Provides :py:class:`.XyloMonitor`
# - Samna imports
import samna
from samna.xyloAudio3.configuration import XyloConfiguration
XyloAudio3HDK = samna.xyloAudio3.XyloAudio3TestBoard
from . import xa3_devkit_utils as hdkutils
import time
import math
import numpy as np
from rockpool.nn.modules.module import Module
from rockpool.parameters import SimulationParameter
# - Typing
from typing import Optional, Union, Callable, List, Tuple
from warnings import warn
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm, trange
except ModuleNotFoundError:
def tqdm(wrapped, *args, **kwargs):
return wrapped
def trange(obj, *args, **kwargs):
return range(obj)
# - Configure exports
__all__ = ["XyloMonitor"]
Default_Main_Clock_Rate = 50.0 # 50 MHz
[docs]class XyloMonitor(Module):
A spiking neuron :py:class:`.Module` backed by the XyloAudio 3 hardware, via `samna`.
:py:class:`.XyloMonitor` operates continuously in real-time, receiving and processing data from a microphone with the deployed SNN. Results are continuously output from the HDK and buffered.
On evolution, :py:class:`.XyloMonitor` returns a chunk of buffered processed time of a specified duration.
Use :py:func:`~.devices.xylo.syns65302.config_from_specification` to build and validate a configuration for Xylo.
[docs] def __init__(
device: XyloAudio3HDK,
config: Optional[XyloConfiguration] = None,
output_mode: str = "Spike",
dt: float = 1e-3,
main_clk_rate: float = Default_Main_Clock_Rate,
hibernation_mode: bool = False,
power_frequency: float = 5.0,
dn_active: bool = True,
Instantiate a Module with XyloAudio 3 dev-kit backend.
device (XyloAudio3HDK): An opened `samna` device to a XyloAudio 3 dev kit
config (XyloConfiguraration): A Xylo configuration from `samna`
output_mode (str): The readout mode for the Xylo device. This must be one of ``["Spike", "Vmem"]``. Default: "Spike", return events from the output layer.
dt (float): The timewindow duration, in seconds. Default: 0.001
main_clk_rate (float): The main clock rate of Xylo, in MHz
hibernation_mode (bool): If True, hibernation mode will be switched on, which only outputs events if it receives inputs above a threshold.
power_frequency (float): The frequency of power measurement, in Hz. Default: 5.0
dn_active (bool): If True, divisive normalization will be used. Defaults to True.
digital_microphone (bool): If True, configure XyloAudio 3 to use the digital microphone, otherwise, analog microphone. Defaults to True.
`ValueError`: If ``device`` is not set. ``device`` must be a ``XyloAudio3HDK``.
`TimeoutError`: If ``output_mode`` is not ``Spike`` or ``Vmem``.
`ValueError`: If ``operation_mode`` is not set to ``RealTime``. For other opeartion modes please use :py:class:`.XyloSamna`.
# - Check input arguments
if device is None:
raise ValueError("`device` must be a valid, opened Xylo HDK device.")
# - Check output mode specification
if output_mode not in ["Spike", "Vmem"]:
raise ValueError(
f'{output_mode} is not supported. Must be one of `["Spike", "Vmem"]`.'
self._output_mode = output_mode
# - Get a default configuration
if config is None:
config = samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.XyloConfiguration()
# - Get the network shape
Nin, Nhidden = np.shape(config.input.weights)
_, Nout = np.shape(config.readout.weights)
# - Register buffers to read and write events, monitor state
self._read_buffer = hdkutils.new_xylo_read_buffer(device)
self._write_buffer = hdkutils.new_xylo_write_buffer(device)
self._state_buffer = hdkutils.new_xylo_state_monitor_buffer(device)
if config.operation_mode != samna.xyloAudio3.OperationMode.RealTime:
raise ValueError("`operation_mode` must be RealTime for XyloMonitor.")
config.digital_frontend.filter_bank.dn_enable = dn_active
# - Configuration for real time in XyloAudio 3
config.time_resolution_wrap = self._get_tr_wrap(
ts=dt, main_clk_freq_in_mhz=main_clk_rate
config.debug.always_update_omp_stat = True
config.digital_frontend.filter_bank.use_global_iaf_threshold = True
if digital_microphone:
config.input_source = samna.xyloAudio3.InputSource.DigitalMicrophone
config.debug.sdm_clock_ratio = 24
config.digital_frontend.pdm_preprocessing.clock_direction = 1
config.digital_frontend.pdm_preprocessing.clock_edge = 0
raise ValueError("Analog microphone is not available yet for XyloAudio 3.")
# - Disable internal state monitoring
config.debug.monitor_neuron_v_mem = []
config.debug.monitor_neuron_spike = []
config.debug.monitor_neuron_i_syn = []
# - Build a filter graph to filter `Readout` events from Xylo
self._spike_graph = samna.graph.EventFilterGraph()
_, etf0, self._spike_buffer = self._spike_graph.sequential(
# - Initialise the superclass
shape=(Nin, Nhidden, Nout), spiking_input=False, spiking_output=True
# - Store the device
self._device: XyloAudio3HDK = device
""" `.XyloHDK`: The Xylo HDK used by this module """
# - Store the configuration
self._config: Union[
XyloConfiguration, SimulationParameter
] = SimulationParameter(shape=(), init_func=lambda _: config)
""" `XyloConfiguration`: The HDK configuration applied to the Xylo module """
# - Enable hibernation mode
if hibernation_mode:
self._config.enable_hibernation_mode = True
# - Store the timestep
self.dt: Union[float, SimulationParameter] = dt
""" float: Simulation time-step of the module, in seconds """
self._main_clk_rate = main_clk_rate
# - Store the io module
self._io = self._device.get_io_module()
# - Apply the configuration on Xylo HDK
hdkutils.apply_configuration(device, self._config)
self._power_monitor = None
"""Power monitor for Xylo"""
self._evolve = False
""" Track if evolve function was called """
self._power_frequency = power_frequency
def config(self):
# - Return the configuration stored on Xylo HDK
return self._device.get_model().get_configuration()
def config(self, new_config):
# - Test for a valid configuration
is_valid, msg = samna.xyloAudio3.validate_configuration(new_config)
if not is_valid:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid configuration for the Xylo HDK: {msg}")
# - Write the configuration to the device
hdkutils.apply_configuration(self._device, new_config)
# - Store the configuration locally
self._config = new_config
[docs] def _get_tr_wrap(self, ts, main_clk_freq_in_mhz):
Calculate the value of tr wrap
ts: time windown in seconds
main_clk_freq_in_mhz: main clock frequency in mhz
main_clk_freq = main_clk_freq_in_mhz * 1e6 # in Hz
tr_wrap = int(ts * main_clk_freq)
return tr_wrap
def __del__(self):
Delete the XyloAudio3Monitor object and reset the HDK.
# - Reset the HDK to clean up
[docs] def apply_configuration(self, new_config):
# - Write the configuration to the device
hdkutils.apply_configuration(self._device, new_config)
# - Store the configuration locally
self._config = new_config
[docs] def evolve(
record: bool = False,
record_power: bool = False,
read_timeout: Optional[float] = 1,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, dict, dict]:
Evolve a network on the Xylo HDK in Real-time mode.
record (bool): ``False``, do not return a recording dictionary. Recording internal state is not supported by :py:class:`.XyloAudio3Monitor`
record_power (bool): If ``True``, record the power consumption during each evolve.
read_timeout (float): A duration in seconds for a read timeout.
Tuple[np.ndarray, dict, dict] output_events, {}, rec_dict
output_events is an array that stores the output events of T time-steps
rec_dict is a dictionary that stores the power measurements of T time-steps
if record:
raise ValueError(
f"Recording internal state is not supported by :py:class:`.XyloAudio3Monitor`"
if read_timeout < self.dt:
raise ValueError(
"Read timeout can not be smaller then the duration of the processing step."
if record_power:
raise ValueError(
f"Power measurement is not available yet by :py:class:`.XyloMonitor`"
# use current time to calculate how long the processing will run
read_until = time.time() + read_timeout
output_events = []
# Start processing
# In realtime mode, sending triggerprocessing again without target timestep is not an issue (i.e., does nothing)
# TriggerProcessing with target timestep can stop execution if target is smaller than current timestep
# - Wait for all the events received during the read timeout
readout_events = []
# -- We still need the loop because there is no function in samna that wait for a specific ammount of time and return all events
while (now := time.time()) < read_until:
remaining_time = read_until - now
readout_events += self._read_buffer.get_events_blocking(
math.ceil(remaining_time * 1000)
if len(readout_events) == 0:
message = f"No event received in {read_timeout}s."
raise TimeoutError(message)
ev_filt = [
e for e in readout_events if isinstance(e, samna.xyloAudio3.event.Readout)
for ev in ev_filt:
if self._output_mode == "Vmem":
elif self._output_mode == "Spike":
rec_dict = {}
# - Return the output spikes, the (empty) new state dictionary, and the recorded power dictionary
return output_events, {}, rec_dict