Source code for nn.modules.torch.torch_module

Provide a base class for build Torch-compatible modules

__all__ = ["TorchModule", "TorchModuleParameters"]

from rockpool.nn.modules.module import Module, ModuleBase

import torch
from torch import nn

import numpy as np
import json
import types

import rockpool.parameters as rp

from typing import Tuple, Any, Generator, Union, List

# - To-float-tensor conversion utility
to_float_tensor = lambda x: torch.as_tensor(x, dtype=torch.float)

class TorchModuleParameters(dict):
    A ``dict`` subclass that supports conversion to raw values

    Use the :py:meth:`.astorch` method to extract raw torch parameters. This is equivalent to having called :py:meth:`.Torch.nn.Module.parameters`.

    def astorch(self) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
        Convert this parameter dictionary into a generator of raw torch parameters

        Yields: `Torch.nn.Parameter`

        def yield_leaves(d: dict) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
            # - Loop over values in the dictionary
            for val in d.values():
                if isinstance(val, dict):
                    # - Recurse over the dictionary
                    yield from yield_leaves(val)
                    # - Yield this leaf
                    yield val

        # - Yield leaves over self
        yield from yield_leaves(self)

[docs] class TorchModule(Module, nn.Module): """ Base class for modules that are compatible with both Torch and Rockpool Use this base class to build Rockpool modules that use Torch as a backend. You can also use this class to convert a ``torch.nn.module`` to a Rockpool :py:class:`.Module` in one line. See Also: See :ref:`/in-depth/torch-api.ipynb` for details of using the Torch API. To implement a module from scratch using the Torch low-level API, simply inherit from :py:class:`.TorchModule` instead of ``torch.nn.Module``. You must implement the Torch API in the form of :py:meth:`.forward`. :py:class:`.TorchModule` will convert the API for you, and provides its own :py:meth:`.evolve` method. You should not need to implement the :py:meth:`.evolve` method yourself. :py:meth:`.evolve` will automatically set the :py:attr:`._record` flag according to the input argument to :py:meth:`.evolve`. You can use this within your :py:meth:`.forward` method, and should build a dictionary :py:attr:`._record_dict`. This will be returned automatically from :py:meth:`.evolve`, if requested. In your :py:meth:`.forward` method you should use the Torch API and semantics as usual. Sub-modules of a Rockpool :py:class:`.TorchModule` are expected to be Torch ``nn.Module`` s. Only the top-level module needs to be wrapped as a Rockpool :py:class:`.TorchModule`. :py:class:`.TorchModule` automatically converts Torch parameters to Rockpool :py:class:`.Parameter` s, and Torch named buffers to Rockpool :py:class:`.State` s. In this way calls to :py:meth:`.parameters` and :py:meth:`.state` function as expected. Examples: Convert a ``torch`` module to a Rockpool :py:class:`.TorchModule`: >>> mod = TorchModule.from_torch(torch_mod) >>> mod.parameters() { 'weight', Torch.Tensor[...], # Rockpool parameter dictionary ... } >>> mod(data) ( torch.Tensor[...], # Network output {}, # State dictionary {}, # Record dictionary ) Convert a ``torch`` module to Rockpool, while retaining the ``torch`` API >>> mod = TorchModule.from_torch(torch_mod, retain_torch_api = True) >>> mod.parameters() <Generator of parameters> # Torch parameter generator >>> mod(data) torch.Tensor[...] # Network output Convert a Rockpool ``TorchModule`` to use the ``torch`` API >>> mod = SomeRockpoolTorchModule() >>> tmod = mod.to_torch() >>> tmod.parameters() <generator of parameters> # Torch parameter generator >>> tmod(data) torch.Tensor[...] # Network output Convert a Rockpool parameter dictionary to a torch parameter dictionary >>> mod = SomeRockpoolTorchModule() >>> mod.parameters() { 'param0': value, # Rockpool parameter dictionary 'param1': value, ... } >>> mod.parameters().astorch() <generator of parameters> # Torch parameter generator """
[docs] def __init__(self, retain_torch_api: bool = False, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialise this module You must override this method to initialise your module. Args: *args: **kwargs: """ # - Ensure super-class initialisation ocurs super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._has_torch_api = False if retain_torch_api: self.to_torch() # - Initialise "record" flag self._record = False
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(self, "_call"): return self._call(*args, **kwargs) else: return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(self, "_repr"): return self._repr(*args, **kwargs) else: return super().__repr__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def modules(self, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(self, "_modules_call"): return self._modules_call(*args, **kwargs) else: return super().modules(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def evolve(self, input_data, record: bool = False) -> Tuple[Any, Any, Any]: """ Implement the Rockpool low-level evolution API :py:meth:`.evolve` is provided by :py:class:`.TorchModule` to connect the Rockpool low-level API to the Torch API (i.e. :py:meth:`.forward` etc.). You should *not* override :py:meth:`.evolve` if using :py:class:`.TorchModule` directly, but should implement the Torch API to perform evaluation of the module. :py:meth:`.evolve` will automatically set the :py:attr:`._record` flag according to the input argument to :py:meth:`.evolve`. You can use this within your :py:meth:`.forward` method, and should build a dictionary :py:attr:`._record_dict`. This will be returned automatically from :py:meth:`.evolve`, if requested. Args: input_data: This might be a numpy array or Torch tensor, containing the input data to evolve over record (bool): Iff ``True``, return a dictionary of state variables as ``record_dict``, containing the time series of those state variables over evolution. Default: ``False``, do not record state during evolution Returns: (array, dict, dict): (output_data, new_states, record_dict) ``output_data`` is the output from the :py:class:`.TorchModule`, probably as a torch ``Tensor``. ``new_states`` is a dictionary containing the updated state for this module, post evolution. If the ``record`` argument is ``True``, ``record_dict`` is a dictionary containing the recorded state variables for this and all submodules, recorded over evolution. """ # - Call nn.Module.__call__() method to get output data self._record = record output_data = nn.Module.__call__(self, input_data) # - Build a new state dictionary new_states = self.state() # - No general solution as yet to access recorded states record_dict = ( self._record_dict if (hasattr(self, "_record_dict") and record) else {} ) return output_data, new_states, record_dict
[docs] def _auto_batch( self, data: torch.Tensor, states: Tuple = (), target_shapes: Tuple = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor]]: """ Automatically replicate states over batches and verify input dimensions Usage: >>> data, (state0, state1, state2) = self._auto_batch(data, (self.state0, self.state1, self.state2)) This will verify that `data` has the correct final dimension (i.e. `self.size_in`). If `data` has only two dimensions `(T, Nin)`, then it will be augmented to `(1, T, Nin)`. The individual states will be replicated out from shape `(a, b, c, ...)` to `(n_batches, a, b, c, ...)` and returned. Args: data (torch.Tensor): Input data tensor. Either ``(batches, T, Nin)`` or ``(T, Nin)`` states (Tuple): Tuple of state variables. Each will be replicated out over batches by prepending a batch dimension Returns: (torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor]) data, states """ # - Verify input data shape if len(data.shape) == 1: data = torch.unsqueeze(data, 1) data = torch.unsqueeze(data, 2) elif len(data.shape) == 2: data = torch.unsqueeze(data, 0) if data.shape[-1] == 1: data = data.expand((data.shape[0], data.shape[1], self.size_in)) # - Get shape of input (n_batches, time_steps, n_connections) = data.shape # - Check input dimensions if n_connections != self.size_in: raise ValueError( "Input has wrong neuron dimension. It is {}, must be {}".format( n_connections, self.size_in ) ) # - Get target shapes if target_shapes is None: target_shapes = tuple(s.shape for s in states) else: target_shapes = tuple( s.shape if shape is None else shape for s, shape in zip(states, target_shapes) ) # - Replicate shapes and return states = tuple( torch.ones((n_batches, *shape), device=s.device) * s for s, shape in zip(states, target_shapes) ) return data, states
def __setattr__(self, key, value: Any): if isinstance(value, nn.Parameter): # - Also register as a rockpool parameter self._register_attribute(key, rp.Parameter(value, None, None, value.shape)) if isinstance(value, rp.Parameter): # - Register as a Rockpool attribute self._register_attribute(key, value) # - Register as a torch `parameter` super().register_parameter(key, nn.Parameter(to_float_tensor( return if isinstance(value, rp.State): # - Register as a Rockpool attribute self._register_attribute(key, value) # - Register as a torch `buffer` super().register_buffer(key,, persistent=True) return if isinstance(value, rp.SimulationParameter): # - Register as a Rockpool attribute self._register_attribute(key, value) # - Register as a non-persistent torch `buffer`, if we have a tensor if isinstance(, torch.Tensor): super().register_buffer(key,, persistent=False) return if isinstance(value, nn.Module) and not isinstance(value, TorchModule): # - Convert torch module to a Rockpool Module and assign TorchModule.from_torch(value, retain_torch_api=True) self._register_module(key, value) # - Handle torch parameter being set new values if hasattr(self, key) and isinstance(getattr(self, key), torch.nn.Parameter): if not isinstance(value, torch.nn.Parameter): value = torch.nn.Parameter(value) # Assign attribute with setattr super().__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] def _reset_attribute(self, name: str) -> "ModuleBase": """ Reset an attribute to its initialisation value Args: name (str): The name of the attribute to reset Returns: self (`Module`): For compatibility with the functional API """ # - Get attribute registry __registered_attributes, __modules = self._get_attribute_registry() # - Check that the attribute is registered if name not in __registered_attributes: raise KeyError(f"{name} is not a registered attribute.") # - Get the initialisation function from the registry (_, _, family, init_func, shape) = __registered_attributes[name] value = getattr(self, name) # - Use the registered initialisation function, if present if init_func is not None: new_value = init_func(shape) new_value = ( if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor) else new_value ) if isinstance(value, torch.nn.Parameter): new_value = torch.nn.Parameter(new_value) setattr(self, name, new_value) return self
[docs] def register_buffer( self, name: str, tensor: torch.Tensor, persistent: bool = True, *args, **kwargs ) -> None: # - Check if we are re-assigning a registered attribute __registered_attributes, __modules = self._get_attribute_registry() if name in __registered_attributes: __registered_attributes[name][0] = tensor else: # - Register a Rockpool State or SimulationParameter if persistent: self._register_attribute( name, rp.State(tensor, None, None, np.shape(tensor)) ) else: self._register_attribute( name, rp.SimulationParameter(tensor, None, None, np.shape(tensor)) ) # - Register the buffer with torch super().register_buffer(name, tensor, persistent, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def register_parameter(self, name: str, param: nn.Parameter) -> None: # - Check if we are being called with an already-registered parameter __registered_attributes, __modules = self._get_attribute_registry() if name in __registered_attributes: __registered_attributes[name][0] = param else: # - Register the parameter with Rockpool self._register_attribute( name, rp.Parameter(param, None, None, np.shape(param)) ) # - Register the parameter with Torch super().register_parameter(name, param)
[docs] def _get_attribute_family( self, type_name: str, family: Union[str, Tuple, List] = None ) -> dict: # - Get the attributes dictionary attr = super()._get_attribute_family(type_name, family) # - Cast it to TorchModuleParameters and return return TorchModuleParameters(**attr)
[docs] def _register_module(self, name: str, mod): """ Add a submodule to the module registry Args: name (str): The name of the submodule, extracted from the assigned attribute name mod (TorchModule): The submodule to register Raises: ValueError: If the assigned submodule is not a `TorchModule` """ # - Check that the submodule is also Torch compatible if not isinstance(mod, TorchModule): raise ValueError( f"Submodules of a `TorchModule` must themselves all be `TorchModule`s. Trying to assign a `{mod.class_name}` as a submodule of a `{self.class_name}`" ) # - Register the module super()._register_module(name, mod)
[docs] def to_torch(self, use_torch_call: bool = True): """ Convert the module to use the torch.nn.Module API This method exposes the torch API for ``.__call__()``, ``.parameters()`` and ``.__repr__()`` methods, recursively. By default, ``.__call__()`` is only replaced on the top-level module. This is to ensure that the nested ``.forward()`` methods do not break. Args: use_torch_call (bool): Use the torch-type ``__call__()`` method for this object Returns: The converted object """ def parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): return nn.Module.parameters(self, *args, **kwargs) self.parameters = types.MethodType(parameters, self) for name, mod in self.modules().items(): if isinstance(mod, TorchModule) and not mod._has_torch_api: setattr(self, name, mod.to_torch(use_torch_call=False)) def repr(self, *args, **kwargs): return nn.Module.__repr__(self, *args, **kwargs) def modules(self, *args, **kwargs): return nn.Module.modules(self, *args, **kwargs) self._repr = types.MethodType(repr, self) self._modules_call = types.MethodType(modules, self) if use_torch_call: def call(self, *args, **kwargs): return nn.Module.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._call = types.MethodType(call, self) self._has_torch_api = True return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_torch(cls: type, obj: nn.Module, retain_torch_api: bool = False) -> None: """ Convert a torch module into a Rockpool :py:class:`.TorchModule` in-place Args: obj (torch.nn.Module): Torch module to convert to a Rockpool retain_torch_api (bool): If ``True``, calling the resulting module will use the Torch API. Default: ``False``, convert the module to the Rockpool low-level API for :py:meth:`__call__`. """ # - Check that we have a Torch ``nn.Module`` if not isinstance(obj, nn.Module): raise TypeError("`from_torch` can only patch torch.nn.Module objects.") # - Patch a torch nn.Module to be a Rockpool TorchModule orig_call = obj.__call__ orig_parameters = obj.parameters old_class_name = obj.__class__.__name__ orig_modules_call = obj.modules class TorchModulePatch(obj.__class__, TorchModule): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if retain_torch_api: return orig_call(*args, **kwargs) else: return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) def parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): if retain_torch_api: return orig_parameters(*args, **kwargs) else: return super().parameters(*args, **kwargs) @property def class_name(self) -> str: return old_class_name def modules(self, *args, **kwargs): if retain_torch_api: return orig_modules_call(*args, **kwargs) else: return super().modules(*args, **kwargs) # - Set required base-class initialisation attribute obj._in_Module_init = False # - Set class name attributes obj.__class__ = TorchModulePatch obj.__old_class_name = old_class_name obj._has_torch_api = retain_torch_api assert isinstance(obj, TorchModule) # - Ensure attribute registry is initialised _, __modules = obj._get_attribute_registry() # - Ensure other base-class attributes are set obj._shape = (None,) obj._force_set_attributes = False obj._in_Module_init = False obj._spiking_input = False obj._spiking_output = False obj._name = obj._get_name() obj._submodulenames = [] # - Identify torch buffers and parameters, and register them for name, param in obj.named_parameters(recurse=False): obj._register_attribute(name, rp.Parameter(param, None, None, param.shape)) for name, buffer in obj.named_buffers(recurse=False): obj._register_attribute(name, rp.State(buffer, None, None, buffer.shape)) # - Convert and register submodules for name, mod in obj.named_children(): # - Convert submodule TorchModule.from_torch(mod, retain_torch_api=True) # - Assign submodule to Rockpool module dictionary __modules[name] = [mod, type(mod).__name__] obj._submodulenames.append(name)
[docs] def json_to_param(self, jparam): if not jparam: return for k, param in jparam.items(): if isinstance(param, str): param = json.loads(param) if isinstance(param, dict): self.modules()[k].json_to_param(param) else: my_params = self.parameters() if "_mod" in my_params: my_params = my_params["_mod"] my_params.update(self.simulation_parameters()["_mod"]) else: my_params.update(self.simulation_parameters()) if isinstance(my_params[k], (list, int, float, str)): my_params[k] = param elif callable(my_params[k]): pass elif isinstance(my_params[k], np.ndarray): my_params[k] = np.array(param) elif isinstance(my_params[k], torch.Tensor): my_params[k].data = to_float_tensor(param) elif isinstance(my_params[k], TorchModuleParameters): self.modules()[k].json_to_param(param) elif my_params[k] == None: my_params[k] = param else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{type(my_params[k])} for parameter {k} with value {param} not implemented to load. Please implement." )
[docs] def param_to_json(self, param): if isinstance(param, torch.Tensor): return json.dumps(param.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist()) elif isinstance(param, np.ndarray): return json.dumps(param.tolist()) elif isinstance(param, float): return json.dumps(param) elif isinstance(param, int): return json.dumps(param) elif callable(param): return elif isinstance(param, dict): return_dict = {} for k, p in param.items(): return_dict[k] = self.param_to_json(p) return return_dict elif isinstance(param, str): return json.dumps(param) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{type(param)} not implemented to save. Please implement." )
[docs] def merge(self, a, b): ret = {} keys_a = a.keys() keys_b = b.keys() mutual_keys = keys_a & keys_b keys_a -= mutual_keys keys_b -= mutual_keys for k in keys_a: ret[k] = a[k] for k in keys_b: ret[k] = b[k] for k in mutual_keys: if isinstance(a[k], dict) and isinstance(b[k], dict): ret[k] = self.merge(a[k], b[k]) else: if not a[k] == b[k]: raise f"Conflict at {k}" return ret
[docs] def to_json(self): params = self.param_to_json(self.parameters()) sim_params = self.param_to_json(self.simulation_parameters()) all_params = self.merge(params, sim_params) return all_params
[docs] def save(self, fn): with open(fn, "w+") as f: json.dump(self.to_json(), f)
[docs] def load(self, fn): with open(fn, "r") as f: params = json.load(f) self.json_to_param(params)