Source code for nn.modules.torch.ahp_lif_torch

Implement a modified version of LIF Module (ahp, after hyperpolarization feedback,  is added)), using a Torch backend

Provides :py:class:`.aLIFTorch` module.

from typing import Union, Tuple, Callable, Optional, Any
from rockpool.nn.modules.torch.lif_torch import (

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import rockpool.parameters as rp

from rockpool.typehints import *

from rockpool.graph import (

__all__ = ["aLIFTorch"]

[docs] class aLIFTorch(LIFBaseTorch): """ A leaky integrate-and-fire spiking neuron model with adaptive hyperpolarisation, with a Torch backend """
[docs] def __init__( self, shape: Union[Tuple, int], tau_ahp: Optional[Union[FloatVector, P_float]] = None, w_ahp: torch.Tensor = None, w_ahp_init_func: Optional[Callable[[Tuple], torch.tensor]] = lambda s: -0.9 * torch.ones(s), *args, **kwargs, ): """ Instantiate an aLIFTorch module It is built based on LIFTorch with an added inhibitory recurrent connection called ahp (after hyperpolarization) feedback. This connection includes wahp and tau_ahp which currently are set to a constant negative scalar and trainable vectors, respectively. The role of this feedback is to pull down the membrane voltage and reduce the firing rate This module implements the update equations: .. math :: I_{ahp} += S_{ahp} \\cdot W_{ahp} I_{syn} += S_{in}(t) + S_{rec} \\cdot W_{rec} I_{ahp} *= \exp(-dt / \tau_{ahp}) I_{syn} *= \exp(-dt / \tau_{syn}) I_{syn} += I_{ahp} V_{mem} *= \exp(-dt / \tau_{mem}) V_{mem} += I_{syn} + b + \sigma \zeta(t) where :math:`S_{in}(t)` is a vector containing ``1`` (or a weighed spike) for each input channel that emits a spike at time :math:`t`; :math:`b` is a :math:`N` vector of bias currents for each neuron; :math:`\\sigma\\zeta(t)` is a Wiener noise process with standard deviation :math:`\\sigma` after 1s; and :math:`\\tau_{mem}` and :math:`\\tau_{syn}` are the membrane and synaptic time constants, respectively. :math:`S_{rec}(t)` is a vector containing ``1`` for each neuron that emitted a spike in the last time-step. :math:`W_{rec}` is a recurrent weight matrix, if recurrent weights are used. :math:`b` is an optional bias current per neuron (default 0.). and :math `S_{ahp}(t)` is a vector containing ``1`` for each neuron that emitted a spike in the last time-step. :math:`W_{ahp}` is a weight vector coresponding to inhibitory recurrent self-connections, if ahp mode is used are used. \tau_{ahp} is the time constant of the ahp current :On spiking: When the membrane potential for neuron :math:`j`, :math:`V_{mem, j}` exceeds the threshold voltage :math:`V_{thr}`, then the neuron emits a spike. The spiking neuron subtracts its own threshold on reset. .. math :: V_{mem, j} > V_{thr} \\rightarrow S_{rec,j} = 1 V_{mem, j} = V_{mem, j} - V_{thr} Neurons therefore share a common resting potential of ``0``, have individual firing thresholds, and perform subtractive reset of ``-V_{thr}``. Args: shape (tuple): Either a single dimension ``(Nout,)``, which defines a feed-forward layer of LIF modules with equal amounts of synapses and neurons, or two dimensions ``(Nin, Nout)``, which defines a layer of ``Nin`` synapses and ``Nout`` LIF neurons. tau_mem (Optional[FloatVector]): An optional array with concrete initialisation data for the membrane time constants. If not provided, 20ms will be used by default. tau_syn (Optional[FloatVector]): An optional array with concrete initialisation data for the synaptic time constants. If not provided, 20ms will be used by default. bias (Optional[FloatVector]): An optional array with concrete initialisation data for the neuron bias currents. If not provided, ``0.0`` will be used by default. threshold (FloatVector): An optional array specifying the firing threshold of each neuron. If not provided, ``1.`` will be used by default. has_rec (bool): When ``True`` the module provides a trainable recurrent weight matrix. Default ``False``, module is feed-forward. w_rec (torch.Tensor): If the module is initialised in recurrent mode, you can provide a concrete initialisation for the recurrent weights, which must be a matrix with shape ``(Nout, Nin)``. If the model is not initialised in recurrent mode, then you may not provide ``w_rec``. noise_std (float): The std. dev. of the noise added to membrane state variables at each time-step. Default: ``0.0`` (no noise) spike_generation_fn (Callable): Function to call for spike production. Usually simple threshold crossing. Implements the surrogate gradient function in the backward call. (StepPWL or PeriodicExponential). learning_window (float): Cutoff value for the surrogate gradient. max_spikes_per_dt (int): The maximum number of events that will be produced in a single time-step. Default: ``np.inf``; do not clamp spiking. weight_init_func (Optional[Callable[[Tuple], torch.tensor]): The initialisation function to use when generating weights. Default: ``None`` (Kaiming initialisation) dt (float): The time step for the forward-Euler ODE solver. Default: 1ms tau_ahp (Optional[FloatVector]): An optional array with concrete initialisation data for the time constants of ahp (after hyperpolarization) currents. If not provided, 20ms will be used by default. w_ahp (torch.Tensor): If the module is initialised in recurrent mode, you can provide a concrete initialisation for the ahp (after hyperpolarization) feedback weights, which must be a matrix with shape ``(Nout, Nin)``. If the model is not initialised in ahp mode, then you may not provide ``w_ahp``. """ # - Initialise superclass super().__init__( shape=shape, *args, **kwargs, ) # - To-float-tensor conversion utility to_float_tensor = lambda x: torch.as_tensor(x, dtype=torch.float) self.w_ahp: P_tensor = rp.Parameter( w_ahp, shape=[(self.size_out,), ()], init_func=w_ahp_init_func, family="weights", cast_fn=to_float_tensor, ) """ (Tensor) ahp (after hyperpolarization feedback) weights `(Nout, Nin)` """ self.tau_ahp: P_tensor = rp.Parameter( tau_ahp, family="taus", shape=[ (self.size_out,), (1,), (), ], init_func=lambda s: torch.ones(s) * 20e-3, cast_fn=to_float_tensor, ) """ (Tensor) Synaptic time constants `(Nin,)` or `()` """ self.iahp: P_tensor = rp.State( shape=(self.size_out), init_func=torch.zeros, cast_fn=to_float_tensor, ) """ (Tensor) currents `(Nin,)` """
@property def gamma(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Decay factor for AHP synapses :py:attr:`.aLIFTorch.tau_ahp` """ return torch.exp(-self.dt / self.tau_ahp).to(self.tau_ahp.device)
[docs] def forward(self, input_data: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ forward method for processing data through this layer Adds synaptic inputs to the synaptic states and mimics the Leaky Integrate and Fire dynamics Args: input_data (torch.Tensor): Data takes the shape of (batch, time_steps, n_synapses) Returns: torch.Tensor: Out of spikes with the shape (batch, time_steps, Nout) """ # - Auto-batch over input data input_data, (vmem, spikes, isyn, iahp) = self._auto_batch( input_data, (self.vmem, self.spikes, self.isyn, self.iahp), ( (self.size_out,), (self.size_out,), (self.size_out, self.n_synapses), (self.size_out,), ), ) n_batches, n_timesteps, _ = input_data.shape # - Reshape data over separate input synapses input_data = input_data.reshape( n_batches, n_timesteps, self.size_out, self.n_synapses ) # - Set up state record and output if self._record: self._record_dict["vmem"] = torch.zeros( n_batches, n_timesteps, self.size_out, device=vmem.device ) self._record_dict["isyn"] = torch.zeros( n_batches, n_timesteps, self.size_out, self.n_synapses, device=vmem.device, ) self._record_dict["irec"] = torch.zeros( n_batches, n_timesteps, self.size_out, self.n_synapses, device=vmem.device, ) self._record_dict["iahp"] = torch.zeros( n_batches, n_timesteps, self.size_out, device=vmem.device ) self._record_dict["spikes"] = torch.zeros( n_batches, n_timesteps, self.size_out, device=vmem.device ) # - Calculate and cache updated values for decay factors alpha = self.alpha beta = self.beta gamma = self.gamma noise_zeta = self.noise_std * torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(self.dt)) # - Generate membrane noise trace noise_ts = noise_zeta * torch.randn( (n_batches, n_timesteps, self.size_out), device=vmem.device ) # - Loop over time for t in range(n_timesteps): # - Integrate synaptic input isyn = isyn + input_data[:, t] # - Apply spikes over the recurrent weights if hasattr(self, "w_rec"): irec = F.linear(spikes, self.w_rec.T).reshape( n_batches, self.size_out, self.n_synapses ) isyn = isyn + irec # - Decay isyn isyn *= beta # - Apply spikes over the ahp weights if hasattr(self, "w_ahp"): iahp = iahp + torch.mul( spikes, self.w_ahp.repeat(n_batches, 1).reshape(n_batches, self.size_out), ) # - Decay iahp iahp *= gamma # - Build augmented isyn isyn_ =, iahp.reshape(n_batches, self.size_out, 1)), 2) else: isyn_ = isyn # - Decay membrane state vmem *= alpha # Integrate membrane state and apply noise vmem = vmem + isyn_.sum(2) + noise_ts[:, t, :] + self.bias # - Spike generation spikes = self.spike_generation_fn( vmem, self.threshold, self.learning_window, self.max_spikes_per_dt ) # - Apply subtractive membrane reset vmem = vmem - spikes * self.threshold # - Maintain state record if self._record: self._record_dict["vmem"][:, t] = vmem self._record_dict["isyn"][:, t] = isyn if hasattr(self, "w_rec"): self._record_dict["irec"][:, t] = irec if hasattr(self, "w_ahp"): self._record_dict["iahp"][:, t] = iahp # - Maintain output spike record self._record_dict["spikes"][:, t] = spikes # - Update states self.vmem = vmem[0].detach() self.isyn = isyn[0].detach() self.iahp = iahp[0].detach() self.spikes = spikes[0].detach() # - Return output return self._record_dict["spikes"]
[docs] def as_graph(self) -> GraphModuleBase: def syn_integration(self): """ Create a tau_syn matrix including tau_ahp, for :py:meth`.as_graph` export Returns: np.array: ``tau_syn`` """ tau_syn = self.tau_syn.expand((self.size_out, self.n_synapses)) tau_ahp = self.tau_ahp.reshape((-1, 1)).expand((self.size_out, 1)) tau_syn_ahp =, tau_ahp), 1) return tau_syn_ahp.flatten().detach().numpy() def w_ahp_reshape(self): """ Create and reshape a ``w_ahp`` matrix for :py:meth`.as_graph` export Returns: np.array: ``w_ahp`` """ # - to match the shape of w_ahp with the shape of w_rec for mapper # w_ahp is a vector while training but for mapper we build matrix out of that of size: (n_neurons, n_neurons) w_ahp = torch.zeros((self.size_out, self.size_out)) for i in range(self.size_out): w_ahp[i, i] += self.w_ahp[i] return w_ahp # - Get tau_mem for export tau_mem = self.tau_mem.expand((self.size_out,)).flatten().detach().numpy() # - Get tau_syn and w_ahp for export tau_syn_ahp = syn_integration(self) w_ahp = w_ahp_reshape(self) # - Get threshold and bias parameters for export threshold = self.threshold.expand((self.size_out,)).flatten().detach().numpy() bias = self.bias.expand((self.size_out,)).flatten().detach().numpy() # - Generate a GraphModule for the neurons neurons = LIFNeuronWithSynsRealValue._factory( self.size_in + self.size_out, # Including AHP synapses self.size_out, f"{type(self).__name__}_{}_{id(self)}", self, tau_mem, tau_syn_ahp, # Including AHP synapses threshold, bias, self.dt, ) # - Include recurrent weights if present and combine them with ahp weights # - Weights are connected over the existing input and output nodes w_rec = ( self.w_rec if hasattr(self, "w_rec") else torch.zeros(self.size_out, self.size_in) ) all_wrec =, w_ahp), 1) w_rec_graph = LinearWeights( neurons.output_nodes, neurons.input_nodes, f"{type(self).__name__}_recurrent_{}_{id(self)}", self, all_wrec.detach().numpy(), ) # - Return a graph containing neurons and weights, but trimming off the AHP input nodes return GraphHolder( neurons.input_nodes[: self.size_in], neurons.output_nodes,, None, )