Implements linear weight matrix modules
from __future__ import annotations
from rockpool.nn.modules.module import Module
from rockpool.parameters import Parameter
from rockpool.graph import GraphModuleBase, LinearWeights, as_GraphHolder
import numpy as onp
from warnings import warn
from typing import Tuple, Any, Callable
from abc import ABC
__all__ = ["unit_eigs", "kaiming", "xavier", "Linear"]
def unit_eigs(s):
return onp.random.randn(*s) / onp.sqrt(s[0])
def uniform_sqrt(s):
lim = onp.sqrt(1 / s[0])
return onp.random.uniform(-lim, lim, s)
def kaiming(s):
lim = onp.sqrt(6 / s[0])
return onp.random.uniform(-lim, lim, s)
def xavier(s):
lim = onp.sqrt(6 / onp.sum(s))
return onp.random.uniform(-lim, lim, s)
class LinearMixin(ABC):
Encapsulate a linear weight matrix
_dot = None
def __init__(
shape: tuple,
has_bias: bool = False,
weight_init_func: Callable = kaiming,
bias_init_func: Callable = uniform_sqrt,
Encapsulate a linear weight matrix, with optional biases
`.Linear` wraps a single weight matrix, and passes data through by using the matrix as a set of weights. The shape of the matrix must be specified as a tuple ``(Nin, Nout)``. `.Linear` provides optional biases.
A weight initialisation function may be specified. By default the weights will use Kaiming initialisation (:py:func:`.kaiming`).
A bias initialisation function may be specified, if used. By default the biases will be initialised as uniform random over the range :math:`(-\\sqrt(1/N), \\sqrt(1/N))`.
Standard DNN libraries by default include a bias on linear layers. These are usually not used for SNNs, where the bias is configured on the spiking neuron module. :py:class:`.Linear` layers in Rockpool use a default of ``has_bias = False``. You can force the presence of a bias on the linear layer with ``has_bias = True`` on initialisation.
Build a linear weight matrix with shape ``(3, 4)``, and no biases:
>>> Linear((3, 4))
Linear with shape (3, 4)
Build a linear weight matrix with shape ``(2, 5)``, which will be initialised with zeros:
>>> Linear((2, 5), weight_init_func = lambda s: np.zeros(s))
Linear with shape (2, 5)
Provide a concrete initialisation for the linear weights:
>>> Linear((2, 2), weight = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))
Linear with shape (2, 2)
Build a linear layer including biases:
>>> mod = Linear((2, 2), has_bias = True)
>>> mod.parameters()
{'weight': array([[ 0.56655314, 0.64411151],
[-1.43016068, -1.538719 ]]),
'bias': array([-0.58513867, -0.32314069])}
shape (tuple): The desired shape of the weight matrix. Must have two entries ``(Nin, Nout)``
weight_init_func (Callable): The initialisation function to use for the weights. Default: Kaiming initialization; uniform on the range :math:`(-\\sqrt(6/Nin), \\sqrt(6/Nin))`
weight (Optional[np.array]): A concrete weight matrix to assign to the weights on initialisation. ``weight.shape`` must match the ``shape`` argument
has_bias (bool): A boolean flag indicating that this linear layer should have a bias parameter. Default: ``False``, no bias parameter
bias_init_func (Callable): The initialisation function to use for the biases. Default: Uniform / sqrt(N); uniform on the range :math:`(-\\sqrt(1/N), \\sqrt(1/N))`
bias (Optional[np.array]): A concrete bias vector to assign to the biases on initialisation. ``bias.shape`` must be ``(N,)``
# - Base class must be `Module`
if not isinstance(self, Module):
raise TypeError(
"`LinearMixin` mix-in class may only be used with `Module` classes."
# - Call superclass init
super().__init__(shape=shape, *args, **kwargs)
if len(self.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("`shape` must specify input and output sizes for Linear.")
# - Specify weight parameter
self.weight = Parameter(
weight, shape=self.shape, init_func=weight_init_func, family="weights"
""" Weight matrix of this module """
# - Specify bias parameter
if has_bias or bias is not None:
self.bias = Parameter(
bias, shape=self.size_out, init_func=bias_init_func, family="biases"
""" Bias vector of this module """
self._has_bias = True
self.bias = 0
self._has_bias = False
def evolve(self, input_data, record: bool = False) -> Tuple[Any, Any, Any]:
return self._dot(input_data, self.weight) + self.bias, {}, {}
def as_graph(self) -> GraphModuleBase:
return LinearWeights._factory(
self.bias if self._has_bias else None,
def from_graph(cls, graph: LinearWeights) -> LinearMixin:
from_graph constructs a LinearMixin object from the comptutational graph
:param graph: the reference computational graph to restore computational module
:type graph: LinearWeights
:return: a LinearMixin object
:rtype: LinearMixin
if not isinstance(graph, LinearWeights):
graph = LinearWeights._convert_from(graph)
return cls(
shape=(len(graph.input_nodes), len(graph.output_nodes)),
has_bias=False if graph.biases is None else True,
[docs]class Linear(LinearMixin, Module):
Encapsulates a linear weight matrix
_dot = staticmethod(onp.dot)