Source code for devices.xylo.syns65302.afe_sim

Simulation of the audio filtering front-end for Xylo™Audio 3

Defines the modules :py:class:`.AFESimExternal` and :py:class:`.AFESimPDM`

See Also:
    For example usage of the `AFESim...` modules, see :ref:`/devices/xylo-a3/AFESim3_as_transform.ipynb`

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import logging

from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns65302.afe.digital_filterbank import ChipButterworth
from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns65302.afe.pdm.pdm_adc import PDMADC
from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns65302.afe.divisive_normalization import (
from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns65302.afe.agc.agc_adc import AGCADC
from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns65302.afe.external import ExternalSignal

from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns65302.afe.params import (
from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns65302.afe.raster import Raster
from rockpool.nn.combinators.sequential import ModSequential
from rockpool.utilities.backend_management import backend_available
from rockpool.parameters import SimulationParameter

__all__ = ["AFESimExternal", "AFESimPDM"]

class RiskyInitializationError(Exception):

class AFESim(ModSequential):
    A :py:class:`.ModSequential` that simulates the audio signal preprocessing on XyloAudio 3 chip.

    See Also:
        For example usage of the :py:class:`.AFESim` Module, see :ref:`/devices/xylo-a3/AFESim3_as_transform.ipynb`

    def __init__(
        input_mode: str,
        select_filters: Optional[Tuple[int]],
        spike_gen_mode: str,
        dn_rate_scale_bitshift: Optional[Tuple[int]],
        dn_low_pass_bitshift: Optional[int],
        dn_EPS: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]],
        fixed_threshold_vec: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]],
        down_sampling_factor: int,
        audio_sampling_rate: float,
    ) -> None:
        AFESim constructor, which is not supposed to be used directly. Use `AFESimExternal`, `AFESimAGC`, or `AFESimPDM` modules instead.
        Raises `RiskyInitializationError` if the constructor is called directly.

            input_mode (str): The input mode of the AFE. There are three ways to input audio, "external", "analog", "pdm".
                When "external" is selected, one can feed the audio signal directly from the filter bank. It requires 14-bit QUANTIZED signal.
                When "pdm" is selected, the PDM microphone path is simulated. It's used to convert the audio signal into 14-bit quantized signal.
                When "analog" is selected, analog microphone and AGC are simulated. It's used to convert the audio signal into 14-bit quantized signal.

                NOTE : Selecting "pdm" or "analog" mode, one needs to provide a Tuple[np.ndarray, int] containing the signal and its sampling rate together.
                    With "external" mode, only the signal is required.

            select_filters (Optional[Tuple[int]]): The indices of the filters to be used in the filter bank.
                i.e. select_filters = (0,2,4,8,15) will use Filter 0, Filter 2, Filter 4, Filter 8, and Filter 15.

            spike_gen_mode (str): The spike generation mode of the AFE. There are two ways to generate spikes, "divisive_norm" and "threshold".
                When "divisive_norm" is selected, adaptive thresholds apply, and `dn_rate_scale_bitshift`, `dn_low_pass_bitshift`, `dn_EPS` parameters are used.
                When "threshold" is selected, fixed thresholds apply, and `fixed_threshold_vec` parameter is used.
                For detailed information, please check `DivisiveNormalization` module

            dn_rate_scale_bitshift (Optional[Tuple[int]]): Used only when `spike_gen_mode = "divisive_norm"`.
                A tuple containing two bitshift values that determine how much the spike rate should be scaled compared with the sampling rate of the input audio. The first value is `b1` and the second is `b2`.
                A bitshift of size specified by the tuple as `(b1, b2)` yields a spike rate scaling of audio_sampling_rate/(2^b1 - 2^b2) where audio_sampling_rate is the sampling rate of the input audio.
                A default value of (6, 0) yields an average of 1 (slightly larger than 1) spike per 2^6 - 1 (=63) clock periods. With a clock rate of around 50K -> around 800 ~ 1K spikes/sec per channel.
                Use `.from_specification()` method to perform a parameter search for (b1,b2) values given the target scaling ratio.

            dn_low_pass_bitshift (Optional[int]): Used only when `spike_gen_mode = "divisive_norm"`.
                Number of bitshifts used in low-pass filter implementation. A bitshift of size `b` implies an averaging window of `2^b` clock periods.
                The default value of 12, implies an averaging window of size 4096 clock periods. For an audio of clock rate 50K, this yields an averaging window of size 80 ms.
                Use `.from_specification()` method to perform a parameter search for b values given the target averaging window size.

            dn_EPS (Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]]): Used only when `spike_gen_mode = "divisive_norm"`.
                Lower bound on spike generation threshold.
                Using this parameter we can control the noise level in the sense that if average power in a channel is less than EPS, the spike rate of that channel is somehow diminished during spike generation.

            fixed_threshold_vec (Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]]): Used only when `spike_gen_mode = "threshold"`.
                A tuple containing threshold values per channel which determine the spike generation threshold.
                Thresholds of size `size_out`, in case of a singular value, broadcasted. These thresholds are used only when the `spike_gen_mode = "threshold"`.
                The default value 2**27 ensures a spike rate of around 1K for an input sinusoid signal quantized to 14 bits.

                .. seealso::
                    How to set the value of threshold for a target spike rate?

                    In the current implementation, input audio to filters has 14 bits which is further left-bit-shifted by 8 bits to improve numerical precision, thus, 22 bits.
                    This implies that the output signal may have a maximum amplitude of at most `2^21 - 1 ~ 2^22`, for example, when fed by a sinusoid signal
                    within the passband of the filter.
                    For a target rate of around 1K. e.g., 1 spike every 50 clock period for an audio of sampling rate 50K, then we need to choose a threshold as large as
                    `50 x 2^22 ~ 2^27`.

            down_sampling_factor (int): Determines how many time-steps will be accumulated into a single time-step before feeding the data to the SNN core.
                Resulting dt = 0.001024
                Use `.from_specification()` method to perform a parameter search for down_sampling_factor value given the target dt.

            audio_sampling_rate (float): Sampling rate of the input audio.
        if self.__class__ is AFESim:
            raise RiskyInitializationError(
                "It's not allowed to initialize AFESim directly! Use `AFESimExternal`, `AFESimAGC`, or `AFESimPDM` modules instead."

        __filter_bank = ChipButterworth(select_filters=select_filters)
        logger = logging.getLogger()

        if input_mode not in ["external", "analog", "pdm"]:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid input_mode: {input_mode}. Valid options are: 'external', 'analog', 'pdm'"

        if spike_gen_mode not in ["divisive_norm", "threshold"]:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid spike_gen_mode: {spike_gen_mode}. Valid options are: 'divisive_norm' and 'threshold'"

            if spike_gen_mode == "divisive_norm":
                enable_DN_channel = True
                if fixed_threshold_vec is not None:
                        "Divisive Normalization is enabled! Fixed thresholds `fixed_threshold_vec` is ignored!"

                enable_DN_channel = False
                if dn_rate_scale_bitshift is not None:
                        "Threshold is enabled! Adaptive threshold parameter `dn_rate_scale_bitshift` is ignored!"
                if dn_low_pass_bitshift is not None:
                        "Threshold is enabled! Adaptive threshold parameter `dn_low_pass_bitshift` is ignored!"
                if dn_EPS is not None:
                        "Threshold is enabled! Adaptive threshold parameter `dn_EPS` is ignored!"

        dn_rate_scale_bitshift = self._handle_none_dn_rate_scale_bitshift(
            spike_gen_mode, dn_rate_scale_bitshift
        dn_low_pass_bitshift = self._handle_none_dn_low_pass_bitshift(
            spike_gen_mode, dn_low_pass_bitshift
        dn_EPS = self._handle_none_dn_EPS(spike_gen_mode, dn_EPS)

        fixed_threshold_vec = self._handle_none_fixed_threshold_vec(
            spike_gen_mode, fixed_threshold_vec

        __sub_shape = (__filter_bank.size_out, __filter_bank.size_out)

        # - Sub-modules
        __divisive_norm = DivisiveNormalization(
        __raster = Raster(

        # - Selective input path configuration
        if input_mode == "external":
            __external = ExternalSignal(**kwargs, fs=audio_sampling_rate)
            __submod_list = [__external, __filter_bank, __divisive_norm, __raster]
        elif input_mode == "pdm":
            __pdm_mic = PDMADC()
            __submod_list = [__pdm_mic, __filter_bank, __divisive_norm, __raster]
        elif input_mode == "analog":
            __agc_mic = AGCADC(**kwargs, fs=audio_sampling_rate)
            __submod_list = [__agc_mic, __filter_bank, __divisive_norm, __raster]


        self.spike_gen_mode = spike_gen_mode
        self.input_mode = input_mode
        self.dn_rate_scale_bitshift = SimulationParameter(dn_rate_scale_bitshift)
        self.dn_low_pass_bitshift = SimulationParameter(dn_low_pass_bitshift)
        self.dn_EPS = SimulationParameter(dn_EPS)
        self.fixed_threshold_vec = SimulationParameter(fixed_threshold_vec)
        self.down_sampling_factor = SimulationParameter(down_sampling_factor)
        self.audio_sampling_rate = SimulationParameter(audio_sampling_rate)

    def _handle_none_dn_rate_scale_bitshift(
        spike_gen_mode: str, dn_rate_scale_bitshift: Optional[Tuple[int]]
    ) -> Tuple[int]:
        Handle the case when `dn_rate_scale_bitshift` is None.
        if spike_gen_mode == "divisive_norm":
            if dn_rate_scale_bitshift is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"`dn_rate_scale_bitshift` should be specified when `spike_gen_mode = 'divisive_norm'`"
                return dn_rate_scale_bitshift
            return (1, 0)

    def _handle_none_dn_low_pass_bitshift(
        spike_gen_mode: str, dn_low_pass_bitshift: Optional[int]
    ) -> int:
        Handle the case when `dn_low_pass_bitshift` is None.
        if spike_gen_mode == "divisive_norm":
            if dn_low_pass_bitshift is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"`dn_low_pass_bitshift` should be specified when `spike_gen_mode = 'divisive_norm'`"
                return dn_low_pass_bitshift
            return 0

    def _handle_none_dn_EPS(
        spike_gen_mode: str, dn_EPS: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]]
    ) -> Union[int, Tuple[int]]:
        Handle the case when `dn_EPS` is None.
        if spike_gen_mode == "divisive_norm":
            if dn_EPS is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"`dn_EPS` should be specified when `spike_gen_mode = 'divisive_norm'`"
                return dn_EPS
            return 1

    def _handle_none_fixed_threshold_vec(
        spike_gen_mode: str, fixed_threshold_vec: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]]
    ) -> Union[int, Tuple[int]]:
        Handle the case when `fixed_threshold_vec` is None.
        if spike_gen_mode == "threshold":
            if fixed_threshold_vec is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"`fixed_threshold_vec` should be specified when `spike_gen_mode = 'threshold'`"
                return fixed_threshold_vec
            return 0

    def from_config(cls, config: Any) -> AFESim:
        Construct a :py:`.AFESim` module from a hardware configuration. Not yet supported.
        raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented following `samna` support")

    def from_specification(
        audio_sampling_rate: float,
        select_filters: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None,
        spike_gen_mode: str = "divisive_norm",
        rate_scale_factor: Optional[int] = 63,
        low_pass_averaging_window: Optional[float] = 84e-3,
        dn_EPS: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = 1,
        fixed_threshold_vec: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = None,
        dt: Optional[float] = 1024e-6,
    ) -> AFESim:
        Create an instance of AFESim by specifying higher level parameters for AFESim.

            audio_sampling_rate (float): Check :py:class:`.AFESim.
            select_filters (Optional[Tuple[int]], optional): Check :py:class:`.AFESim`. Defaults to None.
            spike_gen_mode (str, optional): Check :py:class:`.AFESim`. Defaults to "divisive_norm".
            input_mode (str, optional): Check :py:class:`.AFESim`. Defaults to "external".
            rate_scale_factor (Optional[int], optional): Target `rate_scale_factor` for the `DivisiveNormalization` module. Defaults to 63.
                Depended upon the dn_rate_scale_bitshift. ``rate_scale_factor = 2**dn_rate_scale_bitshift[0] - 2**dn_rate_scale_bitshift[1]``
                Not always possible to obtain the exact value of `rate_scale_factor` due to the hardware constraints.
                In such cases, the closest possible value is reported with an error message.
            low_pass_averaging_window (Optional[float], optional): Target `low_pass_averaging_window` for the `DivisiveNormalization` module. Defaults to 84e-3.
                Depended upon the dn_low_pass_bitshift. ``low_pass_averaging_window = 2**dn_low_pass_bitshift / audio_sampling_rate``
                Not always possible to obtain the exact value of `low_pass_averaging_window` due to the hardware constraints.
                In such cases, the closest possible value is reported with an error message.
                Note that a value within 3 decimal precision is accepted as equal.
            dn_EPS (Union[int, Tuple[int]], optional): Check :py:class:`.AFESim`. Defaults to 1.
            fixed_threshold_vec (Union[int, Tuple[int]], optional): Check :py:class:`.AFESim`. Defaults to None.
            dt (Optional[float], optional): Target `dt` value for the SNN core. Defaults to 1024e-6.
                Depended upon the down_sampling_factor. ``dt = down_sampling_factor / audio_sampling_rate``
                Not always possible to obtain the exact value of `dt` due to the hardware constraints.
                In such cases, the closest possible value is reported with an error message.
                Note that a value within 6 decimal precision is accepted as equal.

            AFESim: A AFESim instance constructed by specifying higher level parameters.

        logger = logging.getLogger()

        # - Make reporting possible
        dn_rate_scale_bitshift = (
            if rate_scale_factor is not None
            else None
        dn_low_pass_bitshift = (
            cls.get_dn_low_pass_bitshift(audio_sampling_rate, low_pass_averaging_window)
            if low_pass_averaging_window is not None
            else None
        down_sampling_factor = cls.get_down_sampling_factor(audio_sampling_rate, dt)

        __obj = cls(

        def __report(
            arg_name: str, param: str, locals_dict: Dict[str, Any] = locals()
        ) -> None:
            Report the value of the parameter that is obtained given the target value with the deviation.

                arg_name (str): The name of the object constructor argument
                param (str): The name of the higher level parameter
                locals_dict (Dict[str, Any], optional): The variable segment of `from_specification`. Defaults to locals().
            if locals_dict[arg_name] is not None:
                diff = locals_dict[param] - __obj.__getattribute__(param)
                    f"`{arg_name}` = {locals_dict[arg_name]} is obtained given the target `{param}` = {locals_dict[param]}, with diff = {diff:.6e}"

        __report("dn_rate_scale_bitshift", "rate_scale_factor")
        __report("dn_low_pass_bitshift", "low_pass_averaging_window")
        __report("down_sampling_factor", "dt")

        return __obj

    def get_dn_rate_scale_bitshift(rate_scale_factor: int) -> Tuple[int]:
        Get the bitshift values `dn_rate_scale_bitshift` which determine how much the spike rate should be scaled compared with the sampling rate of the input audio.
        Used as a utility function in `from_specification()` method.
        Raises an error if the target `rate_scale_factor` cannot be obtained within the specified decimal precision.
        Can be independently used to obtain the bitshift values given the target `rate_scale_factor`.

            rate_scale_factor (int): Target `rate_scale_factor` for the `DivisiveNormalization` module.
                Depended upon the dn_rate_scale_bitshift. ``rate_scale_factor = 2**dn_rate_scale_bitshift[0] - 2**dn_rate_scale_bitshift[1]``

            Tuple[int]: A tuple containing two bitshift values that determine how much the spike rate should be scaled compared with the sampling rate of the input audio. The first value is `b1` and the second is `b2`.
                audio_sampling_rate' = audio_sampling_rate/(2^b1 - 2^b2) where audio_sampling_rate is the sampling rate of the input audio.
        if not isinstance(rate_scale_factor, int):
            raise ValueError(
                f"`rate_scale_factor` should be an int!, type = {type(rate_scale_factor)}"
        if rate_scale_factor <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f"`rate_scale_factor` should be a positive number!, rate_scale_factor = {rate_scale_factor}"

        best_neg_diff = -np.inf
        best_neg_candidate = ()
        best_pos_diff = np.inf
        best_pos_candidate = ()

        b1 = rate_scale_factor.bit_length()
        b2 = 0

        # Check if the result satisfies the condition
        if 2**b1 - 2**b2 == rate_scale_factor:
            return (b1, b2)

        for b2 in range(1, b1):
            if 2**b1 - 2**b2 == rate_scale_factor:
                return (b1, b2)
                candidate = (b1, b2)
                candidate_diff = 2**b1 - 2**b2 - rate_scale_factor
                if candidate_diff < 0 and candidate_diff > best_neg_diff:
                    best_neg_diff = candidate_diff
                    best_neg_candidate = candidate
                elif candidate_diff > 0 and candidate_diff < best_pos_diff:
                    best_pos_diff = candidate_diff
                    best_pos_candidate = candidate

        b1_pos, b2_pos = best_pos_candidate
        b1_neg, b2_neg = best_neg_candidate

        __err_message = (
            f"`rate_scale_factor` = {rate_scale_factor} is not possible to implement!"
            + f"\n\t `rate_scale_factor` = {2**b1_pos - 2**b2_pos} is possible with (b1, b2) = ({b1_pos}, {b2_pos})"
            + f"\n\t `rate_scale_factor` = {2**b1_neg - 2**b2_neg} is possible with (b1, b2) = ({b1_neg}, {b2_neg})"
            + f"\nPick one of them!"

        raise ValueError(__err_message)

    def get_dn_low_pass_bitshift(
        audio_sampling_rate: float, low_pass_averaging_window: float, decimal: int = 3
    ) -> int:
        Get the bitshift value `dn_low_pass_bitshift` which determines the averaging window length of the low-pass filter.
        Used as a utility function in `from_specification()` method.
        Raises an error if the target `low_pass_averaging_window` cannot be obtained within the specified decimal precision.
        Can be independently used to obtain the bitshift value given the target `low_pass_averaging_window`.

            audio_sampling_rate (float): Sampling rate of the input audio.
            low_pass_averaging_window (float): Target `low_pass_averaging_window` for the `DivisiveNormalization` module.
                Depended upon the dn_low_pass_bitshift. ``low_pass_averaging_window = 2**dn_low_pass_bitshift / audio_sampling_rate``
            decimal (int, optional): The number of decimal points to be considered when comparing the target `low_pass_averaging_window` with the obtained value. Defaults to 3.

            int: The bitshift value that determines the averaging window length of the low-pass filter.
        if not isinstance(low_pass_averaging_window, float):
            raise ValueError(
                f"`low_pass_averaging_window` should be a float!, type = {type(low_pass_averaging_window)}"

        if low_pass_averaging_window < 1 / audio_sampling_rate:
            raise ValueError(
                f"`low_pass_averaging_window` should be greater than `1/audio_sampling_rate = {1/audio_sampling_rate:.6f}`!, low_pass_averaging_window = {low_pass_averaging_window:.6f}"

        # low_pass_averaging_window
        candidate_1 = int(np.log2(audio_sampling_rate * low_pass_averaging_window))
        candidate_2 = candidate_1 + 1

        diff_1 = abs(
            low_pass_averaging_window - ((2**candidate_1) / audio_sampling_rate)
        diff_2 = abs(
            low_pass_averaging_window - ((2**candidate_2) / audio_sampling_rate)

        if diff_1 < diff_2:
            if diff_1 < 10 ** (-decimal):
                return candidate_1
                candidate = candidate_1
                diff = diff_1
            if diff_2 < 10 ** (-decimal):
                return candidate_2
                candidate = candidate_2
                diff = diff_2

        raise ValueError(
            f"Closest we can get to `low_pass_averaging_window `= "
            f"{low_pass_averaging_window:.3f} is {(2**candidate) / audio_sampling_rate:.3f}"
            f" with `dn_low_pass_bitshift` = {candidate}, diff = {diff:.3f}"

    def get_down_sampling_factor(
        audio_sampling_rate: float, dt: float, decimal: int = 6
    ) -> int:
        Get the down_sampling_factor which determines how many time-steps will be accumulated into a single time-step before feeding the data to the SNN core.
        Used as a utility function in `from_specification()` method.
        Raises an error if the target `dt` cannot be obtained within the specified decimal precision.
        Can be independently used to obtain the down_sampling_factor given the target `dt`.

            audio_sampling_rate (float): Sampling rate of the input audio.
            dt (float): Target `dt` value for the SNN core.
            decimal (int, optional): The number of decimal points to be considered when comparing the target `dt` with the obtained value. Defaults to 6.

            int: The down_sampling_factor which determines how many time-steps will be accumulated into a single time-step before feeding the data to the SNN core.
        if not isinstance(dt, float):
            raise ValueError(f"`dt` should be a float!, type = {type(dt)}")

        if dt < 1 / audio_sampling_rate:
            raise ValueError(
                f"`dt` should be greater than `1/audio_sampling_rate = {1/audio_sampling_rate:.7f}`!, dt = {dt:.7f}"

        candidate_1 = int(dt * audio_sampling_rate)
        candidate_2 = candidate_1 + 1

        diff_1 = abs(dt - (candidate_1 / audio_sampling_rate))
        diff_2 = abs(dt - (candidate_2 / audio_sampling_rate))

        if diff_1 < diff_2:
            if diff_1 < 10 ** (-decimal):
                return candidate_1
                candidate = candidate_1
                diff = diff_1

            if diff_2 < 10 ** (-decimal):
                return candidate_2
                candidate = candidate_2
                diff = diff_2

        raise ValueError(
            f"Closest we can get to `dt` = "
            f"{dt:.6f} is {candidate / audio_sampling_rate:.6f}"
            f" with `down_sampling_factor` = {candidate}, diff = {diff:.6f}"

    def low_pass_averaging_window(self) -> float:
        (float) Averaging window length in seconds dependent on the `dn_low_pass_bitshift` parameter. Defines the averaging window length of the low-pass filter
        return (2**self.dn_low_pass_bitshift) / self.audio_sampling_rate

    def dt(self) -> float:
        """(float) Time-step length in seconds dependent on the `down_sampling_factor` parameter"""
        return self.down_sampling_factor / self.audio_sampling_rate

    def rate_scale_factor(self) -> int:
        (int) Rate scaling factor dependent on the `dn_rate_scale_bitshift` parameter. Defines how much the spike rate should be scaled compared with the sampling rate of the input audio
        return 2 ** self.dn_rate_scale_bitshift[0] - 2 ** self.dn_rate_scale_bitshift[1]

    def export_config(self) -> Any:
        Export a hardware configuration matching this AFE simulation
        raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented following `samna` support")

class __AFESimCommon(AFESim):
    def __init__(
        input_mode: str,
        select_filters: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None,
        spike_gen_mode: str = "divisive_norm",
        dn_rate_scale_bitshift: Optional[Tuple[int]] = (6, 0),
        dn_low_pass_bitshift: Optional[int] = 12,
        dn_EPS: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = 1,
        fixed_threshold_vec: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = 2**27,
        down_sampling_factor: int = 50,
    ) -> None:
            select_filters (Optional[Tuple[int]], optional): The indices of the filters to be used in the filter bank. Defaults to None: use all filters.
                i.e. select_filters = (0,2,4,8,15) will use Filter 0, Filter 2, Filter 4, Filter 8, and Filter 15.

            spike_gen_mode (str, optional): The spike generation mode of the AFE. There are two ways to generate spikes, "divisive_norm" and "threshold". Defaults to "divisive_norm".
                When "divisive_norm" is selected, adaptive thresholds apply, and `dn_rate_scale_bitshift`, `dn_low_pass_bitshift`, `dn_EPS` parameters are used.
                When "threshold" is selected, fixed thresholds apply, and `fixed_threshold_vec` parameter is used.
                For detailed information, please check `DivisiveNormalization` module

            dn_rate_scale_bitshift (Optional[Tuple[int]], optional): Used only when `spike_gen_mode = "divisive_norm"`.
                A tuple containing two bitshift values that determine how much the spike rate should be scaled compared with the sampling rate of the input audio. The first value is `b1` and the second is `b2`. Defaults to (6, 0).
                A bitshift of size specified by the tuple as `(b1, b2)` yields a spike rate scaling of audio_sampling_rate/(2^b1 - 2^b2) where audio_sampling_rate is the sampling rate of the input audio.
                A default value of (6, 0) yields an average of 1 (slightly larger than 1) spike per 2^6 - 1 (=63) clock periods. With a clock rate of around 50K -> around 800 ~ 1K spikes/sec per channel.
                Use `.from_specification()` method to perform a parameter search for (b1,b2) values given the target scaling ratio.

            dn_low_pass_bitshift (Optional[int]): Used only when `spike_gen_mode = "divisive_norm"`.
                Number of bitshifts used in low-pass filter implementation. A bitshift of size `b` implies an averaging window of `2^b` clock periods. Defaults to 12.
                The default value of 12, implies an averaging window of size 4096 clock periods. For an audio of clock rate 50K, this yields an averaging window of size 80 ms.
                Use `.from_specification()` method to perform a parameter search for b values given the target averaging window size.

            dn_EPS (Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]]): Used only when `spike_gen_mode = "divisive_norm"`.
                Lower bound on spike generation threshold. Defaults to 1.
                Using this parameter we can control the noise level in the sense that if average power in a channel is less than EPS, the spike rate of that channel is somehow diminished during spike generation.

            fixed_threshold_vec (Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]]): Used only when `spike_gen_mode = "threshold"`.
                A tuple containing threshold values per channel which determine the spike generation threshold. Defaults to 2 ** (27) = 2 ** (14 - 1 + 8 + 6).
                Thresholds of size `size_out`, in case of a singular value, broadcasted. These thresholds are used only when the `spike_gen_mode = "threshold"`.
                The default value 2**27 ensures a spike rate of around 1K for an input sinusoid signal quantized to 14 bits.

                .. seealso::
                    How to set the value of threshold for a target spike rate?

                    In the current implementation, input audio to filters has 14 bits which is further left-bit-shifted by 8 bits to improve numerical precision, thus, 22 bits.
                    This implies that the output signal may have a maximum amplitude of at most `2^21 - 1 ~ 2^22`, for example, when fed by a sinusoid signal
                    within the passband of the filter.
                    For a target rate of around 1K. e.g., 1 spike every 50 clock period for an audio of sampling rate 50K, then we need to choose a threshold as large as
                    `50 x 2^22 ~ 2^27`.

            down_sampling_factor (int): Determines how many time-steps will be accumulated into a single time-step before feeding the data to the SNN core. Defaults to 50.
                Resulting dt = 0.001024
                Use `.from_specification()` method to perform a parameter search for down_sampling_factor value given the target dt.

    def from_specification(
        select_filters: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None,
        spike_gen_mode: str = "divisive_norm",
        rate_scale_factor: Optional[int] = 63,
        low_pass_averaging_window: Optional[float] = 84e-3,
        dn_EPS: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = 1,
        fixed_threshold_vec: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = None,
        dt: Optional[float] = 1024e-6,
    ) -> __AFESimCommon:
        return super().from_specification(

[docs]class AFESimExternal(__AFESimCommon): """ AFESim module that simulates audio signal preprocessing on XyloAudio 3 chip. This module requires as input a 14-bit QUANTIZED signal. See Also: For example usage of the :py:class:`.AFESimExternal` Module, see :ref:`/devices/xylo-a3/AFESim3_as_transform.ipynb` """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(input_mode="external", **kwargs)
[docs]class AFESimPDM(__AFESimCommon): """ AFESim module that simulates audio signal preprocessing on XyloAudio 3 chip. This module requires as input a 14-bit QUANTIZED signal. See Also: For example usage of the :py:class:`.AFESimExternal` Module, see :ref:`/devices/xylo-a3/AFESim3_as_transform.ipynb` """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(input_mode="pdm", **kwargs)
class AFESimAGC(AFESim): def __init__( self, select_filters: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, spike_gen_mode: str = "divisive_norm", dn_rate_scale_bitshift: Optional[Tuple[int]] = (6, 0), dn_low_pass_bitshift: Optional[int] = 12, dn_EPS: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = 1, fixed_threshold_vec: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = 2**27, down_sampling_factor: int = 50, oversampling_factor: int = 2, enable_gain_smoother: bool = True, fixed_gain_for_PGA_mode: bool = False, fixed_pga_gain_index: int = DEFAULT_PGA_COMMAND_IN_FIXED_GAIN_FOR_PGA_MODE, pga_gain_index_variation: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ec_amplitude_thresholds: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ec_waiting_time_vec: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ec_rise_time_constant: int = RISE_TIME_CONSTANT, ec_fall_time_constant: int = FALL_TIME_CONSTANT, ec_reliable_max_hysteresis: int = RELIABLE_MAX_HYSTERESIS, num_bits_gain_quantization: int = NUM_BITS_GAIN_QUANTIZATION, ) -> None: super().__init__( input_mode="analog", select_filters=select_filters, spike_gen_mode=spike_gen_mode, dn_rate_scale_bitshift=dn_rate_scale_bitshift, dn_low_pass_bitshift=dn_low_pass_bitshift, dn_EPS=dn_EPS, fixed_threshold_vec=fixed_threshold_vec, down_sampling_factor=down_sampling_factor, oversampling_factor=oversampling_factor, enable_gain_smoother=enable_gain_smoother, fixed_gain_for_PGA_mode=fixed_gain_for_PGA_mode, fixed_pga_gain_index=fixed_pga_gain_index, pga_gain_index_variation=pga_gain_index_variation, ec_amplitude_thresholds=ec_amplitude_thresholds, ec_waiting_time_vec=ec_waiting_time_vec, ec_rise_time_constant=ec_rise_time_constant, ec_fall_time_constant=ec_fall_time_constant, ec_reliable_max_hysteresis=ec_reliable_max_hysteresis, num_bits_gain_quantization=num_bits_gain_quantization, audio_sampling_rate=AUDIO_SAMPLING_RATE_AGC, ) """ Args: input_mode (str, optional): The input mode of the AFE. There are three ways to input audio, "external", "analog", "pdm". Defaults to "external". When "external" is selected, one can feed the audio signal directly from the filter bank. It requires 14-bit QUANTIZED signal. When "pdm" is selected, the PDM microphone path is simulated. It's used to convert the audio signal into 14-bit quantized signal. When "analog" is selected, analog microphone and AGC are simulated. It's used to convert the audio signal into 14-bit quantized signal. NOTE : Selecting "pdm" or "analog" mode, one needs to provide a Tuple[np.ndarray, int] containing the signal and its sampling rate together. With "external" mode, only the signal is required. select_filters (Optional[Tuple[int]], optional): The indices of the filters to be used in the filter bank. Defaults to None: use all filters. i.e. select_filters = (0,2,4,8,15) will use Filter 0, Filter 2, Filter 4, Filter 8, and Filter 15. spike_gen_mode (str, optional): The spike generation mode of the AFE. There are two ways to generate spikes, "divisive_norm" and "threshold". Defaults to "divisive_norm". When "divisive_norm" is selected, adaptive thresholds apply, and `dn_rate_scale_bitshift`, `dn_low_pass_bitshift`, `dn_EPS` parameters are used. When "threshold" is selected, fixed thresholds apply, and `fixed_threshold_vec` parameter is used. For detailed information, please check `DivisiveNormalization` module dn_rate_scale_bitshift (Optional[Tuple[int]], optional): Used only when `spike_gen_mode = "divisive_norm"`. A tuple containing two bitshift values that determine how much the spike rate should be scaled compared with the sampling rate of the input audio. The first value is `b1` and the second is `b2`. Defaults to (6, 0). A bitshift of size specified by the tuple as `(b1, b2)` yields a spike rate scaling of audio_sampling_rate/(2^b1 - 2^b2) where audio_sampling_rate is the sampling rate of the input audio. A default value of (6, 0) yields an average of 1 (slightly larger than 1) spike per 2^6 - 1 (=63) clock periods. With a clock rate of around 50K -> around 800 ~ 1K spikes/sec per channel. Use `.from_specification()` method to perform a parameter search for (b1,b2) values given the target scaling ratio. dn_low_pass_bitshift (Optional[int]): Used only when `spike_gen_mode = "divisive_norm"`. Number of bitshifts used in low-pass filter implementation. A bitshift of size `b` implies an averaging window of `2^b` clock periods. Defaults to 12. The default value of 12, implies an averaging window of size 4096 clock periods. For an audio of clock rate 50K, this yields an averaging window of size 80 ms. Use `.from_specification()` method to perform a parameter search for b values given the target averaging window size. dn_EPS (Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]]): Used only when `spike_gen_mode = "divisive_norm"`. Lower bound on spike generation threshold. Defaults to 1. Using this parameter we can control the noise level in the sense that if average power in a channel is less than EPS, the spike rate of that channel is somehow diminished during spike generation. fixed_threshold_vec (Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]]): Used only when `spike_gen_mode = "threshold"`. A tuple containing threshold values per channel which determine the spike generation threshold. Defaults to 2 ** (27) = 2 ** (14 - 1 + 8 + 6). Thresholds of size `size_out`, in case of a singular value, broadcasted. These thresholds are used only when the `spike_gen_mode = "threshold"`. The default value 2**27 ensures a spike rate of around 1K for an input sinusoid signal quantized to 14 bits. .. seealso:: How to set the value of threshold for a target spike rate? In the current implementation, input audio to filters has 14 bits which is further left-bit-shifted by 8 bits to improve numerical precision, thus, 22 bits. This implies that the output signal may have a maximum amplitude of at most `2^21 - 1 ~ 2^22`, for example, when fed by a sinusoid signal within the passband of the filter. For a target rate of around 1K. e.g., 1 spike every 50 clock period for an audio of sampling rate 50K, then we need to choose a threshold as large as `50 x 2^22 ~ 2^27`. down_sampling_factor (int): Determines how many time-steps will be accumulated into a single time-step before feeding the data to the SNN core. Defaults to 50. Resulting dt = 0.001024 Use `.from_specification()` method to perform a parameter search for down_sampling_factor value given the target dt. oversampling_factor (int, optional): oversampling factor of the high-rate ADC. Defaults to 2. Warning! Only `1`, `2` and `4` are feasible values regarding the current implementation. Sets `AGC_CTRL1.AAF_OS_MODE` register (2**N) enable_gain_smoother (bool, optional): Enables the gain smoother. Defaults to True. Sets `AGC_CTRL1.GS_DIACT` bit fixed_gain_for_PGA_mode (bool, optional): When it's True, it effectively by-passes `Envelope Controller` and provides a fixed gain command to the amplifier. Defaults to False. Sets `AGC_CTRL1.PGA_GAIN_BYPASS` register fixed_pga_gain_index (int, optional): Which gain index should be used as the default one in the fixed gain mode of PGA, effective when `fixed_gain_for_PGA_mode=True`. Defaults to None. Warning! Values between [0-15] (inclusive) are feasible regarding the current implementation. Sets `AGC_CTRL1.PGA_GAIN_IDX_CFG` register pga_gain_index_variation (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Sets how much the `pga_gain_index` should be varied (increases, decreased, kept fixed) to track the signal amplitude. Defaults to -1: saturation, 0,0: 2 levels below saturation, +1: remaining regions, check PGA_GAIN_INDEX_VARIATION. Defaults to PGA_GAIN_INDEX_VARIATION. Sets AGC_PGIV_REG0 + AGC_PGIV_REG1 + AGC_CTRL2.PGIV16 (3 bits each,signed) registers ec_amplitude_thresholds (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): sequence of amplitude thresholds specifying the amplitude regions of the signal envelope in the `Envelope Controller`. Defaults to AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLDS. Sets `AGC_AT_REG0 - AGC_AT_REG7` [10 bit x2 each]. Two thresholds fit in one register§ ec_waiting_time_vec (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Specify how much waiting time (in seconds) is needed before varying the gain. Defaults to a square-root pattern with higher gains/amplitudes having larger waiting times. Defaults to WAITING_TIME_VEC. Sets `AGC_WT0 - AGC_WT15` registers, 24 bits each. Indirectly sets 24 bits `AGC_CTRL3.MAX_NUM_SAMPLE` since `max_waiting_time_before_gain_change = max(ec_waiting_time_vec)` Indirectly sets `AGC_CTRL2.AVG_BITSHIFT` since `gain_smoother.min_waiting_time=min(ec_waiting_time_vec)` ec_rise_time_constant (int, optional): Reaction time-constant of the envelope detection when the signal is rising. Defaults to RISE_TIME_CONSTANT = 0.1e-3. Sets `AGC_CTRL1.RISE_AVG_BITSHIFT` register, 5 bits ec_fall_time_constant (int, optional): Reaction time-constant of the envelope detection when the signal is falling. Defaults to FALL_TIME_CONSTANT = 300e-3. Sets `AGC_CTRL1.FALL_AVG_BITSHIFT` register, 5 bits ec_reliable_max_hysteresis (int, optional): Specify how much rise in maximum envelope is needed before a new maximum (thus, a new context) is identified.. Defaults to RELIABLE_MAX_HYSTERESIS. Sets `AGC_CTRL2.RELI_MAX_HYSTR` register, 10 bits num_bits_gain_quantization (int, optional): Number of bits used for quantizing the gain ratios, effective only when `enable_gain_smoother = True`. Defaults to NUM_BITS_GAIN_QUANTIZATION. Sets `AGC_CTRL2.NUM_BITS_GAIN_FRACTION` (4 bits) """ @classmethod def from_specification( cls, select_filters: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, spike_gen_mode: str = "divisive_norm", rate_scale_factor: Optional[int] = 63, low_pass_averaging_window: Optional[float] = 82e-3, dn_EPS: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = 1, fixed_threshold_vec: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = None, dt: Optional[float] = 1024e-6, oversampling_factor: int = 2, enable_gain_smoother: bool = True, fixed_gain_for_PGA_mode: bool = False, fixed_pga_gain_index: int = DEFAULT_PGA_COMMAND_IN_FIXED_GAIN_FOR_PGA_MODE, pga_gain_index_variation: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ec_amplitude_thresholds: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ec_waiting_time_vec: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ec_rise_time_constant: int = RISE_TIME_CONSTANT, ec_fall_time_constant: int = FALL_TIME_CONSTANT, ec_reliable_max_hysteresis: int = RELIABLE_MAX_HYSTERESIS, num_bits_gain_quantization: int = NUM_BITS_GAIN_QUANTIZATION, ) -> AFESimAGC: return super().from_specification( audio_sampling_rate=AUDIO_SAMPLING_RATE_AGC, select_filters=select_filters, spike_gen_mode=spike_gen_mode, rate_scale_factor=rate_scale_factor, low_pass_averaging_window=low_pass_averaging_window, dn_EPS=dn_EPS, fixed_threshold_vec=fixed_threshold_vec, dt=dt, oversampling_factor=oversampling_factor, enable_gain_smoother=enable_gain_smoother, fixed_gain_for_PGA_mode=fixed_gain_for_PGA_mode, fixed_pga_gain_index=fixed_pga_gain_index, pga_gain_index_variation=pga_gain_index_variation, ec_amplitude_thresholds=ec_amplitude_thresholds, ec_waiting_time_vec=ec_waiting_time_vec, ec_rise_time_constant=ec_rise_time_constant, ec_fall_time_constant=ec_fall_time_constant, ec_reliable_max_hysteresis=ec_reliable_max_hysteresis, num_bits_gain_quantization=num_bits_gain_quantization, )