Source code for graph.graph_modules

Basic computational modules for graph definition in Rockpool

Defines :py:class:`.LinearWeights`, :py:class:`.GenericNeurons`, :py:class:`.AliasConnection` and :py:class:`.LIFNeuronRealValue`.

from rockpool.graph.graph_base import GraphModule

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional

from rockpool.typehints import FloatVector

import numpy as np
from rockpool.utilities.backend_management import backend_available

if backend_available("torch"):
    from torch import Tensor

    class Tensor:

__all__ = [

[docs]@dataclass(eq=False, repr=False) class LinearWeights(GraphModule): """ A :py:class:`.GraphModule` that encapsulates a single set of linear weights """ weights: FloatVector """ FloatVector: The linear weights ``(Nin, Nout)`` encapsulated by this module """ biases: Optional[FloatVector] = None """ FloatVector: The biases ``(Nout,)`` encapsulaed by this module """ def __post_init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # - Check size if self.weights.shape != (len(self.input_nodes), len(self.output_nodes)): raise ValueError( f"`weights` must match size of input and output nodes. Got {self.weights.shape}, expected {(len(self.input_nodes), len(self.output_nodes))}." ) if self.biases is not None and self.biases.shape != (len(self.output_nodes),): raise ValueError( f"`biases` must match size of input and output nodes. Got {self.biases.shape}, expected {(len(self.output_nodes),)}." ) super().__post_init__(*args, **kwargs) # - Convert weights and biases to numpy arrays if isinstance(self.weights, Tensor): self.weights = self.weights.detach().cpu().numpy() else: self.weights = np.array(self.weights) if self.biases is not None: if isinstance(self.biases, Tensor): self.biases = self.biases.detach().cpu().numpy() else: self.biases = np.array(self.biases)
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False, repr=False) class GenericNeurons(GraphModule): """ A :py:class:`.GraphModule` than encapsulates a set of generic neurons This class is used as a base class for all specific neuron subclasses. It defines only input and output nodes, and does not specify any parameters for the neurons. """ pass
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False, repr=False) class AliasConnection(GraphModule): """ A :py:class:`.GraphModule` that encapsulates a set of alias connections """ def __post_init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # - Call super-class super().__post_init__(*args, **kwargs) # - Check size if len(self.input_nodes) != len(self.output_nodes): raise ValueError( f"For an alias connection, the number of inputs and outputs must be identical.\nGot {len(self.input_nodes)} and {len(self.output_nodes)}." )
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False, repr=False) class LIFNeuronWithSynsRealValue(GenericNeurons): """ A :py:class:`.GraphModule` that encapsulates a set of LIF spiking neurons with synaptic and membrane dynamics, and with real-valued parameters """ tau_mem: FloatVector = field(default_factory=list) """ Floatvector: The membrane time constants of these neurons, in seconds ``(Nout,)`` """ tau_syn: FloatVector = field(default_factory=list) """ Floatvector: The synaptic time constants of these neurons, in seconds ``(Nin,)`` """ threshold: FloatVector = field(default_factory=list) """ Floatvector: The firing threshold parameters of these neurons ``(Nout,)`` """ bias: FloatVector = field(default_factory=list) """ Floatvector: The bias parameters of these neurons, if present ``(Nout,)`` """ dt: Optional[float] = None """ float: The time-step used for these neurons in seconds, if present """
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False, repr=False) class RateNeuronWithSynsRealValue(GenericNeurons): """ A :py:class:`.GraphModule` that encapsulates a set of rate neurons, with synapses, and with real-valued parameters """ tau: FloatVector = field(default_factory=list) """ Floatvector: The time constants of these neurons, in seconds ``(Nout,)`` """ bias: FloatVector = field(default_factory=list) """ Floatvector: The bias parameters of these neurons ``(Nout,)`` """ dt: Optional[float] = None """ float: The time-step used for these neurons in seconds, if present """