Low level DynapSE-2 simulator neuron model implementation
Solves the characteristic equations to simulate the circuits with ptimizable parameters
[1] E. Chicca, F. Stefanini, C. Bartolozzi and G. Indiveri,
"Neuromorphic Electronic Circuits for Building Autonomous Cognitive Systems,"
in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 102, no. 9, pp. 1367-1388, Sept. 2014,
doi: 10.1109/JPROC.2014.2313954.
[2] C. Bartolozzi and G. Indiveri, “Synaptic dynamics in analog vlsi,” Neural
Comput., vol. 19, no. 10, p. 2581-2603, Oct. 2007. [Online]. Available:
[3] P. Livi and G. Indiveri, “A current-mode conductance-based silicon neuron for
address-event neuromorphic systems,” in 2009 IEEE International Symposium on
Circuits and Systems, May 2009, pp. 2898-2901
[4] Dynap-SE1 Neuromorphic Chip Simulator for NICE Workshop 2021
[5] Course: Neurormophic Engineering 1
Tobi Delbruck, Shih-Chii Liu, Giacomo Indiveri
[6] Course: 21FS INI508 Neuromorphic Intelligence
Giacomo Indiveri
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
import jax
from jax import random as rand
from jax.lax import scan
from jax.tree_util import Partial
from jax import numpy as jnp
import sys
import numpy as np
from rockpool.devices.dynapse.lookup import (
from rockpool.devices.dynapse.typehints import DynapSimRecord, DynapSimState
from rockpool.devices.dynapse.mapping import DynapseNeurons
from rockpool.typehints import FloatVector
from rockpool.nn.modules.jax.jax_module import JaxModule
from rockpool.nn.modules.native.linear import kaiming
from rockpool.parameters import Parameter, State, SimulationParameter
from rockpool.graph import GraphHolder, LinearWeights, as_GraphHolder
from rockpool.transform.mismatch import mismatch_generator
from .surrogate import step_pwl
from .mismatch_prototype import frozen_mismatch_prototype
__all__ = ["DynapSim"]
[docs]class DynapSim(JaxModule):
DynapSim solves dynamical chip equations for the DPI neuron and synapse models.
Receives configuration as bias currents and solves membrane and synapse dynamics using ``jax`` backend.
One block has
* 1 synapse receiving spikes from the other circuits
* 1 recurrent synapse for spike frequency adaptation (**AHP**)
* 1 membrane evaluating the state and deciding fire or not
For all the synapses, the ``DPI Synapse`` update equations below are solved in parallel.
:DPI Synapse:
.. math ::
I_{syn}(t_1) = \\begin{cases} I_{syn}(t_0) \\cdot exp \\left( \\dfrac{-dt}{\\tau} \\right) &\\text{in any case} \\\\ \\\\ I_{syn}(t_1) + \\dfrac{I_{th} I_{w}}{I_{\\tau}} \\cdot \\left( 1 - exp \\left( \\dfrac{-t_{pulse}}{\\tau} \\right) \\right) &\\text{if a spike arrives} \\end{cases}
.. math ::
\\tau = \\dfrac{C U_{T}}{\\kappa I_{\\tau}}
For the membrane update, the forward Euler solution below is applied.
.. math ::
dI_{mem} &= \\dfrac{I_{mem}}{\\tau \\left( I_{mem} + I_{th} \\right) } \\cdot \\left( I_{mem_{\\infty}} + f(I_{mem}) - I_{mem} \\left( 1 + \\dfrac{I_{ahp}}{I_{\\tau}} \\right) \\right) \\cdot dt \\\\\\\\
I_{mem}(t_1) &= I_{mem}(t_0) + dI_{mem}
.. math ::
I_{mem_{\\infty}} &= \\dfrac{I_{th}}{I_{\\tau}} \\left( I_{in} - I_{ahp} - I_{\\tau}\\right) \\\\\\\\
f(I_{mem}) &= \\dfrac{I_{a}}{I_{\\tau}} \\left(I_{mem} + I_{th} \\right ) \\\\\\\\
I_{a} &= \\dfrac{I_{a_{gain}}}{1+ exp\\left(-\\dfrac{I_{mem}+I_{a_{th}}}{I_{a_{norm}}}\\right)} \\\\\\\\
:On spiking:
When the membrane potential for neuron :math:`j`, :math:`I_{mem, j}` exceeds the threshold current :math:`I_{spkthr}`, then the neuron emits a spike.
.. math ::
I_{mem, j} > I_{spkthr} \\rightarrow S_{j} &= 1 \\\\
I_{mem, j} &= I_{reset} \\\\
.. seealso ::
For detailed explanations of the equations and the usage
[docs] def __init__(
shape: Union[Tuple[int], int],
Idc: FloatVector = default_currents["Idc"],
If_nmda: FloatVector = default_currents["If_nmda"],
Igain_ahp: FloatVector = default_currents["Igain_ahp"],
Igain_mem: FloatVector = default_currents["Igain_mem"],
Igain_syn: FloatVector = default_currents["Igain_ampa"],
Ipulse_ahp: FloatVector = default_currents["Ipulse_ahp"],
Ipulse: FloatVector = default_currents["Ipulse"],
Iref: FloatVector = default_currents["Iref"],
Ispkthr: FloatVector = default_currents["Ispkthr"],
Itau_ahp: FloatVector = default_currents["Itau_ahp"],
Itau_mem: FloatVector = default_currents["Itau_mem"],
Itau_syn: FloatVector = default_currents["Itau_ampa"],
Iw_ahp: FloatVector = default_currents["Iw_ahp"],
C_ahp: FloatVector = default_layout["C_ahp"],
C_syn: FloatVector = default_layout["C_ampa"],
C_pulse_ahp: FloatVector = default_layout["C_pulse_ahp"],
C_pulse: FloatVector = default_layout["C_pulse"],
C_ref: FloatVector = default_layout["C_ref"],
C_mem: FloatVector = default_layout["C_mem"],
Io: FloatVector = default_layout["Io"],
kappa_n: FloatVector = default_layout["kappa_n"],
kappa_p: FloatVector = default_layout["kappa_p"],
Ut: FloatVector = default_layout["Ut"],
Vth: FloatVector = default_layout["Vth"],
Iscale: FloatVector = default_weights["Iscale"],
w_rec: Optional[FloatVector] = None,
has_rec: bool = False,
weight_init_func: Optional[Callable[[Tuple], FloatVector]] = kaiming,
dt: float = 1e-3,
percent_mismatch: Optional[float] = None,
rng_key: Optional[FloatVector] = None,
spiking_input: bool = False,
spiking_output: bool = True,
) -> None:
__init__ constructs a DynapSim object
:param shape: Either a single dimension ``N``, which defines a feed-forward layer of DynapSE AdExpIF neurons, or two dimensions ``(N, N)``, which defines a recurrent layer of DynapSE AdExpIF neurons.
:type shape: Tuple[int]
:param Idc: Constant DC current injected to membrane in Amperes with shape
:type Idc: FloatVector, optinoal
:param If_nmda: NMDA gate soft cut-off current setting the NMDA gating voltage in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)
:type If_nmda: FloatVector, optinoal
:param Igain_ahp: gain bias current of the spike frequency adaptation block in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)
:type Igain_ahp: FloatVector, optinoal
:param Igain_mem: gain bias current for neuron membrane in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)
:type Igain_mem: FloatVector, optinoal
:param Igain_syn: gain bias current of synaptic gates (AMPA, GABA, NMDA, SHUNT) combined in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)
:type Igain_syn: FloatVector, optinoal
:param Ipulse_ahp: bias current setting the pulse width for spike frequency adaptation block ``t_pulse_ahp`` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)
:type Ipulse_ahp: FloatVector, optinoal
:param Ipulse: bias current setting the pulse width for neuron membrane ``t_pulse`` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)
:type Ipulse: FloatVector, optinoal
:param Iref: bias current setting the refractory period ``t_ref`` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)
:type Iref: FloatVector, optinoal
:param Ispkthr: spiking threshold current, neuron spikes if :math:`I_{mem} > I_{spkthr}` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)
:type Ispkthr: FloatVector, optinoal
:param Itau_ahp: Spike frequency adaptation leakage current setting the time constant ``tau_ahp`` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)
:type Itau_ahp: FloatVector, optinoal
:param Itau_mem: Neuron membrane leakage current setting the time constant ``tau_mem`` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)
:type Itau_mem: FloatVector, optinoal
:param Itau_syn: (AMPA, GABA, NMDA, SHUNT) synapses combined leakage current setting the time constant ``tau_syn`` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)
:type Itau_syn: FloatVector, optinoal
:param Iw_ahp: spike frequency adaptation weight current of the neurons of the core in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)
:type Iw_ahp: FloatVector, optinoal
:param C_ahp: AHP synapse capacitance in Farads with shape (Nrec,)
:type C_ahp: FloatVector, optional
:param C_syn: synaptic capacitance in Farads with shape (Nrec,)
:type C_syn: FloatVector, optional
:param C_pulse_ahp: spike frequency adaptation circuit pulse-width creation sub-circuit capacitance in Farads with shape (Nrec,)
:type C_pulse_ahp: FloatVector, optional
:param C_pulse: pulse-width creation sub-circuit capacitance in Farads with shape (Nrec,)
:type C_pulse: FloatVector, optional
:param C_ref: refractory period sub-circuit capacitance in Farads with shape (Nrec,)
:type C_ref: FloatVector, optional
:param C_mem: neuron membrane capacitance in Farads with shape (Nrec,)
:type C_mem: FloatVector, optional
:param Io: Dark current in Amperes that flows through the transistors even at the idle state with shape (Nrec,)
:type Io: FloatVector, optional
:param kappa_n: Subthreshold slope factor (n-type transistor) with shape (Nrec,)
:type kappa_n: FloatVector, optional
:param kappa_p: Subthreshold slope factor (p-type transistor) with shape (Nrec,)
:type kappa_p: FloatVector, optional
:param Ut: Thermal voltage in Volts with shape (Nrec,)
:type Ut: FloatVector, optional
:param Vth: The cut-off Vgs potential of the transistors in Volts (not type specific) with shape (Nrec,)
:type Vth: FloatVector, optional
:param Iscale: weight scaling current of the neurons of the core in Amperes
:type Iscale: FloatVector, optinoal
:param w_rec: If the module is initialised in recurrent mode, one can provide a concrete initialisation for the recurrent weights, which must be a square matrix with shape ``(Nrec, Nrec, 4)``. The last 4 holds a weight matrix for 4 different synapse types. If the model is not initialised in recurrent mode, then you may not provide ``w_rec``, defaults tp None
:type w_rec: Optional[FloatVector], optional
:param has_rec: When ``True`` the module provides a trainable recurrent weight matrix. ``False``, module is feed-forward, defaults to True
:type has_rec: bool, optional
:param weight_init_func: The initialisation function to use when generating weights, gets the shape and returns the initial weights, defatuls to kaiming
:type weight_init_func: Optional[Callable[[Tuple], FloatVector]], optional
:param dt: The time step for the forward-Euler ODE solver, defaults to 1e-3
:type dt: float, optional
:param percent_mismatch: Gaussian parameter mismatch percentage (check `transform.mismatch_generator` implementation), defaults to None
:type percent_mismatch: Optional[float], optional
:param rng_key: The Jax RNG seed to use on initialisation. By default, a new seed is generated, defaults to None
:type rng_key: Optional[FloatVector], optional
:param spiking_input: Whether this module receives spiking input, defaults to True
:type spiking_input: bool, optional
:param spiking_output: Whether this module produces spiking output, defaults to True
:type spiking_output: bool, optional
:raises ValueError: `shape` must be a one- or two-element tuple `(Nin, Nout)`
:raises ValueError: Multapses are not currently supported in DynapSim pipeline!
# - Check shape argument
if np.size(shape) == 1:
shape = (np.array(shape).item(), np.array(shape).item())
if np.size(shape) > 2:
raise ValueError(
"`shape` must be a one- or two-element tuple `(Nin, Nout)`."
super(DynapSim, self).__init__(
if self.size_in != self.size_out:
raise ValueError(
"Multapses are not currently supported in DynapSim pipeline!"
# - Seed RNG
if rng_key is None:
rng_key = rand.PRNGKey(np.random.randint(0, 2**63))
### --- States --- ####
__state = lambda init_func: State(
cast_fn=lambda _o: jnp.array(_o, dtype=jnp.float32),
__Io_state = lambda _: __state(
lambda s: jnp.full(tuple(reversed(s)), Io, jnp.float32).T
__zero_state = lambda _: __state(lambda s: jnp.zeros(s, dtype=jnp.float32))
## Data
self.iahp = __Io_state(None)
"""Spike frequency adaptation current states of the neurons in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.iampa = __Io_state(None)
"""Fast excitatory AMPA synapse current states of the neurons in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.igaba = __Io_state(None)
"""Slow inhibitory adaptation current states of the neurons in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.imem = __Io_state(None)
"""Membrane current states of the neurons in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.inmda = __Io_state(None)
"""Slow excitatory synapse current states of the neurons in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.ishunt = __Io_state(None)
"""Fast inhibitory shunting synapse current states of the neurons in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.spikes = __zero_state(None)
"""Logical spiking raster for each neuron at the last simulation time-step with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.timer_ref = __zero_state(None)
"""timer to keep the time from the spike generation until the refractory period ends"""
self.vmem = __zero_state(None)
"""Membrane potential states of the neurons in Volts with shape (Nrec,)"""
### --- Parameters --- ###
__parameter = lambda _param: Parameter(
if isinstance(
_param, (np.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, jax.Array, jax.core.Tracer)
else jnp.full((self.size_out,), _param, dtype=jnp.float32)
cast_fn=lambda _o: jnp.array(_o, dtype=jnp.float32),
# Special handler for wrec
if isinstance(has_rec, jax.core.Tracer) or has_rec:
self.w_rec = Parameter(
shape=(self.size_out, self.size_in),
cast_fn=lambda _o: jnp.array(_o, dtype=jnp.float32),
# Do not let it break the pipeline
self.w_rec = SimulationParameter(
data=jnp.zeros((self.size_out, self.size_in), dtype=jnp.float32),
# --- Simulation Parameters --- #
__simparam = lambda _param: SimulationParameter(
if isinstance(
_param, (np.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, jax.Array, jax.core.Tracer)
else jnp.full((self.size_out,), _param)
cast_fn=lambda _o: jnp.array(_o, dtype=jnp.float32),
# -- #
self.Idc = __simparam(Idc)
"""Constant DC current injected to membrane in Amperes with shape"""
self.If_nmda = __simparam(If_nmda)
"""NMDA gate soft cut-off current setting the NMDA gating voltage in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Igain_ahp = __simparam(Igain_ahp)
"""gain bias current of the spike frequency adaptation block in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Igain_mem = __simparam(Igain_mem)
"""gain bias current for neuron membrane in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Igain_syn = __simparam(Igain_syn)
"""gain bias current of synaptic gates (AMPA, GABA, NMDA, SHUNT) combined in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Ipulse_ahp = __simparam(Ipulse_ahp)
"""bias current setting the pulse width for spike frequency adaptation block ``t_pulse_ahp`` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Ipulse = __simparam(Ipulse)
"""bias current setting the pulse width for neuron membrane ``t_pulse`` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Iref = __simparam(Iref)
"""bias current setting the refractory period ``t_ref`` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Ispkthr = __simparam(Ispkthr)
"""spiking threshold current, neuron spikes if :math:`I_{mem} > I_{spkthr}` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Itau_ahp = __simparam(Itau_ahp)
"""Spike frequency adaptation leakage current setting the time constant ``tau_ahp`` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Itau_mem = __simparam(Itau_mem)
"""Neuron membrane leakage current setting the time constant ``tau_mem`` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Itau_syn = __simparam(Itau_syn)
"""(AMPA, GABA, NMDA, SHUNT) synapses combined leakage current setting the time constant ``tau_syn`` in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Iw_ahp = __simparam(Iw_ahp)
"""spike frequency adaptation weight current of the neurons of the core in Amperes with shape (Nrec,)"""
# -- #
self.C_ahp = __simparam(C_ahp)
"""AHP synapse capacitance in Farads with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.C_syn = __simparam(C_syn)
"""synaptic capacitance in Farads with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.C_pulse_ahp = __simparam(C_pulse_ahp)
"""spike frequency adaptation circuit pulse-width creation sub-circuit capacitance in Farads with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.C_pulse = __simparam(C_pulse)
"""pulse-width creation sub-circuit capacitance in Farads with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.C_ref = __simparam(C_ref)
"""refractory period sub-circuit capacitance in Farads with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.C_mem = __simparam(C_mem)
"""neuron membrane capacitance in Farads with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Io = __simparam(Io)
"""Dark current in Amperes that flows through the transistors even at the idle state with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.kappa_n = __simparam(kappa_n)
"""Subthreshold slope factor (n-type transistor) with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.kappa_p = __simparam(kappa_p)
"""Subthreshold slope factor (p-type transistor) with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Ut = __simparam(Ut)
"""Thermal voltage in Volts with shape (Nrec,)"""
self.Vth = __simparam(Vth)
"""The cut-off Vgs potential of the transistors in Volts (not type specific) with shape (Nrec,)"""
# -- #
self.Iscale = SimulationParameter(
np.array(Iscale, dtype=np.float32), shape=(1,)
"""weight scaling current of the neurons of the core in Amperes"""
self.dt = SimulationParameter(np.array(dt, dtype=np.float32), shape=(1,))
"""The time step for the forward-Euler ODE solver"""
self.rng_key = State(rng_key, init_func=lambda _: rng_key)
"""The Jax RNG seed to use on initialisation. By default, a new seed is generated"""
# One time mismatch
if rng_key is None:
rng_key = jnp.array(
[np.random.randint(sys.maxsize, size=2)], dtype=jnp.uint32
if percent_mismatch is not None:
rng_key, _ = rand.split(rng_key)
prototype = frozen_mismatch_prototype(self)
regenerate_mismatch = mismatch_generator(
prototype=prototype, percent_deviation=percent_mismatch
new_params = regenerate_mismatch(self, rng_key=rng_key)
for key in new_params:
self.__setattr__(key, new_params[key])
# - Define additional arguments required during initialisation
self._init_args = {
"has_rec": has_rec,
"weight_init_func": Partial(weight_init_func),
[docs] @classmethod
def from_graph(
cls, se: DynapseNeurons, weights: Optional[LinearWeights] = None
) -> DynapSim:
from_graph constructs a ``DynapSim`` object from a computational graph
:param se: the reference computational graph to restore the computational module
:type se: DynapseNeurons
:param weights: additional weights graph if one wants to impose recurrent weights, defaults to None
:type weights: Optional[LinearWeights], optional
:return: a ``DynapSim`` object
:rtype: DynapSim
if not isinstance(se, DynapseNeurons):
se = DynapseNeurons._convert_from(se)
if weights is not None:
if weights.biases is not None:
raise ValueError("Recurrent weight layer biases cannot be defined!")
kwargs = {k: np.array(v) for k, v in se.get_full().items()}
return cls(
shape=(len(se.input_nodes), len(se.output_nodes)),
w_rec=np.array(weights.weights) if weights is not None else None,
has_rec=True if weights is not None else False,
[docs] def evolve(
self, input_data: FloatVector, record: bool = True
) -> Tuple[jax.Array, Dict[str, jax.Array], Dict[str, jax.Array]]:
evolve implements raw rockpool JAX evolution function for a DynapSim module.
The function solves the dynamical equations introduced at the ``DynapSim`` module definition
:param input_data: Input array of shape ``(T, Nrec, 4)`` to evolve over. Represents number of spikes at that timebin for different synaptic gates
:type input_data: FloatVector
:param record: record the each timestep of evolution or not, defaults to True
:type record: bool, optional
:return: spikes_ts, states, record_dict
:spikes_ts: is an array with shape ``(T, Nrec)`` containing the output data(spike raster) produced by the module.
:states: is a dictionary containing the updated module state following evolution.
:record_dict: is a dictionary containing the recorded state variables during the evolution at each time step, if the ``record`` argument is ``True`` else empty dictionary {}
:rtype: Tuple[jax.Array, Dict[str, jax.Array], Dict[str, jax.Array]]
kappa = (self.kappa_n + self.kappa_p) / 2
# --- Time constant computation utils --- #
__pw = lambda ipw, C: (self.Vth * C) / ipw
__tau = lambda itau, C: ((self.Ut / kappa) * C.T).T / itau
tau_mem = lambda itau: __tau(itau, self.C_mem)
# --- Stateless Parameters --- #
t_ref = __pw(self.Iref, self.C_ref)
t_pulse = __pw(self.Ipulse, self.C_pulse)
t_pulse_ahp = __pw(self.Ipulse_ahp, self.C_pulse_ahp)
## --- Synapse --- ## Nrec
Itau_syn_clip = jnp.clip(self.Itau_syn, self.Io)
Igain_syn_clip = jnp.clip(self.Igain_syn, self.Io)
tau_syn = __tau(Itau_syn_clip, self.C_syn)
## --- Spike frequency adaptation --- ## Nrec
Itau_ahp_clip = jnp.clip(self.Itau_ahp, self.Io)
Igain_ahp_clip = jnp.clip(self.Igain_ahp, self.Io)
tau_ahp = __tau(Itau_ahp_clip, self.C_ahp)
## -- Membrane -- ## Nrec
Itau_mem_clip = jnp.clip(self.Itau_mem, self.Io)
Igain_mem_clip = jnp.clip(self.Igain_mem, self.Io)
# Handle Batches
initial_state = (
input_data, initial_state = self._auto_batch(input_data, initial_state)
def forward(
state: DynapSimState, ws_input: jax.Array
) -> Tuple[DynapSimState, DynapSimRecord]:
forward implements single time-step neuron and synapse dynamics
:param state: (iahp, iampa, igaba, imem, inmda, ishunt, rng_key, spikes, timer_ref, vmem)
iahp: Spike frequency adaptation currents of each neuron [Nrec]
imem: Membrane currents of each neuron [Nrec]
inmda: sum of synapse currents of each neuron [Nrec]
rng_key: The Jax RNG seed to be used for mismatch simulation
spikes: Logical spike raster for each neuron [Nrec]
timer_ref: Refractory timer of each neruon [Nrec]
vmem: Membrane voltages of each neuron [Nrec]
:type state: DynapSimState
:param ws_input: weighted input spikes [Nrec, 4]
:type ws_input: jax.Array
:return: state, record
state: Updated state at end of the forward steps
record: Updated record instance to including spikes, igaba, ishunt, inmda, iampa, iahp, imem, and vmem states
:rtype: Tuple[DynapSimState, DynapSimRecord]
) = state
# ---------------------------------- #
# --- Forward step: DPI SYNAPSES --- #
# ---------------------------------- #
## Real time weight is 0 if no spike, w_rec if spike event occurs
ws_rec = jnp.dot(self.w_rec.T, spikes).T # Nrec
Iws = (ws_rec + ws_input) * self.Iscale
# isyn_inf is the current that a synapse current would reach with a sufficiently long pulse
isyn_inf = (Igain_syn_clip / Itau_syn_clip) * Iws
isyn_inf = jnp.clip(isyn_inf, self.Io)
## Exponential charge, discharge positive feedback factor arrays
f_charge = 1.0 - jnp.exp(-t_pulse / tau_syn.T).T # Nrecx4
f_discharge = jnp.exp(-self.dt / tau_syn) # Nrecx4
## DISCHARGE in any case
isyn = f_discharge * isyn
## CHARGE if spike occurs -- UNDERSAMPLED -- dt >> t_pulse
isyn += f_charge * isyn_inf
# ------------------------------------------------------ #
# --- Forward step: AHP : Spike Frequency Adaptation --- #
# ------------------------------------------------------ #
Iws_ahp = self.Iw_ahp * spikes # 0 if no spike, Iw_ahp if spike
iahp_inf = (Igain_ahp_clip / Itau_ahp_clip) * Iws_ahp
# Calculate charge and discharge factors
f_charge_ahp = 1.0 - jnp.exp(-t_pulse_ahp / tau_ahp) # Nrec
f_discharge_ahp = jnp.exp(-self.dt / tau_ahp) # Nrec
## DISCHARGE in any case
iahp = f_discharge_ahp * iahp
## CHARGE if spike occurs -- UNDERSAMPLED -- dt >> t_pulse
iahp += f_charge_ahp * iahp_inf
iahp = jnp.clip(iahp, self.Io) # Nrec
# ------------------------------ #
# --- Forward step: MEMBRANE --- #
# ------------------------------ #
## Feedback
_kappa_2 = jnp.power(kappa, 2.0)
_kappa_prime = _kappa_2 / (kappa + 1.0)
f_feedback = jnp.exp(_kappa_prime * (vmem / self.Ut)) # 4xNrec
## Leakage
Ileak = Itau_mem_clip + iahp
## Injection
Iin = isyn - Ileak + self.Idc
Iin *= jnp.logical_not(timer_ref.astype(bool)).astype(jnp.float32)
Iin = jnp.clip(Iin, self.Io)
## Steady state current
imem_inf = (Igain_mem_clip / Itau_mem_clip) * (Iin - Ileak)
## Positive feedback
Ifb = self.Io * f_feedback
f_imem = ((Ifb) / (Ileak)) * (imem + Igain_mem_clip)
## Forward Euler Update
del_imem = (imem / (tau_mem(Ileak) * (imem + Igain_mem_clip))) * (
imem_inf + f_imem - (imem * (1.0 + (iahp / Itau_mem_clip)))
imem = imem + del_imem * self.dt
imem = jnp.clip(imem, self.Io)
## Membrane Potential
vmem = (self.Ut / kappa) * jnp.log(imem / self.Io)
# ------------------------------ #
# --- Spike Generation Logic --- #
# ------------------------------ #
## Detect next spikes (with custom gradient)
spikes = step_pwl(imem, self.Ispkthr, self.Io)
## Reset imem depending on spiking activity
bool_spikes = jnp.clip(spikes, 0, 1)
imem = (1.0 - bool_spikes) * imem + bool_spikes * self.Io
## Set the refractrory timer
timer_ref -= self.dt
timer_ref = jnp.clip(timer_ref, 0.0)
timer_ref = (1.0 - bool_spikes) * timer_ref + bool_spikes * t_ref
# ------------------------------ #
# ----------- Output ----------- #
# ------------------------------ #
state = (
record_ts = (iahp, imem, isyn, spikes, vmem)
return state, record_ts
# --- Evolve over spiking inputs --- #
## Map over batches
def scan_time(state, data):
return scan(forward, state, data)
## Scan
state, record_ts = scan_time(initial_state, input_data)
# --- Output --- #
states = {
"iahp": state[0],
"imem": state[1],
"isyn": state[2],
"rng_key": state[3],
"spikes": state[4],
"timer_ref": state[5],
"vmem": state[6],
record_dict = {
"iahp": record_ts[0],
"imem": record_ts[1],
"isyn": record_ts[2],
"spikes": record_ts[3],
"vmem": record_ts[4],
return record_ts[3], states, record_dict
[docs] def as_graph(self) -> GraphHolder:
as_graph returns a computational graph for the for the simulated Dynap-SE neurons
:return: a ``GraphHolder`` object wrapping the DynapseNeurons graph.
:rtype: GraphHolder
# Get simulated current parameters
kwargs = {
__attr: np.array(self.__getattribute__(__attr)).flatten().tolist()
for __attr in DynapseNeurons.current_attrs()
# Generate the main computational graph
neurons = DynapseNeurons._factory(
# - Include recurrent weights if present
if np.array(self.w_rec).any():
# - Weights are connected over the existing input and output nodes
w_rec_graph_auto_connected = LinearWeights(
return as_GraphHolder(neurons)