Implements a leaky integrate-and-fire neuron module with a Jax backend
import jax
from rockpool.nn.modules.jax.jax_module import JaxModule
from rockpool.nn.modules.native.linear import kaiming
from rockpool.parameters import Parameter, State, SimulationParameter
from rockpool import TSContinuous, TSEvent
from rockpool.graph import (
import numpy as onp
from jax import numpy as np
from jax.tree_util import Partial
from jax.lax import scan
import jax.random as rand
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union, Callable
from rockpool.typehints import FloatVector, P_ndarray, JaxRNGKey, P_float, P_int
__all__ = ["LIFJax"]
# - Surrogate functions to use in learning
def sigmoid(x: FloatVector, threshold: FloatVector) -> FloatVector:
Sigmoid function
:param FloatVector x: Input value
:return FloatVector: Output value
return np.tanh(x + 1 - threshold) / 2 + 0.5
def step_pwl(
x: FloatVector,
threshold: FloatVector,
window: FloatVector = 0.5,
max_spikes_per_dt: float = 2.0**16,
) -> FloatVector:
Heaviside step function with piece-wise linear derivative to use as spike-generation surrogate
x (float): Input value
threshold (float): Firing threshold
window (float): Learning window around threshold. Default: 0.5
max_spikes_per_dt (float): Maximum number of spikes that may be produced each dt. Default: ``2**16``
float: Number of output events for each input value
spikes = (x >= threshold) * np.floor(x / threshold)
return np.clip(spikes, 0.0, max_spikes_per_dt)
def step_pwl_jvp(primals, tangents):
x, threshold, window, max_spikes_per_dt = primals
x_dot, threshold_dot, window_dot, max_spikes_per_dt_dot = tangents
primal_out = step_pwl(*primals)
tangent_out = (x >= (threshold - window)) * (
x_dot / threshold - threshold_dot * x / (threshold**2)
return primal_out, tangent_out
def clip_gradient(lo, hi, x):
return x # identity function
def clip_gradient_fwd(lo, hi, x):
return x, (lo, hi) # save bounds as residuals
def clip_gradient_bwd(res, g):
lo, hi = res
return (
np.clip(g, lo, hi),
) # use None to indicate zero cotangents for lo and hi
clip_gradient.defvjp(clip_gradient_fwd, clip_gradient_bwd)
[docs]class LIFJax(JaxModule):
A leaky integrate-and-fire spiking neuron model, with a Jax backend
This module implements the update equations:
.. math ::
I_{syn} += S_{in}(t) + S_{rec} \\cdot W_{rec}
I_{syn} *= \\exp(-dt / \\tau_{syn})
V_{mem} *= \\exp(-dt / \\tau_{mem})
V_{mem} += I_{syn} + b + \\sigma \\zeta(t)
where :math:`S_{in}(t)` is a vector containing ``1`` (or a weighed spike) for each input channel that emits a spike at time :math:`t`; :math:`b` is a :math:`N` vector of bias currents for each neuron; :math:`\\sigma\\zeta(t)` is a Wiener noise process with standard deviation :math:`\\sigma` after 1s; and :math:`\\tau_{mem}` and :math:`\\tau_{syn}` are the membrane and synaptic time constants, respectively. :math:`S_{rec}(t)` is a vector containing ``1`` for each neuron that emitted a spike in the last time-step. :math:`W_{rec}` is a recurrent weight matrix, if recurrent weights are used. :math:`b` is an optional bias current per neuron (default 0.).
:On spiking:
When the membrane potential for neuron :math:`j`, :math:`V_{mem, j}` exceeds the threshold voltage :math:`V_{thr}`, then the neuron emits a spike. The spiking neuron subtracts its own threshold on reset.
.. math ::
V_{mem, j} > V_{thr} \\rightarrow S_{rec,j} = 1
V_{mem, j} = V_{mem, j} - V_{thr}
Neurons therefore share a common resting potential of ``0``, have individual firing thresholds, and perform subtractive reset of ``-V_{thr}``.
[docs] def __init__(
shape: Union[Tuple, int],
tau_mem: Optional[FloatVector] = None,
tau_syn: Optional[FloatVector] = None,
bias: Optional[FloatVector] = None,
w_rec: Optional[FloatVector] = None,
has_rec: bool = False,
weight_init_func: Optional[Callable[[Tuple], np.ndarray]] = kaiming,
threshold: Optional[FloatVector] = None,
noise_std: float = 0.0,
max_spikes_per_dt: P_float = 2.0**16,
dt: float = 1e-3,
rng_key: Optional[JaxRNGKey] = None,
spiking_input: bool = False,
spiking_output: bool = True,
Instantiate an LIF module
shape (tuple): Either a single dimension ``(Nout,)``, which defines a feed-forward layer of LIF modules with equal amounts of synapses and neurons, or two dimensions ``(Nin, Nout)``, which defines a layer of ``Nin`` synapses and ``Nout`` LIF neurons.
tau_mem (Optional[np.ndarray]): An optional array with concrete initialisation data for the membrane time constants. If not provided, 20ms will be used by default.
tau_syn (Optional[np.ndarray]): An optional array with concrete initialisation data for the synaptic time constants. If not provided, 20ms will be used by default.
bias (Optional[np.ndarray]): An optional array with concrete initialisation data for the neuron bias currents. If not provided, 0.0 will be used by default.
w_rec (Optional[np.ndarray]): If the module is initialised in recurrent mode, you can provide a concrete initialisation for the recurrent weights, which must be a square matrix with shape ``(Nout, Nin)``.
has_rec (bool): If ``True``, module provides a recurrent weight matrix. Default: ``False``, no recurrent connectivity.
weight_init_func (Optional[Callable[[Tuple], np.ndarray]): The initialisation function to use when generating weights. Default: ``None`` (Kaiming initialisation)
threshold (FloatVector): An optional array specifying the firing threshold of each neuron. If not provided, ``1.`` will be used by default.
noise_std (float): The std. dev. after 1s of the noise added to membrane state variables. Default: ``0.0`` (no noise).
max_spikes_per_dt (float): The maximum number of events that will be produced in a single time-step. Default: ``2**16``.
dt (float): The time step for the forward-Euler ODE solver. Default: 1ms
rng_key (Optional[Any]): The Jax RNG seed to use on initialisation. By default, a new seed is generated.
# - Check shape argument
if np.size(shape) == 1:
shape = (np.array(shape).item(), np.array(shape).item())
if np.size(shape) > 2:
raise ValueError(
"`shape` must be a one- or two-element tuple `(Nin, Nout)`."
# - Call the superclass initialiser
# - Seed RNG
if rng_key is None:
rng_key = rand.PRNGKey(onp.random.randint(0, 2**63))
_, rng_key = rand.split(np.array(rng_key, dtype=np.uint32))
# - Initialise state
self.rng_key: Union[np.ndarray, State] = State(
rng_key, init_func=lambda _: rng_key
self.n_synapses = shape[0] // shape[1]
""" (int) Number of input synapses per neuron """
if self.n_synapses * shape[1] != self.size_in:
raise ValueError(
"You must specify an integer number of synapses per neuron."
# - Should we be recurrent or FFwd?
self._has_rec: bool = SimulationParameter(has_rec)
if isinstance(has_rec, jax.core.Tracer) or has_rec:
self.w_rec: P_ndarray = Parameter(
shape=(self.size_out, self.size_in),
""" (Tensor) Recurrent weights `(Nout, Nin)` """
self.w_rec: P_ndarray = SimulationParameter(
np.zeros((self.size_out, self.size_in))
# - Set parameters
self.tau_mem: P_ndarray = Parameter(
shape=[(self.size_out,), ()],
init_func=lambda s: np.ones(s) * 20e-3,
""" (np.ndarray) Membrane time constants `(Nout,)` or `()` """
self.tau_syn: P_ndarray = Parameter(
init_func=lambda s: np.ones(s) * 20e-3,
""" (np.ndarray) Synaptic time constants `(Nout,)` or `()` """
self.bias: P_ndarray = Parameter(
init_func=lambda s: np.zeros(s),
shape=[(self.size_out,), ()],
""" (np.ndarray) Neuron bias currents `(Nout,)` or `()` """
self.threshold: P_ndarray = Parameter(
shape=[(self.size_out,), ()],
""" (np.ndarray) Firing threshold for each neuron `(Nout,)` or `()`"""
self.dt: P_float = SimulationParameter(dt)
""" (float) Simulation time-step in seconds """
self.noise_std: P_float = SimulationParameter(noise_std)
""" (float) Noise injected on each neuron membrane per time-step """
# - Specify state
self.spikes: P_ndarray = State(shape=(self.size_out,), init_func=np.zeros)
""" (np.ndarray) Spiking state of each neuron `(Nout,)` """
self.isyn: P_ndarray = State(
shape=(self.size_out, self.n_synapses), init_func=np.zeros
""" (np.ndarray) Synaptic current of each neuron `(Nout, Nsyn)` """
self.vmem: P_ndarray = State(shape=(self.size_out,), init_func=np.zeros)
""" (np.ndarray) Membrane voltage of each neuron `(Nout,)` """
self.max_spikes_per_dt: P_float = SimulationParameter(max_spikes_per_dt)
""" (float) Maximum number of events that can be produced in each time-step """
# - Define additional arguments required during initialisation
self._init_args = {
"has_rec": has_rec,
"weight_init_func": Partial(weight_init_func),
[docs] def evolve(
input_data: np.ndarray,
record: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, dict, dict]:
input_data (np.ndarray): Input array of shape ``(T, Nin)`` to evolve over
record (bool): If ``True``,
(np.ndarray, dict, dict): output, new_state, record_state
``output`` is an array with shape ``(T, Nout)`` containing the output data produced by this module. ``new_state`` is a dictionary containing the updated module state following evolution. ``record_state`` will be a dictionary containing the recorded state variables for this evolution, if the ``record`` argument is ``True``.
# - Get input shapes, add batch dimension if necessary
input_data, (vmem, spikes, isyn) = self._auto_batch(
(self.vmem, self.spikes, self.isyn),
(self.size_out, self.n_synapses),
n_batches, n_timesteps, _ = input_data.shape
# - Reshape data over separate input synapses
input_data = input_data.reshape(
n_batches, n_timesteps, self.size_out, self.n_synapses
# - Get evolution constants
alpha = np.exp(-self.dt / self.tau_mem)
beta = np.exp(-self.dt / self.tau_syn)
noise_zeta = self.noise_std * np.sqrt(self.dt)
# - Generate membrane noise trace
key1, subkey = rand.split(self.rng_key)
noise_ts = noise_zeta * rand.normal(
subkey, shape=(n_batches, n_timesteps, self.size_out)
# - Single-step LIF dynamics
def forward(
state: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
inputs_t: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
) -> Tuple[
Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
Single-step LIF dynamics for a recurrent LIF layer
:param LayerState state:
:param Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] inputs_t: (spike_inputs_ts, current_inputs_ts)
:return: (state, Irec_ts, spikes_ts, Vmem_ts, Isyn_ts)
state: (Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]) Layer state at end of evolution
Irec_ts: (np.ndarray) Recurrent input received at each neuron over time [T, N]
spikes_ts: (np.ndarray) Logical spiking raster for each neuron [T, N]
Vmem_ts: (np.ndarray) Membrane voltage of each neuron over time [T, N]
Isyn_ts: (np.ndarray) Synaptic input current received by each neuron over time [T, N]
# - Unpack inputs
(sp_in_t, noise_in_t) = inputs_t
# - Unpack state
spikes, isyn, vmem = state
# - Apply synaptic and recurrent input
isyn = isyn + sp_in_t
irec = np.dot(spikes, self.w_rec).reshape(self.size_out, self.n_synapses)
isyn = isyn + irec
# - Decay synaptic and membrane state
vmem *= alpha
isyn *= beta
# - Integrate membrane potentials
vmem = vmem + isyn.sum(1) + noise_in_t + self.bias
# - Detect next spikes (with custom gradient)
spikes = step_pwl(vmem, self.threshold, 0.5, self.max_spikes_per_dt)
# - Apply subtractive membrane reset
vmem = vmem - spikes * self.threshold
# - Ensure gradients are reasonable
# vmem = clip_gradient(-GRADIENT_LIMIT, GRADIENT_LIMIT, vmem)
# spikes = clip_gradient(-GRADIENT_LIMIT, GRADIENT_LIMIT, spikes)
# irec = clip_gradient(-GRADIENT_LIMIT, GRADIENT_LIMIT, irec)
# isyn = clip_gradient(-GRADIENT_LIMIT, GRADIENT_LIMIT, isyn)
# - Return state and outputs
return (spikes, isyn, vmem), (irec, spikes, vmem, isyn)
# - Map over batches
def scan_time(spikes, isyn, vmem, input_data, noise_ts):
return scan(forward, (spikes, isyn, vmem), (input_data, noise_ts))
# - Evolve over spiking inputs
state, (irec_ts, spikes_ts, vmem_ts, isyn_ts) = scan_time(
spikes, isyn, vmem, input_data, noise_ts
# - Generate return arguments
outputs = spikes_ts
states = {
"spikes": spikes_ts[0, -1],
"isyn": isyn_ts[0, -1],
"vmem": vmem_ts[0, -1],
"rng_key": key1,
record_dict = {
"irec": irec_ts,
"spikes": spikes_ts,
"isyn": isyn_ts,
"vmem": vmem_ts,
# - Clip parameter gradients
# self.tau_mem = clip_gradient(-GRADIENT_LIMIT, GRADIENT_LIMIT, self.tau_mem)
# self.tau_syn = clip_gradient(-GRADIENT_LIMIT, GRADIENT_LIMIT, self.tau_syn)
# self.bias = clip_gradient(-GRADIENT_LIMIT, GRADIENT_LIMIT, self.bias)
# self.threshold = clip_gradient(-GRADIENT_LIMIT, GRADIENT_LIMIT, self.threshold)
# - Return outputs
return outputs, states, record_dict
[docs] def as_graph(self) -> GraphModuleBase:
# - Generate a GraphModule for the neurons
neurons = LIFNeuronWithSynsRealValue._factory(
# - Include recurrent weights if present
if self._has_rec:
# - Weights are connected over the existing input and output nodes
w_rec_graph = LinearWeights(
# - Return a graph containing neurons and optional weights
return as_GraphHolder(neurons)
[docs] def _wrap_recorded_state(self, state_dict: dict, t_start: float = 0.0) -> dict:
args = {"dt": self.dt, "t_start": t_start}
return {
"vmem": TSContinuous.from_clocked(
np.squeeze(state_dict["vmem"][0]), name="$V_{mem}$", **args
"isyn": TSContinuous.from_clocked(
np.squeeze(state_dict["isyn"][0]), name="$I_{syn}$", **args
"irec": TSContinuous.from_clocked(
np.squeeze(state_dict["irec"][0]), name="$I_{rec}$", **args
"spikes": TSEvent.from_raster(
np.squeeze(state_dict["spikes"][0]), name="Spikes", **args