargs, ): # - Evolve using the xylo layer spikes_out = np.array(self._xylo_layer.evolve(input_raster)) if self.output_mode == "Spike": output = spikes_out elif self.output_mode == "Vmem": output = np.array(self._xylo_layer.rec_v_mem_out).T elif self.output_mode == "Isyn": output = np.array(self._xylo_layer.rec_i_syn_out).T # - Build the recording dictionary if not record: recording = {} else: recording = { "Vmem": np.array(self._xylo_layer.rec_v_mem).T, "Isyn": np.array(self._xylo_layer.rec_i_syn).T, "Isyn2": np.array(self._xylo_layer.rec_i_syn2).T, "Spikes": np.array(self._xylo_layer.rec_recurrent_spikes), "Vmem_out": np.array(self._xylo_layer.rec_v_mem_out).T, "Isyn_out": np.array(self._xylo_layer.rec_i_syn_out).T, } # - Return output, state and recording dictionary return output, {}, recording def reset_state(self) -> "XyloSim": """Reset the state of this module.""" self._xylo_layer.reset_all() return self def _wrap_recorded_state(self, state_dict: dict, t_start: float = 0.0) -> dict: args = {"dt": self.dt, "t_start": t_start} return { "Vmem": TSContinuous.from_clocked( state_dict["Vmem"], name="$V_{mem}$", **args ), "Isyn": TSContinuous.from_clocked( state_dict["Isyn"], name="$I_{syn}$", **args ), "Isyn2": TSContinuous.from_clocked( state_dict["Isyn2"], name="$I_{syn,2}$", **args ), "Spikes": TSEvent.from_raster(state_dict["Spikes"], name="Spikes", **args), "Vmem_out": TSContinuous.from_clocked( state_dict["Vmem_out"], name="$V_{mem,out}$", **args ), "Isyn_out": TSContinuous.from_clocked( state_dict["Isyn_out"], name="$I_{syn,out}$", **args ), }