Implement a LIF Neuron Module, using a Torch backend
from typing import Union, Tuple, Any
import numpy as np
from rockpool.nn.modules.torch.torch_module import TorchModule
import torch
import rockpool.parameters as rp
from rockpool.typehints import P_float, P_tensor, P_int
__all__ = ["LIFNeuronTorch"]
# - Define a float / array type
FloatVector = Union[float, torch.Tensor]
class StepPWL(torch.autograd.Function):
Heaviside step function with piece-wise linear surrogate to use as spike-generation surrogate
def forward(
ctx.save_for_backward(x, threshold)
ctx.window = window
nr_spikes = ((x >= threshold) * torch.floor(x / threshold)).float()
clamp_bool = (nr_spikes > max_spikes_per_dt).float()
nr_spikes -= (nr_spikes - max_spikes_per_dt.float()) * clamp_bool
return nr_spikes
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
x, threshold = ctx.saved_tensors
grad_x = grad_threshold = grad_window = grad_max_spikes_per_dt = None
mask = x >= (threshold - ctx.window)
if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
grad_x = grad_output / threshold * mask
if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
grad_threshold = -x * grad_output / (threshold**2) * mask
return grad_x, grad_threshold, grad_window, grad_max_spikes_per_dt
def tau_to_decay(dt, tau):
return torch.exp(-dt / tau).to(tau.device)
[docs]class LIFNeuronTorch(TorchModule):
A leaky integrate-and-fire spiking neuron model
This module implements the dynamics:
.. math ::
V_{mem} *= \exp(-dt / \tau_{mem})
V_{mem} += S_{in} + b + \sigma \zeta(t)
where :math:`S_{in}(t)` is a vector containing ``1`` (or a weighed spike) for each input channel that emits a spike at time :math:`t`; :math:`b` is a bias current for each neuron; :math:`\\sigma\\zeta(t)` is a white-noise process with standard deviation :math:`\\sigma` injected independently onto each neuron's membrane; and :math:`\\tau_{mem}` is the membrane time constant.
:On spiking:
When the membrane potential for neuron :math:`j`, :math:`V_{mem, j}` exceeds the threshold voltage :math:`V_{thr} = 0`, then the neuron emits a spike.
.. math ::
V_{mem, j} > V_{thr} \\rightarrow S_{rec,j} = 1
V_{mem, j} = V_{mem, j} - \\theta
Neurons therefore share a common resting potential of ``0.``, individual firing thresholds :math:`\\theta`, and a subtractive reset of :math:`-\\theta`. Neurons each have an optional bias current `.bias` (default: ``0.``).
[docs] def __init__(
shape: tuple = None,
tau_mem: FloatVector = None,
threshold: FloatVector = None,
bias: FloatVector = 0.0,
dt: float = 1e-3,
noise_std: float = 0.0,
spike_generation_fn: torch.autograd.Function = StepPWL,
learning_window: P_float = 0.5,
max_spikes_per_dt: P_int = torch.tensor(2.0**16),
Instantiate an LIF Neuron module
shape (tuple): Number of neuron-synapse pairs that will be created. Example: shape = (5,)
tau_mem (FloatVector): An optional array with concrete initialisation data for the membrane time constants. If not provided, 20ms will be used by default.
threshold (FloatVector): An optional array specifying the firing threshold of each neuron. If not provided, ``1.`` will be used by default.
bias (FloatVector): An optional array with concrete initialisation data for the neuron bias currents. If not provided, 0.0 will be used by default.
dt (float): The time step for the forward-Euler ODE solver. Default: 1ms
noise_std (float): The std. dev. of the noise added to membrane state variables at each time-step. Default: `0.0`, no noise.
spike_generation_fn (Callable): Function to call for spike production. Usually simple threshold crossing. Implements the surrogate gradient function in the backward call. (StepPWL or PeriodicExponential).
# - Check shape argument
if np.size(shape) == 1:
shape = (np.array(shape).item(),)
if np.size(shape) > 1:
raise ValueError("`shape` must have only one dimension for LIFNeuronTorch")
# - Initialize super-class
self.n_neurons: P_int = rp.SimulationParameter(self.size_out)
""" (int) Number of neurons """
# - Reset and thresholds
self._v_thresh: float = 0.0
self._v_reset: float = -1.0
# - Intialise parameters
self.noise_std: P_float = rp.SimulationParameter(noise_std)
""" (float) Std. Dev. of noise injected into neurons on each time-step """
to_float_tensor = lambda x: torch.as_tensor(x, dtype=torch.float)
self.tau_mem: P_tensor = rp.Parameter(
shape=[(self.n_neurons,), ()],
init_func=lambda s: torch.ones(s) * 20e-3,
""" (Tensor) Membrane time constant for each neuron in seconds `(Nout,)` """
self.threshold: P_tensor = rp.Parameter(
shape=[(self.size_out,), ()],
""" (Tensor) Firing threshold for each neuron `(Nout,)` """
self.bias: P_tensor = rp.Parameter(
shape=[(self.size_out,), ()],
""" (Tensor) Neuron biases `(Nout,)` or `()` """
self.dt: P_float = rp.SimulationParameter(dt)
""" (float) Simulation time-step in seconds """
self.vmem: P_tensor = rp.State(
shape=self.n_neurons, init_func=torch.zeros, cast_fn=to_float_tensor
""" (Tensor) Membrane potentials `(Nout,)` """
self.spike_generation_fn: P_Callable = rp.SimulationParameter(
""" (Callable) Spike generation function with surrograte gradient """
self.max_spikes_per_dt: P_float = rp.SimulationParameter(
max_spikes_per_dt, cast_fn=to_float_tensor
""" (float) Maximum number of events that can be produced in each time-step """
self.learning_window: P_tensor = rp.SimulationParameter(
""" (float) Learning window cutoff for surrogate gradient function """
# - Placeholders for state recordings
self._record_dict = {}
self._record = False
[docs] def evolve(
self, input_data: torch.Tensor, record: bool = False
) -> Tuple[Any, Any, Any]:
# - Keep track of "record" flag for use by `forward` method
self._record = record
# - Evolve with superclass evolution
output_data, _, _ = super().evolve(input_data, record)
# - Obtain state record dictionary
record_dict = self._record_dict if record else {}
# - Clear record in order to avoid non-leaf tensors hanging around
self._record_dict = {}
return output_data, self.state(), record_dict
[docs] def forward(self, input_data: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
forward method for processing data through this layer
Adds synaptic inputs to the synaptic states and mimics the Leaky Integrate and Fire dynamics
input_data (torch.Tensor): Data takes the shape of (batch, time_steps, n_neurons)
ValueError: Input has wrong neuron dimensions.
torch.Tensor: Out of spikes with the shape (batch, time_steps, n_neurons)
# - Auto-batch over input data
input_data, (vmem,) = self._auto_batch(
n_batches, n_timesteps, _ = input_data.shape
# - Set up state record and output
if self._record:
self._record_dict["vmem"] = torch.zeros(
n_batches, n_timesteps, self.size_out
self._record_dict["spikes"] = torch.zeros(
n_batches, n_timesteps, self.size_out, device=input_data.device
noise_zeta = self.noise_std * torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(self.dt))
# - Generate membrane noise trace
noise_ts = noise_zeta * torch.randn(
(n_batches, n_timesteps, self.size_out), device=vmem.device
alpha = tau_to_decay(self.dt, self.tau_mem)
# - Loop over time
for t in range(n_timesteps):
# Decay membrane state
vmem *= alpha.to(vmem.device)
# Input spikes
vmem += input_data[:, t, :]
# Integrate membrane state and apply noise
vmem = vmem + noise_ts[:, t, :] + self.bias
# - Spike generation
spikes = self.spike_generation_fn(
vmem, self.threshold, self.learning_window, self.max_spikes_per_dt
# - Apply subtractive membrane reset
vmem = vmem - spikes * self.threshold
# - Maintain state record
if self._record:
self._record_dict["vmem"][:, t] = vmem
# - Maintain output spike record
self._record_dict["spikes"][:, t] = spikes
# - Update states
self.vmem = vmem[0].detach()
# - Return output
return self._record_dict["spikes"]