Source code for nn.modules.native.lif

Implements a leaky integrate-and-fire neuron module with a numpy backend

from rockpool.nn.modules.module import Module
from rockpool.parameters import Parameter, State, SimulationParameter
from rockpool.nn.modules.native.linear import kaiming
from rockpool import TSContinuous, TSEvent

import numpy as np

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union, Dict, Callable, Any
from rockpool.typehints import (

from rockpool.graph import (

__all__ = ["LIF", "spike_subtract_threshold"]

# - Surrogate functions to use in learning
def sigmoid(x: FloatVector, threshold: FloatVector) -> FloatVector:
    Sigmoid function

    :param FloatVector x: Input value

    :return FloatVector: Output value
    return np.tanh(x + 1 - threshold) / 2 + 0.5

def spike_subtract_threshold(
    x: FloatVector,
    threshold: FloatVector,
    window: FloatVector = 0.5,
    max_spikes_per_dt: float = 2.0**16,
) -> FloatVector:
    Spike production function

    Number of spikes is equal to floor(x / threshold)

        x (float):          Input value
        threshold (float):  Firing threshold
        window (float): Unused
        max_spikes_per_dt (float): Maximum number of events that may be produced in each time-step. Default: ``2**16``

        float: Number of output events for each input value
    return np.clip((x >= threshold) * np.floor(x / threshold), None, max_spikes_per_dt)

[docs] class LIF(Module): """ A leaky integrate-and-fire spiking neuron model This module implements the update equations: .. math :: I_{syn} += S_{in}(t) + S_{rec} \\cdot W_{rec} I_{syn} *= \\exp(-dt / \\tau_{syn}) V_{mem} *= \\exp(-dt / \\tau_{mem}) V_{mem} += I_{syn} + b + \\sigma \\zeta(t) where :math:`S_{in}(t)` is a vector containing ``1`` (or a weighed spike) for each input channel that emits a spike at time :math:`t`; :math:`b` is a :math:`N` vector of bias currents for each neuron; :math:`\\sigma\\zeta(t)` is a Wiener noise process with standard deviation :math:`\\sigma` after 1s; and :math:`\\tau_{mem}` and :math:`\\tau_{syn}` are the membrane and synaptic time constants, respectively. :math:`S_{rec}(t)` is a vector containing ``1`` for each neuron that emitted a spike in the last time-step. :math:`W_{rec}` is a recurrent weight matrix, if recurrent weights are used. :math:`b` is an optional bias current per neuron (default 0.). :On spiking: When the membrane potential for neuron :math:`j`, :math:`V_{mem, j}` exceeds the threshold voltage :math:`V_{thr}`, then the neuron emits a spike. The spiking neuron subtracts its own threshold on reset. .. math :: V_{mem, j} > V_{thr} \\rightarrow S_{rec,j} = 1 V_{mem, j} = V_{mem, j} - V_{thr} Neurons therefore share a common resting potential of ``0``, have individual firing thresholds, and perform subtractive reset of ``-V_{thr}``. """
[docs] def __init__( self, shape: Union[Tuple, int], tau_mem: Optional[FloatVector] = None, tau_syn: Optional[FloatVector] = None, bias: Optional[FloatVector] = None, w_rec: Optional[FloatVector] = None, has_rec: bool = False, weight_init_func: Optional[Callable[[Tuple], np.ndarray]] = kaiming, threshold: Optional[FloatVector] = None, noise_std: float = 0.0, max_spikes_per_dt: P_int = 2.0**16, dt: float = 1e-3, spiking_input: bool = False, spiking_output: bool = True, *args, **kwargs, ): """ Instantiate an LIF module Args: shape (tuple): Either a single dimension ``(Nout,)``, which defines a feed-forward layer of LIF modules with equal amounts of synapses and neurons, or two dimensions ``(Nin, Nout)``, which defines a layer of ``Nin`` synapses and ``Nout`` LIF neurons. tau_mem (Optional[np.ndarray]): An optional array with concrete initialisation data for the membrane time constants. If not provided, 20ms will be used by default. tau_syn (Optional[np.ndarray]): An optional array with concrete initialisation data for the synaptic time constants. If not provided, 20ms will be used by default. bias (Optional[np.ndarray]): An optional array with concrete initialisation data for the neuron bias currents. If not provided, 0.0 will be used by default. w_rec (Optional[np.ndarray]): If the module is initialised in recurrent mode, you can provide a concrete initialisation for the recurrent weights, which must be a square matrix with shape ``(Nout, Nin)``. has_rec (bool): If ``True``, module provides a recurrent weight matrix. Default: ``False``, no recurrent connectivity. weight_init_func (Optional[Callable[[Tuple], np.ndarray]): The initialisation function to use when generating weights. Default: ``None`` (Kaiming initialisation) threshold (FloatVector): An optional array specifying the firing threshold of each neuron. If not provided, ``1.`` will be used by default. noise_std (float): The std. dev. after 1s of the noise added to membrane state variables. Default: ``0.0`` (no noise). max_spikes_per_dt (float): The maximum number of events that will be produced in a single time-step. Default: ``2**16`` dt (float): The time step for the forward-Euler ODE solver. Default: 1ms """ # - Check shape argument if np.size(shape) == 1: shape = (np.array(shape).item(), np.array(shape).item()) if np.size(shape) > 2: raise ValueError( "`shape` must be a one- or two-element tuple `(Nin, Nout)`." ) # - Call the superclass initialiser super().__init__( shape=shape, spiking_input=spiking_input, spiking_output=spiking_output, *args, **kwargs, ) self.n_synapses: P_int = shape[0] // shape[1] """ (int) Number of input synapses per neuron """ # - Should we be recurrent or FFwd? self._has_rec: bool = SimulationParameter(has_rec) if has_rec: self.w_rec: P_ndarray = Parameter( w_rec, shape=(self.size_out, self.size_in), init_func=weight_init_func, family="weights", cast_fn=np.array, ) """ (Tensor) Recurrent weights `(Nout, Nin)` """ else: if w_rec is not None: raise ValueError("`w_rec` may not be provided if `has_rec` is `False`") self.w_rec: P_ndarray = SimulationParameter( np.zeros((self.size_out, self.size_in)) ) # - Set parameters self.tau_mem: P_ndarray = Parameter( tau_mem, shape=[(self.size_out,), ()], init_func=lambda s: np.ones(s) * 20e-3, family="taus", cast_fn=np.array, ) """ (np.ndarray) Membrane time constants `(Nout,)` or `()` """ self.tau_syn: P_ndarray = Parameter( tau_syn, "taus", init_func=lambda s: np.ones(s) * 20e-3, shape=[ ( self.size_out, self.n_synapses, ), ( 1, self.n_synapses, ), (), ], ) """ (np.ndarray) Synaptic time constants `(Nout,)` or `()` """ self.bias: P_ndarray = Parameter( bias, "bias", init_func=lambda s: np.zeros(s), shape=[(self.size_out,), ()], ) """ (np.ndarray) Neuron bias currents `(Nout,)` or `()` """ self.threshold: P_ndarray = Parameter( threshold, "threshold", init_func=np.ones, shape=[(self.size_out,), ()], cast_fn=np.array, ) """ (np.ndarray) Firing threshold for each neuron `(Nout,)` or `()`""" self.dt: P_float = SimulationParameter(dt) """ (float) Simulation time-step in seconds """ self.noise_std: P_float = SimulationParameter(noise_std) """ (float) Noise injected on each neuron membrane per time-step """ # - Specify state self.spikes: P_ndarray = State(shape=(self.size_out,), init_func=np.zeros) """ (np.ndarray) Spiking state of each neuron `(Nout,)` """ self.isyn: P_ndarray = State( shape=(self.size_out, self.n_synapses), init_func=np.zeros ) """ (np.ndarray) Synaptic current of each neuron `(Nout, Nsyn)` """ self.vmem: P_ndarray = State(shape=(self.size_out,), init_func=np.zeros) """ (np.ndarray) Membrane voltage of each neuron `(Nout,)` """ self.max_spikes_per_dt: P_float = SimulationParameter(max_spikes_per_dt) """ (float) Maximum number of events that can be produced in each time-step """
[docs] def evolve( self, input_data: np.ndarray, record: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, dict, dict]: """ Args: input_data (np.ndarray): Input array of shape ``(T, Nin)`` to evolve over record (bool): If ``True``, Returns: (np.ndarray, dict, dict): output, new_state, record_state ``output`` is an array with shape ``(T, Nout)`` containing the output data produced by this module. ``new_state`` is a dictionary containing the updated module state following evolution. ``record_state`` will be a dictionary containing the recorded state variables for this evolution, if the ``record`` argument is ``True``. """ input_data, (vmem, spikes, isyn) = self._auto_batch( input_data, (self.vmem, self.spikes, self.isyn), ( (self.size_out,), (self.size_out,), (self.size_out, self.n_synapses), ), ) batches, num_timesteps, _ = input_data.shape # - Reshape data over separate input synapses input_data = input_data.reshape( batches, num_timesteps, self.size_out, self.n_synapses ) # - Get evolution constants alpha = np.exp(-self.dt / self.tau_mem) beta = np.exp(-self.dt / self.tau_syn) noise_zeta = self.noise_std * np.sqrt(self.dt) # - Single-step LIF dynamics def forward( state: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], inputs_t: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], ) -> Tuple[ Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, ]: """ Single-step LIF dynamics for a recurrent LIF layer :param LayerState state: :param Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] inputs_t: (spike_inputs_ts, current_inputs_ts) :return: (state, Irec_ts, spikes_ts, Vmem_ts, Isyn_ts) state: (LayerState) Layer state at end of evolution Irec_ts: (np.ndarray) Recurrent input received at each neuron over time [T, N] spikes_ts: (np.ndarray) Logical spiking raster for each neuron [T, N] Vmem_ts: (np.ndarray) Membrane voltage of each neuron over time [T, N] Isyn_ts: (np.ndarray) Synaptic input current received by each neuron over time [T, N] """ # - Unpack inputs (sp_in_t, I_in_t) = inputs_t # - Unpack state spikes, Isyn, Vmem = state # - Apply synaptic and recurrent input Irec = (, self.w_rec).reshape(self.size_out, self.n_synapses) if hasattr(self, "w_rec") else np.zeros((self.size_out, self.n_synapses)) ) Isyn += sp_in_t + Irec # - Decay synaptic and membrane state Vmem *= alpha Isyn *= beta # - Integrate membrane potentials Vmem += Isyn.sum(1) + I_in_t + self.bias # - Detect next spikes (with custom gradient) spikes = spike_subtract_threshold( Vmem, self.threshold, None, self.max_spikes_per_dt ) # - Apply subtractive membrane reset Vmem = Vmem - spikes * self.threshold # - Return state and outputs return (spikes, Isyn, Vmem), (Irec, spikes, Vmem, Isyn) # - Generate membrane noise trace noise_ts = noise_zeta * np.random.randn(batches, num_timesteps, self.size_out) Irec_ts = np.zeros((batches, num_timesteps, self.size_out, self.n_synapses)) spikes_ts = np.zeros((batches, num_timesteps, self.size_out)) Vmem_ts = np.zeros((batches, num_timesteps, self.size_out)) Isyn_ts = np.zeros((batches, num_timesteps, self.size_out, self.n_synapses)) for b in range(batches): for t in range(num_timesteps): # - Solve layer dynamics for this timestep ( (spikes[b], isyn[b], vmem[b]), ( Irec_ts[b, t, :, :], spikes_ts[b, t, :], Vmem_ts[b, t, :], Isyn_ts[b, t, :, :], ), ) = forward( (spikes[b], isyn[b], vmem[b]), (input_data[b, t, :], noise_ts[b, t, :]), ) self.spikes = spikes[0] self.isyn = isyn[0] self.vmem = vmem[0] # - Generate return arguments outputs = spikes_ts record_dict = { "irec": Irec_ts, "spikes": spikes_ts, "isyn": Isyn_ts, "vmem": Vmem_ts, } # - Return outputs return outputs, self.state(), record_dict
[docs] def as_graph(self) -> GraphModuleBase: # - Generate a GraphModule for the neurons neurons = LIFNeuronWithSynsRealValue._factory( self.size_in, self.size_out, f"{type(self).__name__}_{}_{id(self)}", self, self.tau_mem, self.tau_syn, self.threshold, self.bias, self.dt, ) # - Include recurrent weights if present if self._has_rec: # - Weights are connected over the existing input and output nodes w_rec_graph = LinearWeights( neurons.output_nodes, neurons.input_nodes, f"{type(self).__name__}_recurrent_{}_{id(self)}", self, self.w_rec, ) # - Return a graph containing neurons and optional weights return as_GraphHolder(neurons)
[docs] def _wrap_recorded_state(self, state_dict: dict, t_start: float = 0.0) -> dict: args = {"dt": self.dt, "t_start": t_start} return { "vmem": TSContinuous.from_clocked( np.squeeze(state_dict["vmem"][0]), name="$V_{mem}$", **args ), "isyn": TSContinuous.from_clocked( np.squeeze(state_dict["isyn"][0]), name="$I_{syn}$", **args ), "irec": TSContinuous.from_clocked( np.squeeze(state_dict["irec"][0]), name="$I_{rec}$", **args ), "spikes": TSEvent.from_raster( np.squeeze(state_dict["spikes"][0]), name="Spikes", **args ), }