Spiking softmax modules, with Jax backends.
from rockpool.nn.modules.jax.jax_module import JaxModule
from rockpool.nn.modules.jax.linear_jax import LinearJax
from rockpool.nn.modules.jax.exp_syn_jax import ExpSynJax
from rockpool.training.jax_loss import softmax, logsoftmax
import jax.numpy as np
from jax.tree_util import Partial
from rockpool.parameters import SimulationParameter
from typing import Tuple, Any, Optional, Callable
from rockpool.typehints import P_Callable
__all__ = ["SoftmaxJax", "LogSoftmaxJax"]
class WeightedSmoothBase(JaxModule):
A weighted smoothing Jax-backed module.
def __init__(
shape: Optional[tuple] = None,
weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
bias: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
has_bias: bool = True,
tau: float = 100e-3,
dt: float = 1e-3,
activation_fun: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] = lambda x: x,
Initialise the module.
shape (Optional[tuple]): Defines the module shape ``(Nin, Nout)``. If not provided, the shape of ``weight`` will be used.
weight (Optional[np.ndarray]): Concrete initialisation data for the weights. If not provided, will be initialised to ``U[-sqrt(2 / Nin), sqrt(2 / Nin)]``.
bias (Optonal[np.ndarray]): Concrete initialisation data for the biases. If not provided, will be initialised to ``U[-sqrt(2 / Nin), sqrt(2 / Nin)]``.
has_bias (bool): Iff ``True``, the module will include a set of biases. Default: ``True``.
tau (float): Smoothing time constant :math:`\\tau`. Default: 100 ms.
dt (float): Simulation tme-step in seconds. Default: 1 ms.
activation_fun (Callable): Activation function to apply to each neuron
# - Check `shape` argument
if shape is None:
if weight is None:
raise ValueError(
"One of `shape` or `weight` parameters must be provided."
shape = weight.shape
# - Initialise super-class
super().__init__(shape=shape, *args, **kwargs)
# - Define the submodules
self.linear = LinearJax(
shape=shape, weight=weight, bias=bias, has_bias=has_bias
self.smooth = ExpSynJax(
self.activation_fn: P_Callable = SimulationParameter(Partial(activation_fun))
""" (Callable) Activation function """
def evolve(self, input_data, record: bool = False) -> Tuple[Any, Any, Any]:
# - Initialise return dictionaries
record_dict = {}
new_state = {}
# - Pass data through modules
x, new_state["linear"], record_dict["linear"] = self.linear(input_data, record)
x, new_state["smooth"], record_dict["smooth"] = self.smooth(x, record)
# - Return data
return self.activation_fn(x), new_state, record_dict
[docs]class SoftmaxJax(WeightedSmoothBase):
A Jax-backed module implementing a smoothed weighted softmax, compatible with spiking inputs
This module implements synaptic dynamics:
.. math::
\\tau \dot{I}_{syn} + I_{syn} = i(t) \\cdot W
The softmax function is given by:
.. math ::
S(x, \\tau) = \\exp(l) / { \\Sigma { \\exp(l)} }
l = x - \\max(x)
and is applied to the synaptic currents :math:`I_{syn}`. Input weighting :math:`W` is provided, and the exponential smoothing kernel is paramterised by time constant :math:`\\tau`.
[docs] def __init__(
shape: Optional[tuple] = None,
weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
bias: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
has_bias: bool = True,
tau: float = 100e-3,
dt: float = 1e-3,
Instantiate a soft-max module.
shape (Optional[tuple]): Defines the module shape ``(Nin, Nout)``. If not provided, the shape of ``weight`` will be used.
weight (Optional[tuple]): Concrete initialisation data for the weights. If not provided, will be initialised using Kaiming initialization: :math:`W \sim U[\pm\sqrt(2 / N_{in})]`.
bias (Optonal[np.ndarray]): Concrete initialisation data for the biases. If not provided, will be initialised to ``U[-sqrt(2 / Nin), sqrt(2 / Nin)]``.
has_bias (bool): Iff ``True``, the module will include a set of biases. Default: ``True``.
tau (float): Smoothing time constant :math:`\\tau`. Default: 100 ms.
dt (float): Simulation tme-step in seconds. Default: 1 ms.
# - Initialise super-class
activation_fun=lambda x: softmax(x),
[docs]class LogSoftmaxJax(WeightedSmoothBase):
A Jax-backed module implementing a smoothed weighted softmax, compatible with spiking inputs
This module implements synaptic dynamics:
.. math::
\\tau \dot{I}_{syn} + I_{syn} = i(t) \\cdot W
The log softmax function is given by:
.. math::
log S(x, \\tau) = (l) - \\log \\Sigma { \\exp (l) }
l = x - \\max (x)
and is applied to the synaptic currents :math:`I_{syn}`. Input weighting :math:`W` is provided, and the exponential smoothing kernel is paramterised by time constant :math:`\\tau`.
[docs] def __init__(
shape: Optional[tuple] = None,
weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
bias: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
has_bias: bool = True,
tau: float = 100e-3,
dt: float = 1e-3,
Initialise a soft-max module.
shape (Optional[tuple]): Defines the module shape ``(Nin, Nout)``. If not provided, the shape of ``weight`` will be used.
weight (Optional[tuple]): Concrete initialisation data for the weights. If not provided, will be initialised using Kaiming initialization: :math:`W \sim U[\pm\sqrt(2 / N_{in})]`.
bias (Optonal[np.ndarray]): Concrete initialisation data for the biases. If not provided, will be initialised to ``U[-sqrt(2 / Nin), sqrt(2 / Nin)]``.
has_bias (bool): Iff ``True``, the module will include a set of biases. Default: ``True``.
tau (float): Smoothing time constant :math:`\\tau`. Default: 100 ms.
dt (float): Simulation tme-step in seconds. Default: 1 ms.
# - Initialise super-class
activation_fun=lambda x: logsoftmax(x),