Notes for developers ==================== Checklist for releasing a new |project| version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Make a release candidate branch ``rc/`` from ``develop`` branch on internal gitlab - Make sure the version number in ```` has been bumped. We use semantic versioning: ``major.minor.maintenance.(postN)``, where ``(postN)`` is only for hotfixes - Merge ``master`` into ``rc/...`` to make sure all changes are merged - Push ``rc/..`` to ``origin`` - Make a merge request from ``rc/...`` into ``master`` - Get all primary developers to review the merge request, ensure that all suggested modifications are included - Ensure that all pipelines pass, **including manual pipelines** - Update ```` using ``git log X..Y --oneline`` - Once the merge has succeeded, delete the ``rc/...`` branch - Make and push a tag to the ``master`` branch for the new version (i.e. "vX.Y.Z") - Once all CI tasks have succeeded, a manual CI task "pypi_deploy" will be available. Run this task to deploy to PyPI. **This task must be run from the internal Rockpool repository** - A pull request for the `conda feedstock `_ should be created automatically by a conda-forge bot. Check and merge this PR to bump the version on ``conda-forge`` - Merge ``master`` back into ``develop`` - Bump the version number in the ``develop`` branch to something like "" Headings for ```` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: markdown ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Security Questions to resolve for each merge request ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During code review for each merge request, make sure all of the following questions are addresssed. If any boxes are not ticked, there should be a good reason why not. - [ ] Are there user-facing tutorials? - what does the feature do? how to use it? - what are the limitations of the feature? what it doesn't do? - troubleshooting guide: what to do in case of issues/bugs/problems? - FAQ: what are the most common mistakes or confusions? - [ ] Is each tutorial minimal and relatively self-contained? - [ ] Is each tutorial didactic? - [ ] Is the developer documentation updated with any new modules or changes? - [ ] Are the packages / tutorials integrated into the documentation TOC? - [ ] Are all class / method / function / file links in the tutorials working correctly? - [ ] Do all user-facing class attributes have docstrings in `__init__()`? - [ ] Do all non-user-facing class attributes have a leading underscore? (e.g. `._attr`) - [ ] Are all user-facing class attributes either `Parameter`, `State` or `SimulationParameter` objects in `__init__()`? - [ ] Do Rockpool modules obey the standard Rockpool API for `.evolve()`? - [ ] `.as_graph()` implemented, if at all possible, for any new modules - [ ] Does every `` have an initial docstring block, describing what the package / sub-package does and contains? - [ ] Are there tests implemented? - [ ] unit tests? - [ ] integration tests? - [ ] interface tests? - [ ] performance tests? - [ ] code coverage measured? - [ ] Is `` updated? - [ ] Is the implementation minimal? i.e. the simplest possible way of implementing the functionality