Source code for devices.xylo.syns63300.xylo_mapper

Mapper package for Xylo IMU core

- Create a graph using the :py:meth:`~.graph.GraphModule.as_graph` API
- Call :py:func:`.mapper`


import numpy as np

import copy
import warnings

from rockpool.graph import (
from .xylo_graph_modules import (
from rockpool.devices.xylo.syns61300.xylo_mapper import (

from typing import List, Callable, Set, Optional, Union, Any

__all__ = ["mapper", "DRCError", "DRCWarning"]

def le_16_output_channels(graph: GraphModuleBase) -> None:
    if len(graph.output_nodes) > 16:
                f"Xylo-IMU only supports up to 16 output channels. The network requires {len(graph.output_nodes)} output channels."

def le_128_input_expansion_neurons(graph: GraphModuleBase) -> None:

def le_128_output_expansion_neurons(graph: GraphModuleBase) -> None:

def max_synapses_per_neuron(graph: GraphModuleBase, max_syns: int = 1) -> None:
    # - Neuron modules may only have `max_syns` synapses
    neurons = find_modules_of_subclass(graph, GenericNeurons)

    for n in neurons:
        num_syns = int(len(n.input_nodes) / len(n.output_nodes))

        if num_syns > max_syns:
            raise DRCError(
                f"Neurons may only have {max_syns} synapse(s) per neuron for this device.\nA neuron node {n} has {num_syns} synapses per neuron."

xylo_drc: List[Callable[[GraphModuleBase], None]] = [
""" List[Callable[[GraphModuleBase], None]]: The collection of design rules for Xylo """

[docs]def mapper( graph: GraphModuleBase, weight_dtype: Union[np.dtype, str] = "float", threshold_dtype: Union[np.dtype, str] = "float", dash_dtype: Union[np.dtype, str] = "float", max_hidden_neurons: int = 496, max_output_neurons: int = 16, ) -> dict: """ Map a computational graph onto the Xylo IMU architecture This function performs a DRC of the computational graph to ensure it can be mapped onto the Xylo IMU architecture. Warnings: :py:func:`mapper` operates **in-place** on the graph, and may modify it. If you need the un-mapped graph, you may need to call :py:meth:`.Module.as_graph` again on your :py:class:`.Module`. It then allocates neurons and converts the network weights into a specification for Xylo. This specification can be used to create a config object with :py:func:`~rockpool.devices.xylo.syns63300.config_from_specification`. Args: graph (GraphModuleBase): The graph to map weight_dtype (Union[np.dtype, str]): Data type for mapped weight parameters. Default: ``"int8"`` threshold_dtype (Union[np.dtype, str]): Data type for mapped threshold parameters. Default: ``"int16"`` dash_dtype (Union[np.dtype, str]): Data type for mapped dash (bitshift time constant) parameters. Default: ``"uint8"`` max_hidden_neurons (int): Maximum number of available hidden neurons. Default: ``496``, matching Xylo-IMU hardware max_output_neurons (int): Maximum number of available output neurons. Default: ``16``, matching Xylo-IMU hardware Returns: dict: A dictionary of specifications for Xylo IMU, containing the mapped computational graph """ # - Check design rules check_drc(graph, xylo_drc) # --- Replace neuron modules with known graph classes --- # - Get output spiking layer from output nodes output_neurons: Set[GenericNeurons] = set() for on in graph.output_nodes: for sm in on.source_modules: if isinstance(sm, GenericNeurons): output_neurons.add(sm) # - Replace these output neurons with XyloOutputNeurons for on in output_neurons: try: XyloIMUOutputNeurons._convert_from(on) except Exception as e: raise DRCError(f"Error replacing output neuron module {on}.") from e # - Replace all other neurons with XyloHiddenNeurons nodes, modules = bag_graph(graph) for m in modules: if isinstance(m, GenericNeurons) and not isinstance(m, XyloIMUOutputNeurons): try: XyloIMUHiddenNeurons._convert_from(m) except Exception as e: raise DRCError(f"Error replacing module {m}.") from e # --- Assign neurons to HW neurons --- # - Get all hidden neurons all_hidden_neuron_mods: XyloIMUHiddenNeurons = find_modules_of_subclass( graph, XyloIMUHiddenNeurons ) # - Identify input expansion neurons --- these need to be allocated first (lowest neuron IDs) # - Find the input weights and their target IENs input_weight_mod: LinearWeights = graph.input_nodes[0].sink_modules[0] iens_mod: XyloIMUHiddenNeurons = input_weight_mod.output_nodes[0].sink_modules[0] num_IENs = len(iens_mod.dash_mem) # - Identify output expansion neurons --- these need to be allocated last (highest neuron IDs) output_neurons: XyloIMUOutputNeurons = graph.output_nodes[0].source_modules[0] list_output_weights_mods: List[LinearWeights] = output_neurons.input_nodes[ 0 ].source_modules list_oens_mods: List[XyloIMUHiddenNeurons] = [ sm for ow in list_output_weights_mods for sm in ow.input_nodes[0].source_modules if isinstance(sm, XyloIMUHiddenNeurons) ] num_OENs = sum([len(oen.dash_mem) for oen in list_oens_mods]) # - Remove IENs and OENs from all hidden neurons non_ien_oen_hidden_mods = [ hn for hn in all_hidden_neuron_mods if (hn is not iens_mod) and (hn not in list_oens_mods) ] # - Allocate hidden neurons available_hidden_neuron_ids = list(range(max_hidden_neurons)) try: allocated_iens = assign_ids_to_module(iens_mod, available_hidden_neuron_ids) allocated_hidden_neurons = [ assign_ids_to_module(m, available_hidden_neuron_ids) for m in non_ien_oen_hidden_mods ] allocated_hidden_neurons = [ nid for ids in allocated_hidden_neurons for nid in ids ] allocated_oens = [ assign_ids_to_module(m, available_hidden_neuron_ids) for m in list_oens_mods ] allocated_oens = [nid for ids in allocated_oens for nid in ids] all_allocated_hidden_neurons = ( allocated_iens + allocated_hidden_neurons + allocated_oens ) except Exception as e: raise DRCError("Failed to allocate HW resources for hidden neurons.") from e # - Enumerate output neurons available_output_neuron_ids = list( range(max_hidden_neurons, max_hidden_neurons + max_output_neurons) ) try: allocated_output_neurons = assign_ids_to_class( graph, XyloIMUOutputNeurons, available_output_neuron_ids ) except Exception as e: raise DRCError("Failed to allocate HW resources for output neurons.") from e # - Enumerate input channels input_channels = list(range(len(graph.input_nodes))) # # - Extract hidden neurons modules # hidden_neurons: SetList[XyloIMUHiddenNeurons] = find_modules_of_subclass( # graph, XyloIMUHiddenNeurons # ) # - Xylo-IMU only provides one synapse per neuron num_hidden_synapses = 1 # --- Map weights and build Xylo weight matrices --- # -- Build an input weight matrix # - Xylo-IMU only provides one synapse per neuron weight_num_synapses = 1 target_ids = iens_mod.hw_ids these_dest_indices = [allocated_iens.index(id) for id in target_ids] # - Allocate and assign the input weights w_in = np.zeros( (len(input_channels), num_IENs, num_hidden_synapses), weight_dtype, ) w_in[ np.ix_(input_channels, these_dest_indices, list(range(weight_num_synapses))) ] = input_weight_mod.weights.reshape( (len(input_channels), len(these_dest_indices), weight_num_synapses) ) # - Build a recurrent weight matrix w_rec = np.zeros( ( len(all_allocated_hidden_neurons), len(all_allocated_hidden_neurons), num_hidden_synapses, ), weight_dtype, ) w_rec_source_ids = all_allocated_hidden_neurons w_rec_dest_ids = all_allocated_hidden_neurons # - Build an output weight matrix w_out = np.zeros((num_OENs, len(allocated_output_neurons)), weight_dtype) w_out_source_ids = allocated_oens w_out_dest_ids = allocated_output_neurons # - Get all weights weights: SetList[LinearWeights] = find_modules_of_subclass(graph, LinearWeights) weights.remove(input_weight_mod) # - For each weight module, place the weights in the right place for w in weights: # - Find the destination neurons sm = SetList( [ sm for n in w.output_nodes for sm in n.sink_modules if isinstance(sm, XyloIMUNeurons) ] ) target_neurons: XyloIMUNeurons = sm[0] # - Xylo-IMU only provides one synapse per neuron num_target_syns = 1 # - Find the source neurons sm = SetList( [ sm for n in w.input_nodes for sm in n.source_modules if isinstance(sm, XyloIMUNeurons) ] ) source_neurons: XyloIMUNeurons = sm[0] # - Get source and target HW IDs source_ids = source_neurons.hw_ids target_ids = target_neurons.hw_ids # - Does this go in the recurrent or output weights? if isinstance(target_neurons, XyloIMUHiddenNeurons): # - Recurrent weights these_weights = np.reshape( w.weights, (len(source_ids), len(target_ids), num_target_syns) ) these_source_indices = [w_rec_source_ids.index(id) for id in source_ids] these_dest_indices = [w_rec_dest_ids.index(id) for id in target_ids] # - Assign weights w_rec[ np.ix_( these_source_indices, these_dest_indices, np.arange(num_target_syns) ) ] = these_weights elif isinstance(target_neurons, XyloIMUOutputNeurons): # - Output weights these_source_indices = [w_out_source_ids.index(id) for id in source_ids] these_dest_indices = [w_out_dest_ids.index(id) for id in target_ids] # - Assign weights w_out[np.ix_(these_source_indices, these_dest_indices)] = w.weights else: raise DRCError( f"Unexpected target of weight graph module {w}. Expected XyloHiddenNeurons or XyloOutputNeurons." ) # --- Extract parameters from nodes --- hidden_neurons: SetList[XyloIMUHiddenNeurons] = find_modules_of_subclass( graph, XyloIMUHiddenNeurons ) output_neurons: SetList[XyloIMUOutputNeurons] = find_modules_of_subclass( graph, XyloIMUOutputNeurons ) num_hidden_neurons = len(all_allocated_hidden_neurons) num_output_neurons = len(allocated_output_neurons) dash_mem = np.zeros(num_hidden_neurons, dash_dtype) dash_mem_out = np.zeros(num_output_neurons, dash_dtype) dash_syn = np.zeros(num_hidden_neurons, dash_dtype) dash_syn_2 = np.zeros(num_hidden_neurons, dash_dtype) dash_syn_out = np.zeros(num_output_neurons, dash_dtype) threshold = np.zeros(num_hidden_neurons, threshold_dtype) threshold_out = np.zeros(num_output_neurons, threshold_dtype) bias = np.zeros(num_hidden_neurons, weight_dtype) bias_out = np.zeros(num_output_neurons, weight_dtype) for n in hidden_neurons: these_indices = n.hw_ids dash_mem[these_indices] = n.dash_mem for i, index in enumerate(these_indices): dash_syn[index] = n.dash_syn[i] threshold[these_indices] = n.threshold bias[these_indices] = n.bias for n in output_neurons: these_indices = [allocated_output_neurons.index(id) for id in n.hw_ids] dash_mem_out[these_indices] = n.dash_mem for i, index in enumerate(these_indices): dash_syn_out[index] = n.dash_syn[i] threshold_out[these_indices] = n.threshold bias_out[these_indices] = n.bias neurons: SetList[XyloIMUNeurons] = find_modules_of_subclass(graph, XyloIMUNeurons) dt = None for n in neurons: dt = n.dt if dt is None else dt # --- Extract aliases from nodes --- aliases = find_modules_of_subclass(graph, AliasConnection) list_aliases = [[] for _ in range(num_hidden_neurons)] for a in aliases: # - Find the source neurons sm = SetList( [ sm for n in a.input_nodes for sm in n.source_modules if isinstance(sm, XyloIMUNeurons) ] ) source_neurons: XyloIMUNeurons = sm[0] # - Find the destination neurons sm = SetList( [ sm for n in a.output_nodes for sm in n.source_modules if isinstance(sm, XyloIMUNeurons) ] ) iens_mod: XyloIMUNeurons = sm[0] # - Get the source and target HW IDs source_ids = source_neurons.hw_ids target_ids = iens_mod.hw_ids # - Add to the aliases list for source, target in zip(source_ids, target_ids): list_aliases[source].append(target) return { "mapped_graph": graph, "weights_in": w_in, "weights_out": w_out, "weights_rec": w_rec, "dash_mem": dash_mem, "dash_mem_out": dash_mem_out, "dash_syn": dash_syn, "dash_syn_2": dash_syn_2, "dash_syn_out": dash_syn_out, "threshold": threshold, "threshold_out": threshold_out, "bias": bias, "bias_out": bias_out, "weight_shift_in": 0, "weight_shift_rec": 0, "weight_shift_out": 0, "aliases": list_aliases, "dt": dt, }