Implement a exponential synapse module, using a Torch backend
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Any, Union
import numpy as np
from rockpool.nn.modules.torch.torch_module import TorchModule
import torch
import rockpool.parameters as rp
import rockpool.typehints as rt
__all__ = ["ExpSynTorch"]
[docs]class ExpSynTorch(TorchModule):
Exponential synapse module with a Torch backend
This module implements a layer of exponential synapses, operating under the update equations
.. math::
I_{syn} = I_{syn} + i(t)
I_{syn} = I_{syn} * \exp(-dt / \tau)
I_{syn} = I_{syn} + \sigma \zeta_t
where :math:`i(t)` is the instantaneous input; :math:`\\tau` is the vector ``(N,)`` of time constants for each synapse in seconds; :math:`dt` is the update time-step in seconds; :math:`\\sigma` is the std. deviation after 1s of a Wiener process.
[docs] def __init__(
shape: Union[tuple, int],
tau: Optional[rt.FloatVector] = None,
noise_std: float = 0.0,
dt: float = 1e-3,
spiking_input: bool = True,
spiking_output: bool = False,
Instantiate an exp. synapse module
shape (Union[int, tuple]): The number of synapses in this module ``(N,)``.
tau (Optional[np.ndarray]): Concrete initialisation data for the time constants of the synapses, in seconds. Default: 10 ms individual for all synapses.
noise_std (float): The std. dev after 1s of noise added independently to each synapse
dt (float): The timestep of this module, in seconds. Default: 1 ms.
# Initialize super class
# - To-float-tensor conversion utility
to_float_tensor = lambda x: torch.as_tensor(x, dtype=torch.float)
# - Initialise tau
self.tau: rt.P_tensor = rp.Parameter(
shape=[(self.size_out,), ()],
init_func=lambda s: torch.ones(*s) * 10e-3,
""" (torch.Tensor) Time constants of each synapse in seconds ``(N,)`` or ``()`` """
# - Initialise noise std dev
self.noise_std: rt.P_tensor = rp.SimulationParameter(
noise_std, cast_fn=to_float_tensor
""" (float) Noise std. dev after 1 second """
# - Initialise state
self.isyn: rt.P_tensor = rp.State(
init_func=lambda s: torch.zeros(*s),
""" (torch.tensor) Synaptic current state for each synapse ``(1, N)`` """
# - Store dt
self.dt: rt.P_float = rp.SimulationParameter(dt)
""" (float) Simulation time-step in seconds """
[docs] def evolve(
self, input_data: torch.Tensor, record: bool = False
) -> Tuple[Any, Any, Any]:
# - Evolve the module
output_data, _, _ = super().evolve(input_data, record)
# - Return the result of evolution
return output_data, self.state(), {}
[docs] def forward(self, data: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Forward method for processing data through this layer
Adds synaptic inputs to the synaptic states and mimics the exponential synapse dynamics
data: Tensor
Data takes the shape of (batch, time_steps, N)
out: Tensor
Out of spikes with the shape (batch, time_steps, N)
# - Auto-batch over input data
data, (isyn,) = self._auto_batch(data, (self.isyn,))
n_batches, time_steps, _ = data.shape
# - Build a tensor to compute and return internal state
isyn_ts = torch.zeros(data.shape, device=data.device)
# - Compute decay factor
beta = torch.exp(-self.dt / self.tau)
noise_zeta = self.noise_std * torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(self.dt))
data = data + noise_zeta * torch.randn(data.shape, device=data.device)
# - Loop over time
for t in range(time_steps):
isyn += data[:, t, :]
isyn *= beta
isyn_ts[:, t, :] = isyn
# - Store the final state
self.isyn = isyn[0].detach()
# - Return the evolved synaptic current
return isyn_ts